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Ny-Asha Oct 2017
I met a man whose eyes beamed with an unfamiliar pain,
And yet he forged a convincing smile.
He sat across from me, with an identical cup of tea,
Began to tell me his story, and allowed me to relive a part of History;
He spoke to me as though I were his own child –
With such gentleness and wisdom;
With a mind that censored just how much of his tale should be told.
I sensed his odd fondness towards me,
And I knew that, such a time as this, was what he had been waiting for.
At first, he found it difficult to express even the slightest emotion,
But eventually, the tears began to gleam in his eyes;
It would seem as though my silence and presence, crumbled unseen concrete walls,
And gave way to the view of  an unfortunate life;
A life lived by a man who loved, until love refused to give.

I know a man who once sewed his heart on his sleeve;
Open on display for the world to see,
Because that was the person whom he wanted to be –
“The man whose love for his neighbor, was as vast as the sea” –
At least that’s what he told me.
Then came the day when his tides began to change.
Strong winds blew in, and the acidic rain came.
And it poured and it stormed,
Until what he loved the most, was washed away.
And then, as though the storms that roared, wasn’t enough,
The hand of fate ripped his heart out of the woman he loved.

I met a man who once believed
That, no matter what the world conceived,
He would never cease to love.
But when his belief was put to the ultimate test,
He chose to hate, and his fervent affection came to a permanent rest.
Hi final words to me, were that of a plea:
He said, “I’ve made a thousand mistakes, but that was worst of them all.
I gave up quickly, without a fight, just when life took its first hard fall.
For years, I’ve missed the man I was, but in you, I can see the man I wanted to be.

I knew a man who knew me beforehand,
who has watched me walk these streets.
Who felt compelled to observe my endeavors,
And found it redemptive to take interest in me.
He knew that, one day, he'd sit across from me, to ask that I be wiser than he.
For his life would have been a complete waste, if years from now, I'm looking through the eyes that I see.
Oct 2017 · 344
It Is.
Ny-Asha Oct 2017
It is:

Unequivocally beautiful;
Profound beyond the depths of common understanding
With the ability to cause one to question all that they believe in.

It is:
Surprisingly inevitable;
Abrupt in the course in which it enters your life -
Subtly intertwining itself into the chapters of your story;
Without your consent - It has its own mind - its own path –
And gives you little to no choice in whom you take on that journey.

It is:
Amazingly omnipotent;
Dwelling more discreetly in the atmosphere than moisture itself;
Lurking the earth in search of the hearts and minds of those to compel.

It is:
Awfully powerful;
It has ruled throughout the ages,
Causing even the mighty to fall to their knees,
Yet we fail to believe its might!
Bound with the power to corrupt and ignite war,
While simultaneously reviving and bringing forth life.

It is:
The mold in which our hearts were formed, so fear not, and embrace it.

It is:
Aug 2016 · 388
On the Rocks.
Ny-Asha Aug 2016
A table for three,
Though it’s just me.
A candle stand from a previous century,
Supports a stump with a bright flame
That will burn for eternity;
A chill in the air,
As I stare
At the two glasses in front of me;
A Sicilian Kiss and a 12 year old Eldorado –

Truth is, I’m not thirsty –
I wish that were the case.
Reality is, I’m alone,
In an unfortunate state of our bar;
Drinking alone, but drinking for two.
Aug 2016 · 292
Despite it All.
Ny-Asha Aug 2016
Even when the undeniable sadness and overwhelming pain
        Of heartbreak,
        Of shear disappointment,
        Of a loneliness that struggles to
        Balance on the fence of bitterness and isolation,
Takes hold of me,
I still believe in love –
        In a love that is greater than
        The love that we have only began to comprehend.
Jul 2016 · 353
Ny-Asha Jul 2016
Tree tops far above me;
The sky nowhere to be seen.
I stand below the line of possibility
To ever see anything above –
To ever reach the stars.
And though I’ve tried
To climb the tall, rough trunks,
The tree tops I have never reached.

But from where I stand,
Down below,
The line of the Horizon
Meets my eyes,
And each day I witness
What those above me could never see;
For I stand in a place where no man
Could ever be.
Jun 2016 · 388
Crying Out in the Darkness.
Ny-Asha Jun 2016
How do I find my way through this darkness
Without a light to see?
Without the hope that you gave –
That you’ve taken away from me?
       At the least,
       Reach out to me.
And tell me where you’ve gone.
Tell me where you’ve taken my senses, my vision, and my liberty;
Love, you took with you the finest parts of me;
        At the least,
        Return to me.
Explain to me why you had to leave.
Apparently, In this empty state, you expected me to proceed;
Without your guidance, without your hand to lead?
       At the least,
       Give me a chance to repent.
Yes, imperfections and failures may be my best qualities,
But allow me to institute a proper apology:
We know that I was lost when you found me,
So believe me when I say, that this journey without you
Will only lead me to insanity.
       So at the least,
       Have pity on me.
For how do I find my way through this madness
Knowing that you’ve become the light
Shining through another’s darkness?

My light,
Who now do you lead?
If not me, who else could it be?
If not me, whose poor soul is in jeopardy?
Jun 2016 · 358
She Doesn't See What I See.
Ny-Asha Jun 2016
Black roses and bare rigid trees;
Frozen towns and corrupted policies –
All the aspects that you want me to see,
Contrary to what I know -
To what I believe -
You see depths of darkness and indifference beneath,
But you have yet to convince me
That such an idea can be true,
Because all I have ever seen is you:

A chaotic work of art, with a defining balance of beauty and formality.

And maybe it’s taking you many years to see what I see,
But one day I’ll succeed in making you believe,
That a world without you – life without you -
Every imperfect, complicated and profound,
Delicate and stunningly beautiful, part of you –
Is a world that is further away from redemption,
And a life hardly worth living.
Jun 2016 · 250
Ny-Asha Jun 2016
What made us
Go from
Strangers to friends?
Friends to lovers?
Lovers to…to…
To whatever we are now.
What made us
Jun 2016 · 219
Ny-Asha Jun 2016
Here is –
To the people
That place others
In the toughest,
Most compromising,
Situations –
Stating that you are toxic
Would be an understatement;
No, you are much worse.

You are: the reason that, even the strongest of hearts manage to break;
You are: the reason that strong bonds separate.
And though we may not know the root of your reasoning,
We have reason to believe that you care for nothing but yourself,
And for everyone else, to you, their life has no means.

Here is –
To the men,
The women, and the children,
That cause the feet of others
To walk through trouble waters –
You are just another burden
That we wish, we did not have to carry.
Ny-Asha Mar 2016
In our attempt to create a normal society
We imprison the dreamers, the believers,
And those who see things inversely;
We pretend to listen, yet we’ve voluntarily
Become deaf to originality.

In our attempt to build a functional society
We close the door on diversity;
We repeat historic mistakes and faulty,
But somehow, we have the audacity to question, “What is wrong?”
And somehow we obtain some authority to answer, “Well, it can’t be me!”
When in reality, it is the power of superiority that engulfs our minds,
Subconsciously, we yield.
Giving into a power, that paints a veil over our already skewed sight.

In various paces,
We become individuals who attempt to create a controlled, domestic clan;
Hoping to one day lead a world-wide sorority –
A sorority of people who walk in line;
Who are being shaped by the guidelines of another man’s agenda;
Who are living a life planned out by someone else
Like me,
A leader.
Mar 2016 · 314
Hey Everyone!
Ny-Asha Mar 2016
Check out more of my work on my personal website & some amazing art pieces from incredible artists around the world (updated weekly) ---> Links posted below!

Thank you for the consistent support!


Mar 2016 · 468
Let It Be, Heartbreak.
Ny-Asha Mar 2016
…struggling to keep myself composed,
My hand quickly rose to my chest
In a desperate attempt to hold my heart intact.
But I didn’t feel a beat.
Once again, I was too late;
My heart was no longer in its place.
My chest was burning
And felt like the home of a new abyss,
While my stomach ached –
Being pierced by the sharp pieces of what use to be a vibrant heart.
Feb 2016 · 287
Writer to Writer.
Ny-Asha Feb 2016
I want your words to touch my heart -
Cause a shiver up my spine -
And my duty to figure out why.
Feb 2016 · 374
Let it Be, The One.
Ny-Asha Feb 2016
…but she was the one who caused me to change my mind;
The one who saw through the walls and past the lies.
The one who voluntarily climbed my mountains with me,
And though it wasn’t hers, she cherished the Alpenglow.
She was the one that broke all my rules –
Though now I see that those rules didn’t apply to her;
She was the only one who knew me,
She was the one.
Feb 2016 · 324
Spring Foreword.
Ny-Asha Feb 2016
Listen to how the spring breeze
Brush the matured buds on the trees,
And the humming birds’ melodies
Tease for the summer’s reign.

Watch as the times change;
As humanity rearrange their appearance
To phase into the next state –
When the sun and the moon
Are the only things that remain the same.

Reach out and touch, what once use to be brittle air;
Embrace, but let go of, a season that you can no longer repair –
Inhale the aroma of a new beginning,
And exhale with purpose
To use the opportunity you are given.
Feb 2016 · 367
Ny-Asha Feb 2016
Above all else, I felt complete.
They were confused - thought me eerie –
But they were vastly intrigued.
Because to them,
That which appeared to be chaos,
I found to be peace.
Jan 2016 · 346
Love, Jenny.
Ny-Asha Jan 2016
You’ll realize that I left
Solely because I didn’t know
How to love you
The way that you
Deserve to be loved.
Jan 2016 · 350
The Chase.
Ny-Asha Jan 2016
Let not thy purest face deceive me,
For I wish not to stumble as I stride after you;
And lock within your heart that which I crave dearly,
Till I be Man enough to prove, that you are my everything –
Everything to lose.
Jan 2016 · 755
Ny-Asha Jan 2016
Scribe until you cannot
Scribe no more!
Scribe until your fingers break
And fall to the floor!
Then pick them up and stitch them back on,
And Scribe!
Until you cannot Scribe no more!
Jan 2016 · 346
Tea Time.
Ny-Asha Jan 2016
… When the overwhelming gush of emotions
Seep into the most sacred parts of your being,
And you can literally feel the dreadful collapse of your esteem;
The rapid, staggering, off-beat pattern of your heart;
And the seemingly suffocating tightening within your chest,
Move from the position and state that you are in,
And make a cup of tea.
Jan 2016 · 307
Ny-Asha Jan 2016

This is the part where I’m supposed to say something meaningful;
Something wise and worth your time
But, to be quite honest,
I’ve got nothing to say.


I told them that I didn’t want to do this…
I warned them that I’d be wasting precious time,
But did they listen?


Personally, I think that this is the perfect time to not say anything.
Not one person should be speaking, either from this platform or from the audience.
Well, what more is there to say, that hasn’t already been said –
Passed through one ear, and then got stuck in the junk section of our heads...


Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve proven time and time again,
That we know nothing – just as much as the dead.
So sit there and endure the silence,
For there’s nothing sensible left to be said.

Jan 2016 · 3.5k
Young Dandelion.
Ny-Asha Jan 2016
Dandelion had always admired Oak Tree.
Like Oak Tree, Dandelion desired to be big, strong, and free.
Dandelion wanted to feel what Oak Tree felt, and wanted to move the way Oak Tree moved.
One day, Dandelion decided that it was time to stop dreaming,
It was time to become like Oak Tree.
So each day, Dandelion patiently watched and waited for Oak Tree to sway.
And surely, on a windy September night,
Dandelion saw Oak Tree swaying effortlessly with the wind;
Dancing under the stars and the moon,
And Dandelion wanted to dance too,
So Dandelion began to move.
For the first time, Dandelion felt sensational;
Dancing carelessly with the wind; feeling free.
For the first, and the last time, Dandelion was just like Oak Tree.
Then suddenly, Dandelion ceased to be.
Jan 2016 · 504
Let It Be, Love.
Ny-Asha Jan 2016
… he effortlessly completes my sentences
And in the midst of my soliloquies,
He chimes in and perfectly complements me.
He doesn’t write for me, but he writes with me;
We create, we imagine, and we achieve, together.
Jan 2016 · 692
Short 11. (Loss)
Ny-Asha Jan 2016
Late last night, before I fell into a hopeful slumber, the thought of losing you struck me quite suddenly, and I refused to open my eyes and turn over to look at the other side of the bed, because I knew, that if I allowed myself to do so, I’ll be awake to that painful reality.
Dec 2015 · 427
Sleeping Geniuses.
Ny-Asha Dec 2015
And appreciate every wave of emotion;
Every state that you find yourself in –
Let your creativity draw from it
And make the world wonder –
Compel them to find out
But never truly understand,
Just how brilliant you are.
Dec 2015 · 369
Short 10.
Ny-Asha Dec 2015
The heart can be an eerie place;
A territory in which the mind refuses to visit alone.
Nov 2015 · 415
He Already Knows.
Ny-Asha Nov 2015
Talk to me;
Tell me what you’re thinking,
Because I cannot read your mind
And your actions do not say very much.
Talk to me;
Tell me how you feel, and why.
Trust me, I would like to know -
Because despite what you may believe,
I do care.
So tell me;
Because if you hold back,
Lock your emotions away
And say nothing,
I’ll never know…
We’ll never know.
Nov 2015 · 776
Let It Be, Bliss.
Ny-Asha Nov 2015
...and show me something new;
Something I’ve never seen before –
Let it fall afresh like the morning dew;
Sensational like a misty fall afternoon.
Nov 2015 · 390
Wretched Love.
Ny-Asha Nov 2015
I’ve found a love -
A most wretched, horrid love -
That has carved its initials on my skin;
Made its mark
And poisoned the inner parts of my once pure heart.

If only I could bleed,
To drain this vile repository that is the core of me.
Nov 2015 · 378
Birthday Girl.
Ny-Asha Nov 2015
She was unique.
She never enjoyed parties, especially birthday parties.
She never liked clowns, for they were far from amusing;
Gifts made her feel terrible,
And balloons made her cry;
And cake, well, that was not her taste.
But every year, in her honor, they would throw her a party…
They would pay the best clown in town to attend.
They would arrange multiple gift tables to be the focus of the room.
Balloons of all kinds were blown up to their capacity.
And of course, they would bake a cake... A beautiful chocolate cake.
Every year, in her dismay, they reopened an unexplainable wound -
An unfortunate event that caused her to regret that
She was unique,
In a way that they failed to understand.
Oct 2015 · 386
Tough Break.
Ny-Asha Oct 2015
Do not maintain a lengthy relationship,
Unless you’re willing to commit to forever.
Because when it ends...
Moving on is a dreadful process of starting over.
Oct 2015 · 432
Ny-Asha Oct 2015
I would move,
To the rhythm of your lips,
If only I knew how to dance –
With flavor and elegance, with sexiness –
I would move,
And move sweetly like the way you kiss me.
I would submit,
And submission would be the only way
To make me move
With you,
If only I knew how to.
Oct 2015 · 326
Taking Turns.
Ny-Asha Oct 2015
Hold on,
Let me go first this time –
Put your head back and close your eyes
Let me work this situation out my way,
In my time,
But baby chime when you’re ready to.
I might be occupied but I’ll listen,
I’ll wait.
I’ll be patient like you.
Don’t be afraid to sing.
Sing the way you make me sing
To the songs you created that I now play back to you.
And do nothing. But embrace it all,
Indulge in every feeling.
Oct 2015 · 220
Short 9.
Ny-Asha Oct 2015
Restless love
Awakened by You,
Live and breathe again.
Give me life again.

Restless love
Awaken in You.
Find me waiting.
This heart is waiting.
Aug 2015 · 458
I Have Written for You
Ny-Asha Aug 2015
I have written for you before,
Conversing as though you were sitting across from me;
Waiting for your whimsical, engaging response;
Your subtle laughter, your keen use of vocabulary;
I have longed to hear your voice, speak to me.

I have written for you before,
Hoping that my words would find you…wherever you are,
And bring you back home;
A place where we know you belong;
Back to the life that you built with me;
I have longed to feel you near, for without you I am incomplete.

I have written for you before,
Initially with an optimistic vision;
Knowing that my faith was the foundation of all good things;
And all good things you bring;
So I dare not cease to write, to hope, and to dream.

I have written for you before,
In the time before I was told that you would never write back;
Before my letters were returned to me -
I was told that not a single word reached you;
In the moments when I didn’t know the truth,
I wrote to you… every day, I would write for you.

I have written for you before,
But now I write solely for myself –
For my sanity - writing to you will always make me happy.
Though I know that you will never hear my voice, see my words, or feel what I feel,
I know of no other way by which to live.
So I will continue, to write, to hope, and to wait,
Until that unfortunate day;

When my hands can no longer raise my pen;
When my mind struggles to find the words to express how I feel.
When I can no longer hear your voice and I forget your name;
When I do not notice that you are no longer here.

I have written for you before,
And here I am, writing for you again.
Aug 2015 · 430
We Felt My Heart Beat
Ny-Asha Aug 2015
They call me Insane.
A profane past inflicted brutal wounds that are so deep and hollow,
It causes one to lose hope in the occurrence of a Tomorrow.
With cold hands, my core had been ripped open so wide
That it could never be “stitched up”-
Pieces of flesh and spirit that never will be placed back together;
There existed no ‘Band-Aid’ that could cover up;
No method of rehabilitation to make up what I had lost-
What was taken away from me, by force, had ran its course,
Now I am done -
Damaged and shunned,
Maybe this time Evil has won.
But I remember the days of that profane past;
Memories of your voice, and the shadow that you cast.
My eyes were open, and we felt my heart beat,
In that time, I was still alive. So I know.
I know that I will never be the same;
I am deformed, remolded, dismantled by pain,
And yet they call me Insane,
Because I pointed in your direction when they asked,
“Who is to blame?”
Aug 2015 · 329
Short 2
Ny-Asha Aug 2015
It's a myth that people tend to "over-think";
Truthfully, it's a matter of looking beyond the obvious.
Aug 2015 · 239
Ny-Asha Aug 2015
Measure me,
To make sure I fit into your perfect world,
Where everything and everyone is the same,
Size, me up so that I recognize the standards I must meet,
So that I can see the hidden boundaries I shouldn't cross or pursue;
Show me what to do –
How to stand, where to put my hands,
How to hold my head, and where to place my feet instead,
Of someone else, choose me
To be a part of your anarchy.

Prepare me,
To be fixed,
To be cleansed of my flaws and all the qualities that made me special,
I am not, what I was taught to be,
Controlled, yes, that will reveal the best of me.
But first I must be made into something entirely,
Different, from what I use to be;
Less than an individual,
Less than a human being.
Clothe me in the suit of your mentality,
Stitched with the thread of your principalities,
Armed with the knowledge that I belong to you and not to me.

Teach me,
To conform to the world in which others seem to belong,
Because I’ve been the outcast,
Born with the disease of individuality,
And in this condition I won’t live long.
So I’m done holding on to the ideas that were installed in me,
I’m ready to walk in line with the others who make up this Modern day society.
Aug 2015 · 382
Thinking of You
Ny-Asha Aug 2015
I awoke, and thought of You.

And during the time that lapse in the day,
I didn't forget.

I went to bed thinking of You,
And in my dreams, there You were again.

— The End —