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 Apr 2014 Michael Amery
I must
 Apr 2014 Michael Amery

I must

Deep within this pain is a light,
a tiny beacon of hope,
a candle flame flickering in the distance
Telling me that I must follow,
leaving the darkness that has shadowed me behind
where my broken heart can no longer find it

The first step is the hardest...
moving away from my desires, my dreams
Forgetting that there once was a flower
blooming in the garden of my mind,
so beautiful and was love

Even in its wilted state, faded colors,
it is hard to walk away
As each thorn rips at my skin
trying to hold me in place,
reminding me of what we once had
Those moments of mesmerizing bliss

But I must…I must,
reach for something else that waits
somewhere in my future
Unknown to me, hidden beyond my sight
Promises of hope, of happiness, of friendship
of love I need to find…sadly leaving you behind
 Apr 2014 Michael Amery

No dial tone

Sweet the scent of never knowing
faceless fears and silhouettes
blooming on a hillside
of aqua thoughts and turquoise slippers
changing the colors from dark to light,
blending heartache with feathered features,
transparent in the scheme of these feelings

When disturbing the ant pile it is better to walk off…
then ask directions

Sitting at the table as jealous waiters
take orders from no one, casting neon signs
of daily specials on a blue plate avenue
in rush hour foot traffic, bringing detours with the bill,
expecting a healthy tip for having drawn the blinds
hiding you from peering eyes
and evil grins

Always check the silverware for evidence of previous users
before placing a napkin in your lap

Night brings with it the casualties of a day job,
lonely dreams scattered on splintered park benches
beneath a flickering street lamp illuminating graffiti poems
and wrong phone numbers…
silent as the one you hold in your hand,
wishing for a lighted screen, displaying her name
knowing it will not come

Dialing directory assistance for help in locating
the broken heart app
 Apr 2014 Michael Amery
 Apr 2014 Michael Amery
Steady lads
You're the farmer
You're the scythe
Sharp like a knife
They're the wheat
Stalks in the wind
Steady boys
They come again
Time to reap.

r ~ 4/17/14
Gettysburg, The Wheat-field battle, July 2, 1863; one of the bloodiest battles of the war between the states.
 Apr 2014 Michael Amery
on the crowded quai of inception
   gilded minutes ornately revolve
time is measured in tranches of soul
   transporting moments of his essence

never versed in the outside world
   an innocent daughter of imagination
boarding a train of transfixed reverie
   her departure held fast in sistine release

such a private exhibition on public display
   their affection left open to interpretation
a tearfully expressive and inspired farewell
   within a shrine devoted to the art of the muse
And I go to sleep
With you in my heart
And in my soul
In my skin
And in my breath
My present
My future
My dreams
Sweet they are
i came upon a girl in the wood
her sun floating smile could not be repressed
the light of her inner shone clearly
like song simple and true
i asked her and i begged of her moment
how far must i travel
before i am loved as deeply as you
she could not answer

in the middle of the long night
came upon a man walking in the stars
the beauty and wonder of the mysteries of his world
spun like whirlwinds and shone from his eyes like tenderness
and i asked of him i begged of him to tell me please
how deep into the wilderness must i wander alone
before i could find loves sweet harmony like he has
he could not answer me

in the resonance of morning dancing upon the worlds edge
i found a girl who was painting a masterpiece of freedoms
a scene of sweet adorations and gifts of souls kiss for all
who are drawn near
i asked her and i begged of her to please tell
me how long must i study at the dusty dry bones of fear
how long must i sit in the stillness of autumn never ending
before spring finds me like it has her
she answered me
in a voice thick and rich
in a knowledge sure
that i had all these things
and left them all behind to folly's quest
to find the love within
 Apr 2014 Michael Amery
SG Holter
Happy Birthday, they called to her
As we met up with friends in common
At a later chapter of our first date.

She hadn't told me.
I hadn't done the research.
I should have known,

I admitted -unnonchalantly- before
She kissed me for the first time
And whispered:

I got what I whished for...
 Apr 2014 Michael Amery
SG Holter
Up North, by the Russian border,
It gets so cold your breath
Freezes and floats to your
Feet in a fountain of
Sparkling microsmithereens.

Sibirians call it
Whispering Stars.
I swear on my name it's a
Sight beyond description, with

Northern Lights coiling like
Mating snakes
On a sky so full of moon and
Stars it's almost alien

Above you.
Easiest peace.
The sound of Gods

Silence itself opens its
Quiet eyes and looks into yours
Like a living abyss you look down,  
Looking back.

The purest of Existence's
The now cry in
Snow Crystals.

Zen in

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