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OJ Anuy Oct 2020
Everywhere I look
And everything I see
Reminds me our love
And how it used to be

I start each day
Looking at the sunrise
And the first thing that comes to mind
Is how I wish I could look into your eyes

In sunshine and rain
And in warmth and chill
My thoughts for you
I can't distill

I spend each day of every week
Thinking about your face
I think about the mistakes I made
The steps I can't help but retrace

And when the day ends
After the sun does set
I look to the sky at the moon and stars
And feel thankful that we met

I've come to terms with this place I'm in
That I will never stop
Thinking, loving, and caring for you
Its what I feel nonstop
OJ Anuy Oct 2020
"Fight for your dreams
and your dreams will fight for you"
A quote that I read
And what I want to do

But my dreams are of you
And what our life will be like
When, one day again
Our love will strike

You're the woman of my dreams
You always have been
Just thinking of us
And our future, I grin

So for now I will fight
Fight from afar
But still I just know
You're my shining star

And because of this fight
And all of my prayers
I believe that this dream
Has support from upstairs

Just know that this day
And all those before
And all those to come
My love, I can't ignore

And that's why I fight
And continue to believe
That one day my dream
You and I will achieve
OJ Anuy Oct 2020
Today I don't feel like moving on
I feel like standing still
I feel like digging in my heels
And showing you my will

I feel like saying all the things
That are racing through my head
Replaying all the conversations
And things I should have said

But I know that at this moment in time
Telling you these things
Will certainly not bring you back
Only sadness and pain it'll bring

So for now I continue to give you space
And hope that you are well
With the hopes that one day, someday soon
My love for you, I'll tell

But I'll leave you now with this tidbit
Of what I'm feeling now
I love and miss you more than ever
And will forever, that I vow
OJ Anuy Oct 2020
Moving on, a little bit more each day
And as time goes on, my heart continues to decay
But part of this growth, I keep holding on
To a small part of you, that I can't let be gone

This one little part. This minuscule bit
This attachment to you from how we fit
I will never let it go. That I'll admit
And hope that one day, my love, you'll permit

And the part of you that I take with me
Replaces the piece that that used to be "we"
The part of my heart that I gave to you
That I hope, forever, you will hang on to

Forever incomplete, forever connected
Two parts of our hearts, exchanged, and infected
Infected with the love that two soulmates can share
The way that only best friends and lovers can care

The point of these words is not to get you right back
I know that right now, it would feel like an attack
But simply to tell you from the bottom of my heart
That I'll be ready to love you when you're ready to restart
OJ Anuy Oct 2020
I don't fear much as the days go on
I don't have much to lose
I've already lost the most important thing
Without you, I have the blues

But there is one thing that keeps me up at night
One thing that I truly fear
That we've reached the point of no return
That our future is unclear

I live with faith and firm belief
That one day again, we'll share
But I fear now more than ever
For our love, there's no repair

I hope one day you'll come around
And come back into my world
And when you do my love for you
Will again be fully unfurled

But I fear that you wont let yourself
Give in to our eternal fate
I fear our love has run its course
And there will never be another date

I hope to God that its not true
Because I'm stuck and lost without you
Without your love and presence here
I simply haven't a clue

So take your time and walk the path
That takes you back to me
And I'll be waiting here for you
Whenever. Patiently.
OJ Anuy Oct 2020
For the first time, today, I found a moment of peace
Thinking about you and me and how the future will be
With the faith and belief that our love will increase
Until the end of time when there's just you and me

This feeling I had comes from faith and belief
And this feeling and belief gives me certain relief
This feeling inside that I know our fate
Knowing that one day again we will go on a date

Until that day comes, I know it'll be rough
But the knowledge of our fate will remain enough
And with faith and strength I will carry on
To keep me going until fate comes upon
OJ Anuy Oct 2020
Each day there's something new
There something else I want to say
Sometimes just that I love and miss you
Sometimes what happened that day

I've tried to fill the void you left
To fill that hole my life has missed
I've tried to replace you with other people
With family, friends, and a therapist

But nothing can ever come close to you
And how you made me feel
The love and support your showed to me
It was honest, true and real

I don't know how to carry on
Without you here with me
Without you by my side each day
It makes me want to flee

It makes me want to pack my bags
And head off in the night
Never to return to this life
Simply, vanish out of sight

And the only thing that keeps me here
For at least another day
Is the hope that you still care for me
"I miss you," you might say

If one day soon I have the courage
To go off, not to return
Its not that I lost any hope
But that I couldn't handle the burn

The fiery pain of loving you
And missing you every day
The grief, regret and torture
That, with me, will always stay
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