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Jun 2017 · 324
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
Rock Me Tonight like you never done before.

Show the world just how good you are.

With your fingers on that guitar.

Spin out Melodies that would blast us into the next century.

So take a bow and shout it out for the world to hear.

You're now the king of rock and roll and this is where your Story begins not where it ends.
Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Jun 2017 · 280
A Pill
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
Just Like a Pill I take you every day to keep myself sane it's better than going to the land of insanity when they lock you up and throw away the key and you'll never see the light of day.

They say it's all in your head and you have a chemical imbalance.

They say they're doing it for your own so you don't hurt yourself or others.

But how can it be for our own good when you do not get to live a life just surviving not truly living.

So where's the good in that?

I don't see it.

All things are not black and white there is some gray in between.

That will prove to you that I'm just as sane as you can be.

Without losing the fire in your heart and the colors in your world.

Because if the world was truly just black and white that's when you would really go insane from the drab of the mundane.

Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Jun 2017 · 222
No More Sorrow
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
I need your Love to lift me up from the darkness of my own self-pity.

It's all your fault that I Need You To Survive.

You have become my hero, Warrior and leader of men

Maybe you're right I could be stronger if I wanted to be and never give in to the doubt in my head

No more sorrow will come my way and save your goodbyes for another day we will Survive this and become stronger than we ever knew we could be. Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Jun 2017 · 450
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
Fire in the hall I scream when the bombs come flying down on our heads.

War has come to our homeland.

Enemies all around us trying to destroy the peace we have made.

They cannot stand that we are happy and they are not so they destroy our happiness with Bloodshed and tears.

Causing chaos in the street for the only purpose is trying to break us.

We will fight for our freedom like our forefathers have before us and when it's all said and done will come out on top.

And show the world when tragedy comes knocking we become stronger because we are a team with friends, family and strangers all fighting for the same purpose

And that is our freedom.

Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Jun 2017 · 210
The Feast
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
A feast of the year when we all gather around and tell the world what we are thankful just being around and not in the ground

“Where” we break bread with the ones we love and tolerate the ones with don't.

“Where” the smell of fresh-baked cookies are in the air followed by laughter from a good story that lifts everyone's spirits

And by the end of the day we say goodbye with a hug and promise to keep in touch until next year when we do it all over again. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Jun 2017 · 252
Dirty Love
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
***** love is easier to run away with and hopefully get lucky.

And when it's all said and done we will be gone forever.

Our ***** love is as hard as a rock so nothing can break it

I love playing with the fire within you it makes the Journey more fun when we hit the lights.

I got what you want now we say our goodbyes

And never speak of our ***** Love because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Jun 2017 · 245
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
Catch me if you can it could have been me on the other side of this cat-and-mouse game.

But Fortune favors the strong that's why you'll eat my dust as I laugh all the way home

So goodnight I'll see you in another Race of Time and the winner will determine the fate of our relationship and the world around us. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Jun 2017 · 170
Time Of Dying
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
You got the devil in your head so don't leave me this way.

You're stronger than me even if you don't see it that way and all you see is a side of a bullet go flying by.

That's my kind of night when the gates of hell are at our feet threatening to open up the door to the dark abyss.

“Where” War of Change can alter the reality of this world.

And white walls are the very thing that keeps you sane it drives you mad all at the same time.

Time of Dying has came to past now we're all sitting in the grass.

Proud to just live one more day. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Jun 2017 · 183
The Moon Just For Me
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
Good Times Gone Forever More so get low or hit the floor

I'm the one to set you free it's called a jail break from your hell we will jump off a skyscraper and hopefully land on our feet

This game of love is overrated but I still enjoy the thrill of the chase.

Almost told you that I loved you against my better nature.

You will always be the man who lassoed the moon just for me.

My moon baby and no one can take your place or drive you out of sight because I can always find you in the dark of night. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Jun 2017 · 275
Beauty Of The Dark
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
Airplanes take you away from the Sun and show you the beauty of the dark.

It helps blow away all your fears and shows you the city of delusion where everything is possible but nothing is real.

Don't trust me without taking a look for yourself and yes you do not have to speak of the beauty you see some things are better not said but shown with the depths of your soul. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Jun 2017 · 273
Free Love
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
I Can't Be Tamed so I'm going to dance until tomorrow.

And fireworks will shoot from my soul lighting up the sky above and showing the world just how beautiful we could be on the inside when we got God's love showing us the way.

His love is free love it will never cost you a thing just your love and belief in him.

It is as simple as breathing air why don't you give it a try and just see how far his love takes you. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Jun 2017 · 334
Life Is Hell
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
A thousand years ago when the world was simple.

People didn't go around just to get high.

Life was good and everyone knew it.

You fought your enemy with a sword in your hand and courage in your heart.

And the next go-around was just as good

But now the world is ******* up people are dying of drug overdose and killing people in the street's oh how this world has gone straight to hell and may never come back to find peace in the destruction. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Jun 2017 · 192
The Truth In Your Lies
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
Don't let me down because Everytime You Lie I start to cry now when crying is easy as it is for me it tells you that something is wrong but you don't noticed you are clouded by your lies so you are too blind to see.

Pain turns to anger and I Want To Burn It to the Ground you're addicted to your lies that you tell and that you believe in everything you say

Don't you remember with the lies didn't get in our way.

So you turn my heart to Stone hoping that I would overlook your flaws but not anymore I'm going home.

I'll see you again when you know what the truth is.  Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Jun 2017 · 198
Craving You
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
Craving you in this town of love can be a nightmare until my nights with you come and kissing a stranger in the rain it gives you cheap thrills that will make you feel high off of life.

“When” you say yes it's like a green light goes off in my head in that instant the mask comes off the mask that buried my true intentions.

In the Name of Love Don't Let Me Down even if the love is fake love.

Please be the Cure that makes my Heart grow three sizes overnight.

I have a disease that makes my heart not work right I think you're just what the doctor ordered.

Believe it or not you are everything I ever wanted and more I hope you know just how important you are. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Jun 2017 · 166
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
Heaven lost an angel the day I met you

What's in the middle of Heaven and Hell the place you now call home

With me by your side you can never go wrong

I'll show you how we roll and teach you our way of life before long you'll act just like a human but everyone will know that you're an angel because how beautiful you glow in the light of day. Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Jun 2017 · 207
Heart Stopper
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
You're so far away I can't touch you no matter how hard I try.

Living with the pain in my soul it is even harder than getting away with ******

In the morning time I see you in the Rising Sun and it's a Heart Stopper

In my mind you are the king of kings and I am your queen

And every time we part ways it's like meeting the monster of pain and sorrow

I tried to pretend to be nice and happy so you do not see the tears I Cry but I miss you and send you my love in the winds that blow and call you home. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Jun 2017 · 193
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
I'm shining like a diamond in the Sun because my soul has been saved by God from above.

the road I'm on is straight to him

I once was told I'm going to hell because I sin all day but it wasn't me it was the old me I have been Reborn in God's love.

He is my true father and I will try not to disappoint him but hopefully he can see the good in me even when I can't.

And will always bring me back to the light when I am lost in the Darkness.

And forgive me like fathers do because he loves me like no other and that alone makes my soul shine bright. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Jun 2017 · 188
Self- Pity
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
Dangerous woman walking down the street she's on the highway to hell and she can't be beat

Misery business is her game

She got locked out of heaven for doing things her way

She loves New York with the city lights and the fact that it “never” sleeps

She spends her time chasing Shadows of the day and drinking her fear away she has a obsession with death and wonder why he never comes for her

She thinks that her soul is so tarnished that death himself Would not touch it.

So she stands alone in a world of misery and her own self-pity if she keeps it up she'll never find happen and the release of death. Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Jun 2017 · 188
The Calling
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
Calling all the monsters come enjoying the party at the Boo Brothers Club.

We will dance all night and it will be out of sight just do the monster dance to the witches scream.

Everyone's going to have a wonderful fright.

We Will party till the sun comes up and then we'll rest in our coffins for the day and party the night away once more.

What a scary good time it be. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Jun 2017 · 164
The Waves Of Peace
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
The moment I woke up I felt the need to go to the Sea I wanted to be on the beach but the moment I walked into the water I realized it was cold water and it Rock me to my core so now I'm sitting by a roaring fire to warm my soul up along with my fingers and toes.

It's such a beautiful Serene place that it gives me peace of mind as the waves crash against each other and the seagulls dance in the sky oh how I wish to never leave and spend eternity with sand between my toes and a smile on my face. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Jun 2017 · 194
Chained To You
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
My mind is racing my heart is pumping I just can't wait to dance with you so we could be chained to the rhythm of the beat.

It's now or never as you grab my hand but my alarm clock goes off but I try to keep holding on to the dream of you but reality of the real world brings me down.

Maybe tonight I'll ask you on a real date and we could be counting Stars by a roaring fire and dancing till the sun comes and even then you told me don't stop for me.

“Because” we never wanted this to end the end is where we begin. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Jun 2017 · 169
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
I got Wicked after you betrayed me.

I knew you were trouble but I fell in love with you anyways

just wanted to see Inside Your Heaven but you showed me hell instead

Maybe the Karma Police we'll lock you away for what you have done inside my heart

Instead of Let the Sparks Fly let the bullets fly into your soul and maybe some light will shine in and it will turn your soul white like light instead of black like tar and you'll finally know true happiness. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Jun 2017 · 605
Fallen Kingdom
Shelby Mccrary Jun 2017
Lost in the dark chasing Shadows of memories that have vanished as I drift away

Afraid the only thing I have left is a fallen kingdom and Ashes of that kingdom.

Maybe if I had a genie in the bottle I could wish for the life I once had and my family
would be back in my life with smiles on their faces.

I would no longer be Lost In The darkness and the House of the Rising Sun would rise once more like a phoenix From the Ashes. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 178
Desert Land
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
The crossing of the desert land is a time-honored tradition practice for centuries.

It teaches us how to become one with the land and the ancestors who walked it before us.

Their struggles and heartache along the way.

That is why I'm fighting my way back through the vast Wilderness of this land and against the hot sun beaming down on us.

This is to show us our purpose in life and to help us conquer our fears

I once was afraid of the dark but not anymore now i see the beauty in the Darkness and The Souls of my ancestors in the Stars letting me know that they're always with me no matter where the Journey of my life takes me. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 212
Beautiful Disaster
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I got love on the brain and I think I need to be detained because it's driving me insane.

I was born this way with a heart so wide and it wants to love the world instead of see it die.

And behind those eyes are so full of light I see a beautiful disaster waiting insight.

Deja Vu I say I've done this before and it never ends good I don't realize until I'm at my all-time low how foolish i actually was so I'm going to skip a couple chapters and go straight to the good part and avoid that beautiful disaster. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 212
Freak Off The leash
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Tell your friends running through the street like a freak off the leash we'll end you up with a one way ticket straight to the pen Where the guards will take the shape of you and turn it inside out

you'll come out so Twisted you won't even know where you end or where you begin

So Runaway with me to the planet of sanity so you won't be locked away behind bars like a dog in a cage. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 198
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Drive mad and you will get a ticket straight to hell.

Where you'll Race the devil for your soul.

And hopefully win if you have the Right Moves but if you're too slow you'll be too late and you'll become a prisoner of your own rage. Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 195
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
My heart is breaking and my soul is aching

I feel like there's a storm of pain inside of me

I can't believe someone stole innocent puppies away from their mother And one of those puppies was my Vann Gogh with his cute missing ear

I don't know if I should scream or cry I hope they are found safe and sound

Because I want my Vann back
Please God let them be found I want my cuddle buddy back. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 213
A Real Beast
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
The last and Lost wolf running through the woods at night trying to find his way back home.

He looks up and sees that the moon is out and howls in sorrow for the pack mates he has lost in a fight they should have never been in.

A fight against a real beast and that Beast is man with his guns and knives the Wolves never stood a chance and now he's alone in the world wondering why he was the only one to live.

His is angry and hurt he wishes for Revenge.

Just as he thinks his revenge will never come a beam of light comes from the Moon and transform him into a man.

Now he's a wolf by night and a man by day he'll certainly get his way. Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 235
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
You're a liar and a cheat you deceive the world with your smile but the truth lies within your soul

Your soul is as black as tar because the devil has his claws in you

You are his puppet and he is the master you do everything he commands because you're lost in a fog of Darkness not knowing which way to go to be safe.

Because he knows you're looking for a way out he digs his claws even deeper into you because when he has you he does not care what you're doing but when he feels you pulling away that's when he'll do anything in his power to get you back again.

So stay strong and you can do it by saying this

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

And if you truly believe it you will become safe and know what the light feels like when it touches your soul. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 198
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Life is great and Grand because I carry your heart with me I feel it beating in my chest

You are such a wonderful soul that you think of others before yourself

I am truly honored to carry a part of you with me it will always remind me the blessings I've been given because one blessing is worth more than a'll the gold in the world.

It means you believe in the person you have blessed and see a bright future ahead for them. Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 187
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
You're so narrow-minded it would take a hammer to crack your head open to new possibilities

You think that you're right and everyone else is wrong

And you judge people by their religion and by the color of their skin

You say that believing in God is stupid and only the stupid do it

But you're just so stupid you think you're smart

Your logic is backwards and twist up in thorns

Your definition of love is to preach hate

But god is above your hate and he knows that you are lost but one day you'll find your way back to him and realize how foolish you were.

And he'll start to change you with a bit of love which will open your heart to the world and you will stop spreading the word of hate because you have learned to appreciate the beauty around you. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 211
Dead Heat
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I'm tired of this dead heat it's 95 degrees I can't stop sweating and my heart won't stop pounding I can hear it in my ears

The Sun is bright and out fully Shining and is turning my face red from all the heat that is giving me

Being in Florida during the summer can really **** if you don't like the Heat but it is awesome during the winter it rarely gets lower than 30 degrees

If this Heat keeps up ill eventually drop dead thank God for AC. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 206
Sigh of the time
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Anger, violence, outrage and being offended by every little thing.

This is the sign of the time

Once we accepted a man's word because his word was his bond but now we can't trust anyone.

There's too many people getting killed and ***** hundreds and thousands more each year.

When did it become so normal for us to see ***, drugs and death on TV that we no longer see the Horror in it.

And when someone is killed people become outraged and think they should take it up in their own hands but all they are doing is cause more trouble more violence leaks out more people get hurt and the person whose death they March for never gets their Justice.

Of course how we take every little thing now offensive and spin it out of control.

It's like turning a molehill into Mountain and that turns people angry and more people get offended and then they turn angry and that anger turns into violence it's a vicious circle.

Why can't we just go back to when the world was simple and people weren't blowing other people up.

There weren't riot in the streets that ended up with more people hurt.

Good cops weren't getting persecuted because the action of the rotten and the world was so much better.

You know your neighbors.

You could leave your doors unlocked and you didn't have to worry how the world outside your home was going dark. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 216
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I dream of an unknown land across the sands

A place where humans dare not go

Filled with Immortals who seen the beginning of time

Their world is pure and not filled with pollution like ours.

They take care of their Earth because they know it's a part of them.

Elves hunting in the forest with bow in hand.

They are healers, Warrior's, Hunters and leaders.

They are bound to the earth so they know her desires.

Fairies who make the flowers grow in spring also fills the world with snow in winter and their magic makes shooting stars.

They love to pull tricks on the ones who don't know.

They're tricksters but sweet down to their soul.

Werewolves hunting in the forest for their mates and pups to eat.

Family is the most important thing to a werewolf if you mess with one wolf you get the pack on your back nipping at your heels.

Vampires recording time in their books so the young May learn what the old has known for centuries

Witches and warlocks in the castle on the hill made out of Glass.

They cast their spells to keep the world safe and so dark Forces can not enter their realm from the dark side but beware if you mess with one the wrong way you'll have a hex on your back before you can blink.

Dragons flying overhead teaching the newborns how to fly it's quite a beautiful sight.

Mermaids greeting Pirates after a long journey at sea.

They keep the ocean pure and protect their world from beneath the waves.

But I am invisible to them I get to see their world but never will I live in it and I guess that it will be enough for my soul.

So I will watch and love this beautiful world from afar I dare not change a thing about it.

It is perfection in the most natural form. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 251
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Heaven Only Knows what's running through your mind

You're a mystery.

It would be easier to jump off the roof and land on my feet like a cat then figure you out

You know I was never the rich kid so I never had the money for mind reading class

I think there's more to you than meets the surface.

People shouldn't judge you because you're a black sheep in a white sheep herd.

They should just learn that you're unique and accept it without questioning it

You are who you are and that's a mystery that I am going to solve. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 207
Not God
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I'm suffering at the hands of a doctor who likes to play God

He thinks everything we do is wrong and everything he does is right.

He thinks we should do it his way or not at all

He told me I should just get over my issues but if it was that easy then I would never had issues in the first

I suffer from PTSD he's the one that told me so.

I have panic attacks and my nerves are always on edge and I am easily angered and I have a hard time sleeping

So I think he needs to check himself and learn to get a better bedside manner or quit and get a job he's actually good at because his attitude is not cool it's just plain rude. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 199
Worse than before
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
My body is shaking my soul is quaking and my nerves are worse than they've ever been

My doctor took me off my meds now I'm detoxing through hell and trust me it ain't swell.

I think he did it just to be cruel I finally got something that helps me with my panic attacks then he snatched it away and now I'm panicking all day.

People say breathe in and out and control yourself but it's hard to control your emotions you can't help how you feel.

So I'm on edge and can't wait to sleep but my mind will not shut off so here I am writing this poem just to pass time.

And hopefully soon I will be right as rain.
Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 186
Queen Bee
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
You think you got game but I'm the master

I made the rules that you most obey.

So stop going behind my back I got little birds who love to sing in every corner of the city So I know your loyalty ain't true

Actions speak louder than words

You think you're a big shot but you're not your nothing but a two-bit Hustler and I am the boss who has got the respect all you got is a nose full of crack

I started out underground and worked my way up and now I rule this city

So back up I'm the queen bee and you ain't Jack

You better step aside and learn your place or get a Bullet in the Brain.

Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 175
Red And White
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Your wings are red and your eyes are white what are you?

Are you an angel or a demon?

Do you come from heaven or from hell or somewhere in between?

are you good, are you evil or somewhere in the middle

Please let me know everything about you I want to know you

I feel like I need to touch you

As I touch your chest I realize you are real And not just in my head Thank god I haven't gone insane yet and your heart beats like a hummingbird on crack

I wish to know you and the secret you hold

Take me for a ride we will fly around and never come back down and spend eternity soaring in the clouds. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 186
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Change the Reapers fate he's more than death and loss he is the end to the beginning

Life has got to end somewhere how about the Reaper shows you the way once you are in your true forum

He'll guide you with a loving hand to the promised land

So Just give him a chance and he'll be there when you need him the most .

Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 181
Happy Days are here
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
The Bird's woke me up with a special song

The sun is up and the clouds are gone it's going to be such a fabulous day.

Summer will be here soon

It's getting quite hot out here how about a dip in the pool to cool us all off.

The wind is blowing through the trees and makes such a wonderful Melody

I got a smile on my face I can't help but be happy in my special place on this awesome day

So let's get up and dance to some tunes we're going to party the day away.

And when the Sun goes down we'll count shooting stars under the moon as we fall asleep to the Crickets beat what a sweet Jam that they got going on.
Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 178
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I fell under your spell of love all you had to do was look into my Eye's and in that instead I felt your soul with mine

Now we are lost in our own little world and our Obsession of each other grows every day

my love for you is causing me to do crazy things like getting into cat fights over you and jumping out of plane in spite of my fear of heights

We may not be together forever but we can enjoy the ride

Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 235
A Blue Heart
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
When I see your face and say wow how you've grown I wish we could be close like brothers and sisters should be but inside my head I know that will never happen.

I shouldn't feel this or miss a boy I never really knew who is now a man.

I was happy the day I found out I had a brother but when I found out he did not feel the same it causes my soul ache

I couldn't help the tears I shed over the memories we will never have.

We should have been together from the moment you were born but that didn't happen.

We were dealt unlucky card.

Because maybe we would have been friends and a real family not just by the blood we share but the love in our hearts.

We would have always been there for each other no matter what.

Oh how I wish for this but I know it will never be true that alone makes my heart blue.

Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 184
Spell Bound
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
You cheated on me and I'll let you live now you owe me payment for your life.

Didn't your mom ever tell you do not play around girls with broomsticks, black cats and pointy hats.

I am going to put a spell on you and you will become my slave and I will be your queen so get on your knees and worship me.

I put a spell on you and now you are mine until you die.

Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 197
Room 209
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Never go into room 209 on Hell's Road.

Once you enter there is no escaping with your soul intact

The Demons of Hell call it their playground

Where no rules apply and everyone dies

They say once you enter you hear the screams of the victims that came before but it is too late to escape you're already through the door

So don't go through that door I beg of you please don't.

Once you're in you won't ever get out and You'll wish that you had listened to me I'm trying to keep you sane and your body in one piece.

Once you do what I beg you not to do.

They will paint the walls with your blood and laugh in your face as you scream in pain and beg for mercy.

Mercy does not exist where you are at.

And once your reported missing it will be too late.

But you can't blame me I did warn you.

Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 157
You Are
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
You're the salt in the sea that calms my nerves.

you're the clouds in the sky that makes my heart soar and imagination run wild like leaves the breeze just going with the flow

You're the blood in my veins that keeps me moving to the music of life and the Beat in my soul that makes me lose control

And simply saying I love you is not enough for you to see the truth in my heart so I wrote this poem just for you. Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 413
His love
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I was lost and distracted by my own desire too blind to see

But you opened up my eyes when you came into my heart

You wrap your loving arms around me and saved me from the darkness Within

Now I can see that you were the father I was always looking for I was just too blind to see that you were right in front of me

Protecting me, loving me and showing me the way

To show you my love for accepting this black sheep I write these poems of love and send them to you on wings of a dove

My writings are the way I worship you let them ring from heaven so all who is lost can found they're way.

Let them know your loving embrace so they will not fear what they do not know because you will be there to take the fear away and give them hope and love.

Love comes from you god and you are love.

You are the artist who created us and we are one of your greatest work of art.

It can be seen as plain as day you made this world for us to thrive.

Because you are our father and we are your children.

who you loved since the beginning of time until the end. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 194
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Bullies are cruel.

Bullies are mean.

Bullies have low self-esteem

They think they're tough but really they're not they're just taking they're anger and pain out on the world but that's not right.

Someone hurt them so they hurt others it's just a nasty circle of pain

If they keep it up one day they'll end up in the big house and will regret everything they ever did

So do what's right and not start a fight or call people ugly name's because how would you feel if the shoe was on the other foot.

Do on to others how you wish them to do on to you. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 183
Bye-Bye Honey
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I caught you in the shower with the girl from next door.

I don't want to hear you explain how it won't happen again.

pack your bags and get out of my life and do it fast you're wasting my time

And if you ever call me honey one more time I'll smack you so hard you'll be seeing stars for years to come

So get up and get out now.

if you keep standing there the cops are going to be called and I'll be doing 10 to 25 because the only thing that will be left of you when the cops arrive will be a smudge on the sidewalk and blood on my fist I'll take you for a whirl by the time it's all said and done you won't be seeing anything anymore you'll be dead and gone

So get out before I lose control like a mother bear protecting her Cubs I'll slash you all up.

So bye-bye you little twit too bad you weren't loyal because life would have been good like the Garden of Eden and now you'll never know because you picked the wrong Apple from The Forbidden tree. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
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