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  Jan 2015 NuurSeraph
Tiberias Paulk
I dream of breathing deeply, without any aid or skill
my mind was born sleeping, surrounded by the still
this body's just an anchor, to the world and all I know
it ties me to the precipice, where I think of letting go
in spirit I soar freely, though these words weigh me down
where I organize entropy, to keep my feet on the ground
NuurSeraph Jan 2015
Who am I that seeks to know
in relation to another
the self I wish to identify,

when it is only from the larger
scope of living Earth
I feel not a need to compare…
though contrast of Elements
exist and mix to many of
varied form and kind,

that each constitutes the All
Is known through the One

and from this view
what makes of relation but
an ancient natural Knowing
from which the Spring moves
forward the River that
flows out to Sea.

A Body much bigger need not compare…

into all parts shall flow the living Life
from this Reservoir,

so what more must we search for
from an Essence beyond compare…

when the answers we seek to know
have always been there.

*in difference yet alike
I grow tired of the self doubting that circulates in and out of my mind...questioning every idea of who i am.
I must remember it is not through the incessant comparisons I try to make that any real understanding of my true essence will ever be found.
A star slices the clouds,
Splitting the darkness in two,
It reveals a blinding light.

A bright blue and silver,
Spills out from the ****,
Falling to the earth in frozen tears.

Through the rip in the delicate fabric,
Of this universe we rely on,
Another reality seems to form.

Colour starts to spread,
Contrast fills the night,
Such beauty is found in the dark.
  Jan 2015 NuurSeraph
SG Holter
Spoiled with having you
Within my reach,
I keep nearly catching
The dark figure
Of your ghost in the corner of
My eye.

Seeing myself in the mirror,
You are shower-naked
Before me,
Looking back from glass; inviting.

Don't be sweet. Not gentle.
My bones were built for battle.

Empty air where warmth
Was days ago; now
A vacuum the size and shape
Of love and lust responded to.

I lean my face on sofa roughness
Where black silk strands
Of hair would tickle it.
Your fingers are not here to
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The black ceramic ring
You wear.
Neither is your mouth to tell me

To shut the hell up and
Lean back into the
Winter night that blushes
And turns away smiling.

Hours like aeons.
Decade seconds.
Yearning is not boring,
Yet your absence is the opposite
Of fun.
All I have are memories, and

Thank the gods I have tomorrow.
Thank the gods, we have

I'll dream then too.
Then open my eyes and mouth,
And thank out loud.

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