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OJ Anuy Nov 2020
This may be the last poem I write about you
But that doesn’t make these words any less true
My therapist says it could help me let go
To write about other things that I know

In the hopes that it could help me to grow
Away from you, despite my love that does flow
I still just want one thing in my life
It’s what we always talked about, you and me, husband and wife

It just feels so wrong to sit and let you go away
Without fighting more, urging you to stay
But the truth is, I said all that I need to say
And there’s nothing I can do if you want to end this way

I can only hope it’s like the saying to some degree
“If you love her, set her free, if she returns if it’s meant to be”
Perhaps in some time you will realize the fact
That this current breakup isn’t out love’s final act

That’s what I pray for each and every day
If I saw you tomorrow it’s what I would say
You are my world and my moon above
My first, one, and only true love
OJ Anuy Nov 2020
I move on, each day, a little more
In my heart, I feel, I'm going to war
Split down the middle, deep to my core
Filled with feelings that I can't ignore

Memories, of how it was before
A life that we loved to explore
Adventures that we don't have anymore
And a relationship that I hope to restore

And these feelings I have, pull in opposite ways
As I live my life in a constant haze
Trying to find the right path for me
For my happiness, health, and sanity

One part of me wants to fight for you
To show that my love is strong and true
While the other part, wants to listen to you
And move on with life and find someone new

At the end of the day, its always been you
The woman of my dreams, in the future I view
So if you come around and come back to me
I'll drop it all, and welcome you happily
OJ Anuy Oct 2020
Baby, I need you to answer me
The place I’m in just isn’t healthy
If you want me to continue to fight for you
Trust me, I love you and that I will do

I continue to hold on to a sliver of hope
It’s my personal way that I continue to cope
I will always love you and give you my time
The mountain to your heart I desire to climb

But if there’s no chance or hope for us
That’s something that we need to discuss
And trust me I’m not trying to make a fuss
But we deserve to be happy, both of us

I hope it’s no secret it’s always been you
The one to whom I want to say, “I do”
I’m sorry again for ever causing you pain
But despite the bumps, in love I remain

And I hope one day, these words you will read
And understand the extend that I currently plead
For you to allow me to love you again
As long as it comes, I do not care when
OJ Anuy Oct 2020
This hurt, this pain that I currently feel
It's so severe, impossible to conceal
I took another leap and confessed my love
Hoping I'd get some help from above

But apparently you didn't want to respond
Just ignored my words, and our previous bond
I can't understand why you won't acknowledge me
Even just to say, "It can never be"

Instead you allow me to try and try again
Hanging on to false hope until, I don't know when
And now you know that you take over my days
Thinking of you and missing you, and imagining your gaze

But still I remain hopeful, filled with faith and prayer
That one day again, an adventure we'll share
You will always have my love and a piece of my heart
No matter the distance or the time we're apart

So please take your time, and consider my love
I know you and I can still fit like a glove
And when you come around, please come and find me
Because by your side, is where I'll always want to be
OJ Anuy Oct 2020
I'm out of moves, I'm out of plays, I don't know what to do
I have to take, just one more leap, and dive right after you
It may not work, I may not land, I may just crash and burn
But you must know that for your love, I constantly still yearn

A completely direct, forward, and honest expression
Of your lover's deepest, truest, confession
Of how I see our future together
Side by side on an adventure, forever

So I hope and pray, every single day that when I eventually say
How much I still love and care for you, you won't push me away
You'll give me the chance to show you my love,
As we grow to together every single day

And I know the odds are not in my favor
And I'll likely be stuck with the memories I savor
But still I must try and explain to you
That I will always love you and want to be with you too
OJ Anuy Oct 2020
They say when you die, your life flashes before your eyes
And to this feeling I have, that rule applies
Without you here in my life, by my side
A part of me and part of my heart has died

And for months now I stay, memories flashing through
Of times we spent spent together, just me and you
From the beginning when we met and were flirty and cute
Through the times that our love was strong and resolute

I can’t stop the memories that flash through my head
Even the ones that I know I will dread
About times that there were things that I wish I said
Or wish that I acted differently instead

I’m thankful at least that these memories I possess
They help me feel a connection, I will confess
And my dreams every night that we spend together
Remind me why this storm I must weather

You’re the love of my life that’s gods honest truth
The love that one finds at the end of their youth
The love that has driven me to grow and mature
So I can be the man you deserve, who’s love will endure
OJ Anuy Oct 2020
My sweet love I want to call you soon
And tell you that you’re still my moon
Shining bright above the dark night sky
As the saying goes, the apple of my eye

I want to tell exactly you how I feel
And explain to you that this is real
Our time together flashes before my eyes
No longer, can this love disguise

Our future together I see it clear
A new beginning I know is near
Living for you, forever my dear
Whatever you need I’ll always be here

And I can only hope you feel it too
When you close your eyes and imagine the view
What the future will hold and who will be there
A life together we are meant to share
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