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Nitsua Asemed Oct 2016
I am but a Watcher, and this I will always be.
I have wide open eyes, yet I pretend not to see.
Bad things are taking place, and yet I in mournful bind,
Am obliged to always watch, pretending to be blind.

I see the wars, I see the blood, I see the poison tree.
I am but a Watcher, and this I will always be.
I see the dying Earth, and I see the dying Sun.
The moon, the stars, they'll all die, and so will everyone.

And yet I do nothing, I am but stuck in my place.
Forced to only use the pair of lenses on my face.
I am but a Watcher, and this I will always be.
I try to act, I try to, but something's stopping me.

It had been from the beginning, and so, till the end:
"All the world is but an eye, that watches, never bends."
I am part of this world, with hopes, yet no act to reach.
I am but a Watcher, and this I will always be.
Nitsua Asemed Oct 2016
Upon my lovely puppet strings,
Do watch me dance and watch me sing!
My flow is grace, my song is bliss--
That clasps thy heart with Heaven’s kiss.

They said, “I’ll dance with silver wings--
Upon my lovely puppet strings.”
And I believed, that it would seem,
That, O, I could fulfill my dream.

But O, they said, “Do not ask we!
Just do what we say and be free!”
Upon my lovely puppet strings,
“Will I be free?” a question rings.

Their words were wrong, yet I obeyed.
Ages have gone and till this day,
My actions still attached here clings--
Upon my lovely puppet strings!
Nitsua Asemed Oct 2016
I love the flowers, I love the trees.
I love the mountains, I love the seas.
I love the darkness, I love the light.
I love the morning, I love the night.
I love the silence, I love the noise.
I love the struggle, I love the choice.
I love the ending, I love the start.
I love the knowledge, I love the heart.
I love the grave's end, I love the first.
I love the greatest, I love the worst.
I love the couldn'ts, I love the coulds.
I love the evil, I love the good.
For the world would not be what it is--
If one of these things should ne'er exist.
My sonnet for my English class. I hope you like it :)
  Oct 2016 Nitsua Asemed
Bob B
Languages constantly change.
English has, and how!
If not, we would still
Be saying "thee" and "thou."

Sometimes advertising
And the media create a shift
In the way we use certain words
That's annoying. Get my drift?

Businesses, for example,
Have a "free gift" for you.
You think, "A free gift--oh, boy!"
?I like getting gifts, too.

But think about it a moment:
Aren't gifts ALWAYS free?
So "Come in for your free gift"
Is a redundancy.

We hear that someone "went missing,"
Which to me sounds weird.
The expression sounds so clunky.
What's wrong with "disappeared"?

To say "to graduate high school"
Actually makes no sense.
(The number of people who say that
Has grown rather immense.)

Schools graduate students.
How hard does that sound?
We graduate from college--
Not the other way around.

And then there's "close proximity."
That's redundant because
"Proximity" itself means "closeness."
We should all know that it does.

So "close proximity" means
"Close closeness," though you might
Say, "That's what I meant."
I would respond, "Yeah, right."

Language changes aren't
Evil or reprehensible.
Grammarians just wonder why
The changes aren't more sensible.

- by Bob B
  Oct 2016 Nitsua Asemed
Nishu Mathur
How do I love you - in poem or prose
In a story, a eulogy, aubade or an ode?
I could love you in a sonnet
A senryu, though terse
I'd spill my heart - drop by drop
Or ink it verse after verse
I could write a terzannelle
A villanelle I could chance
Tapping on the refrain of love
The feet of romance
I could weave metaphors and similes
Sweet and sublime
Or trip down the keys
Playfully alliterate each line
How do I love you?
I can love you as I do -
In simple words that are writ -
From a heart that is true
Nitsua Asemed Oct 2016
They ask, "boy or girl?"
"Good or bad?" To which I say,
"What's the difference?"
Nitsua Asemed Oct 2016
White queen, white queen, from the white throne,
Who'd be as fair as you alone?
No face of men nor gods can be,
Even as half as fair as thee!

White queen, you are opening now;
O did my heart pull you somehow?
I march with force my pawns for you,
And O! What will they ever do?

My knights, they give no care for war!
They'll gladly give their life so far,
My bishops have gave theirs to God.
O while I nod! O while I nod!

My castles have been broken here,
While you are dazed with thoughts so queer,
You think that it's a nick of time,
Before I lose the entire rhyme!

And then white queen, you pushed the flanks.
With broken kingdom, out of ranks,
I'm easy to ****, I'm easy to mate.
I'm easy to pin with no escape!

And here, you issued the final blow.
But you never really did know,
That this was my desired way!
This could've not been a better day!

White queen, white queen, from the white throne,
Who'd be as fair as you alone?
I've let you sink my kingdom tall!
I've let destruction make it fall!

For I love you with all my soul,
You've got me pinned; that was my goal.
To my white queen.
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