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Sweet fragrant offbeat smells and sounds
accost us as we wake in the oversized bed.
Sheets have been crumpled and creased
thrown to floor in a white pure heap.
Your warmth next to me is almost too
much to endure, I can see the sheen of sweat
coming from your very pores.
Sweat created by the Spanish sun and our Spanish fun.

I look around the suite, and sweet memories flood
through me, the heat of the night as we arrived,
dishevelled yet ready to concede with our pleading
bodies. We cannot retreat just surrender to the crisp
white sheets, inviting us in.
How we tried to be discrete, but it was too sweet
we tried to contain our passion, but it was a lost cause.
This was a country used to the rhythm of repeated pleas.

I run my nails down your sweat covered torso
here we are complete, we are one in this, the Spanish sun.
You turn lazily to look at me,I see the fire is still burning
I know I'll get another treat, Latino fiery ness has emboldened us
In this anonymous suite we compete with each other's affections
Like a matador and a bull we display, and play with each other.
Broiling in the sweat covered sheets we concede defeat,
we fall asleep not by the moonlight, but by the blaze of the sun.
that hemlock i cracked in two days
was one of your best
the tumblers finessed the probe. your mode of disconnect
was exquisite pathos. and lesions.
we drank from dead wells to alleviate the tedium of sober springs.
we rigged the landscape
to provide clockwork wolves to whet their fangs to the marrow
of our Diaspora devoid of Momentum.
that devious fracture in your mind has surrendered to my advances.
i glean your glamour-tross.
cellos are coursing through my veins
as your ***** grinds my prime mate into scrap
and  daguerreotype
 May 2014 Michael Amery
"I'd like to rent a ****** please!", little Johnny cried,
"A good sized filly, plenty of zest, and a great big *** to ride!
I'll take her up the paddock, and I'll slap her big behind,
Then I'll ride her till she's raw, when another ****** I'll find!"
 May 2014 Michael Amery
 May 2014 Michael Amery
Fear not there haunted eyes,
a young girl, broken,
behind them lies.
Kiss me like you need me
Like you're drowning
And my lips are the last
Breath of air

Kiss me like you missed me
Like you're clutching at
Strings and I'm a

Kiss me like it's our last
Like you're running down
The sands of time and
Slipping through the cracks

Kiss me with passion
Like you mean it
Put everything you could never say
Into your sigh
Don't let go
I don't know how to tell you to be gentle
My skin might dissolve under your touch like the way
Your eyes melt my
And my knees might crumple
When I see your smile
And I'll curl up into the
Curve of your dimples
When you breathe your name
Into my trembling lips
And I'm fragile
So I need you to be
 May 2014 Michael Amery
Zoe Sue
I think
On an atomic level
We complement one another
Your name scribbled in my genes
(My jeans)
Must explain
This magnetic pull to you
We eclipsed
I was soul searching when I found you
(An object in motion tends to stay in motion)
Looking for my life's map in the stars
But no longer did I need look
I found me in you
(Metaphorically speaking)
You in me
(Literal now)
But it didn't really matter
That our bodies sang in tune
Or our minds rooted into one another
Because no science could really explain
How we met in a moment
Fell in love in eternity
No, no science can explain it
Nor does it need to
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