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  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
Amitav Radiance
If you
drop an
interesting idea
in calm water
it will
create deeper and
wider ripples
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
jeffrey robin
O                                                            O
////  • ||

/        ( • )   ( • )      \



                                           ( We ride the Sea )

we refuse to be

                              Afraid Anymore


The drifting images

The distorted visions of our fate

We shall
                          Paint The Picture

By ourselves

•     •

Oh you are so sweet

As you've surely known


We are all
Creatures of this Majestic Place


And I love you so

My god !  How I love you so


Days are tumbling all around

Wars are raging
                    We are seen

As the greatest enemy

For we are the ones who know


/:::/         /:::/

The song drifts slowly

all can hear

All who wander by the shore

Those who so simply say

That they are not afraid

That they are not

Afraid Anymore
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
J Drake
This is your
road. It has always
been here waiting for
you. You're welcome to
begin this journey whenever
you're ready. There are certain
principles that you must remember,
however, to truly understand this journey.
First, know that you chose this road before ever
you came upon it. This is your path, and your path
alone. No one else can tell you how best to tread this
path. That is impossible. It is not their path. They know
nothing of this road -- Your Road. It is up to you to read the
signs and find your own way. Do not be afraid. It's an adventure!
You can't slip up. You can't ***** up. That's just not how it works...
Let go of your fear. Stop living your life in hiding, running away from
the things that scare you. Instead, live in search of the things you LOVE.
Love will always carry you home. Love will teach you all you need to know.
Love is your streetlight. Let it guide your footing. Follow the Light, your Heart,
your Soul. They are one and the same. And as you do this, very soon you'll see,
the further you go down the road, the closer you get to your Self. Closer to YOU.

You start to learn who you truly are.
In a sense, you remember.
This epiphany will shake your life to the core.
You discover that You Are Perfect.
Embrace who You Are.
Love who You Are.
Become who You Are.
This is your number one vocation.
There is no higher calling.

For from within, from who you are,
This world shall be changed,
Your life will ignite,
Your purpose laid before you...

Become whole.
Become Love in motion.
Become YOU.
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
light bright too bright to look
pure white sun shining
a pumping heart pumping light
light procession dancing
light bright too bright to see
pure white sun shining
a loving heart pumping light
love procession dancing
Transformed. I am the light of the world. Jesus.
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
Amitav Radiance
Life has chosen you to contribute
And be a part of this beautiful journey
We, with our fellow travelers
Faced with so much history
And the numerous things that go on
It is the choices which propel us
To the future which is differentiated
From the past, because of us
The consequences staring at us
We have to have a sense of purpose
That reflects our hope and drive away fears
Everyday will be a new journey
Till we reach our destination
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
I watch you
on this sultry afternoon
over under the flowering plum

back to the bark,
head bent over your
well loved acoustic,

fingers plucking,
stroking, strumming,
fondling... those strings

and I hear the notes
as they drift on the
as I hang the bedsheets
on the washing line

the melody is
sweet, sweet seduction...
foreplay in three/four time

and I see in my mind
what those fingers...
strong, scarred and flexible
can do...
           to places sacred, tender
and oh! so divine...

followed by lips and mouth and all....
divinity sublime  and more....
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