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May 2017 · 107
Path Way
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Instead of right I go left instead of saying yes I say no

Every choice we make sends ripples in the pond of life.

you might not realize it but little ripples turn big and they shape our future and they shaped our past

They show us many path ways that we can take but it's up to us to choose which one feels right to us because it's our future at steak and no one else should have the right to choose for you.

One road leads to another and before you know it you're on a journey of life.

when will your destination end no one knows.

But just enjoy it while you can you never know when the Finish Line will appear suddenly

So enjoy your life before the sands of time run out. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 86
Mi Amor
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Come with me mi amor and we'll take a ride on a shooting star and dance on the rings of Saturn

We Will picnic in the Milky Way and play laser tag in the Stars

And when it's all said and done we will kiss on the moon and fly back home to Earth where we will talk the night away. Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 247
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Victorious a warrior in disguise she'll surprise you if she wants to and then her bark turns into a bite so beware she seriously has got the moves to put you flat on your back.

Amazing and wonderful she simply remarkable she worked for so long for her family she is Amazing

Lovely and beautiful like a rose her heart is kind and her soul glamorous in the light God loves when she Praises him it makes her more precious than the seven seas

EarthBound she may be a cancer which happens to be a water sign but she loves her garden she has a green thumb

Rich in love and in family love is an emotion that you can always make more of so you will never run out so she has really hit the jackpot when it comes to love because we love her like no other

Intimidating she may be short but she can intimidate a serial killer and make him soil his pants she is fierce and Wild not afraid to take anyone down especially if they hurt her family

Epic her personality is larger than life she's truly one of a kind

Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 86
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
You destroyed my life and gave me mental issues you made my young life hell.

The damage you did tried to destroy my future.

Every day I went to hell and back because of you.

how cruel could you be?

I may forgive but I'll never forget.

you made me hate my life and I wanted to die and that just made me cry as I fell asleep and had nightmares of you running through my mind.

But unfortunately for me you we're not the only villain in my life they were all around me.

Most tried to destroy my mind and others broke my heart.

Now I hear your words echoing through my mind like a song on replay.

It Causes flashbacks and panic attacks and outbursts that I cannot stop.

I cry and Shout and rhyme about everyone that tried to take me down.

Now I'm dealing with my issues as my doctor has got me on meds to keep me right in the head

So it's not my fault that my nerves are bad.

it's not my fault that my heart is sad.

it's not my fault that my mind is full of cracks.

it's not my fault that I was born in this world of pain

I tried to fight the demons within but it's like trying to hit a ghost that turns into smoke and reappear

But I'll keep fighting until God calls me home in spite of the abuse I endured ill try to stay strong

And not let the anger inside of me destroy the peace that my life can be.

so stop the bullying it doesn't make you tough it just makes you a punk who's out of luck. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 133
Work of art
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Stop the crying he is not worth it

No more tears should you shed on his behalf

He is a cheat and a ***** old rat

His game is old and he thinks he has swag but he is a fraud who just got had

And you're an angel that fell from heaven your beauty Your Grace cannot be replaced

you're truly one of a kind So Divine

Once you walk down the street all eyes turn to you and your hair that looks like sunlight and your eyes are Bluer Than The Sea itself you're truly a walking work of art. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 97
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
How can you say you loved me when you treated me like dirt you are mentally abusive and made my heart hurt.

Now I have Demons Inside my mind trying to destroy me all the time with the words you once said like a ghost in the night

They haunt me and taught me all the time And now I'm struggling to stay sane so I don't explode and cause a supernova that will destroy the world around me and leave my mind broken. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 312
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Compelling she is like a siren singing a deadly song and she is willing to drown you at sea if you get too close

Heartwarming and kind she's always doing her best to lend a hand especially when she sees someone in need she's an angel sent by God in a human disguise

Adventurous and daring always willing to try something new and she loves excitement and having a good time she can be quite a party animal if she wants to be

Reliable you can always count on her when you need her the most she's the best in town no one has a soul that glows as bright as hers does.

Lovelier than the moon, the sun and the Stars that spark like diamonds in the night sky

Enjoy having her around she can make anyone laugh or smile she is the life of the party and you will always enjoy your time with her

Restless hates being caged always wants to be free as a bird or she would go insane and never come back out the same

Intelligent smart as a tack she's good at quick thinking and figuring out things in a pitch she is so smart and she always has the right answer to any question

Energetic when she wants to be and she can go off like a racehorse and nothing can stop her she is like the Flash Too Fast to catch.

Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 115
Down the rabbit hole
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
A Dream Within A Dream Is this reality or a fantasy

I'm stuck in between

Lost on a mysterious Road without a map to guide me and with talking cats, pink bats I think I'm losing touch with reality

Should I fight the pull of this dream world or should I Surrender my self to this reality and walk off the beaten path so I can fly on wings of a butterfly and drink talking tea that makes you laugh with every sip

Then I fall off and I land on a purple spotted mushroom with a drunk mouse running circles around me so i pop a squat down on the mushroom and I took  it for a ride all I need is one bite and I'll be Sky High

I lay my head down and look up and see flowers dancing with stars above this world is so far out that I just want to stay and never wonder back into the real world but unfortunately a rabbit's hole opens up right under me and I start to fall.

where the rabbit hole goes no one knows that until I wake up back home so maybe later on another day I'll take a ride on the dream track once more. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 171
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Klutzy and an adorable My world, heart and soul all wrapped up in to one little package and what a handsome package he is so filled with light that he can out shine the sun.

Oxygen to my soul is what he is and without him I would fade away like a fire that gets smothered out

Rebel who is always trying to fight me and has to have the last say but he can't win with mommy on the block.

Brave and daring always getting into the wrong thing and getting in to serious trouble once it's all said and done he will wish for forgiveness and ask for a cookie right after

Innocent and sweet always offering hugs and kisses never wanting to be alone always wanting to be right by my side he is my little mini me

Nitpicking won't eat what we're having always having to have his way he is so stubborn that he would let his self starve before eating something he don't want but we love him anyway he is my diamond in the rough I love him more then life it's self always and forever my Bugaboo. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 125
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
An ocean breeze comes Blowing by and sends my wish up to you in the shy And you look down and stare into my Eye's and You can see my soul as plain as day you know it's as pure as fresh fallen snow

“Once” you have seen the Unseen Beauty in me

You fall from Heaven just to touch your lips to mine

You know you broke all the laws now your wings are turning black

But it does not matter because I have you and you have me.

Together always and forever. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 98
No Strings
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Doctor doctor I bumped my head and now I think there's something in my bed

Call the fire station, call the law have them come save me I need mind recall

Hurry up smokes coming out of my ears I think I'm going to explode

Yay they saved me now I'm fine they kept my mind from taking a deep dive into the trash bin were it would have been erased.

so I would have became a Mindless puppet on a string

thank God there's no strings on me. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 86
You & I
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
All I dream about is you, you're on my mind 24 7 you touched my heart and won't let it go and I dare not ask you to

you're the air I breathe

You're the dreams that keeps me up at night

you are the blood in my veins that makes my heart beat I can't sleep without you by my side You're my heart's desire and your touch sets me on fire

Come back to me so we could live in each other's arms for all eternity

Just you and I the world will disappear

No one will disturb us or try to break us apart

We are soul mates and we are stuck together like glue for all eternity and when were old and we die I'll meet you in the Pearly sky where we can be together forever more.
May 2017 · 114
Party like a Rock star
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I'm not some slave or a ***** that you can beat around

I won't go to my knees the moment you come around

You're not a God and you're not a player just a ***** who thinks he is all that but he doesn't have Jack on me

Because I'm a rock star and I party hard

DJ give me a beat

I Pump Up the Music and let it flow through my soul

I dance on the table and let my freak flag fly high

I'm going to bring the house down tonight

The music is blaring the drinks are pouring like rain

the cops try to shut us down but end up joining the game they just can't help themselves the music speaks to their soul and takes control

The party is getting louder and louder and before you know it the Windows started shaking and the house starts breaking

We got to get up out of here and take the party to the street

We may block traffic but who cares when all said and done they will be partying right beside us. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 127
I Quit
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I got a job and quit my job all in the same day.

I now know how Cinderella felt with her evil stepmother yelling at her and treating her like a dog

My new X boss did the exact same thing to me she barked orders and didn't care if you accidentally made a mistake on your first day It was a lot to learn and so little time

she won't even let me have a break her version of a break was 2 minutes

Fortunately for me my mother was working for her today as well and like a knight in shining armor she rescued me.
So we said sayonara and quit our jobs like hell I'm going to be treated like dirt on the bottom of someone shoe. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Twas the night before work, when all through the house creatures was stirring even the mouse.

I was Nestled all snug in my bed while visions of a great day danced in my head.

When out of my room arose such a clatter, I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.

I threw open my door and what to my wondering eyes should appear but my mother waiting to tell me good night and good bye before she was off to work. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 111
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
The city lights outshines the star's in the night

They are both beautiful one made by mankind and the other by Nature

It's hard to compare their beauty to each other because they're both beautiful in different ways

One is filled with lights, music and people going about their day as the songs in their heart sings loud for all to hear.

And the other are filled with lights that sparkle like diamonds in the sky And a sweet melody that rocks you to sleep

So never compare the two they are both two different Beauties in the world. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 125
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Our personalities are like layers on a cake some are sweet, raw and just plain bitter

But it shows What we are Made Of like our funny little quirks that drives people mad

And our talents that make us shine

And our ambition that drives us all the way home after making our dreams come true. Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 89
Wild Spirit
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
The Wild spirits inside us has lost its Edge because we kept it locked up for way too long

Now it's becoming docile and weak too afraid to show its true nature

It believes once it comes out it will be forced into a smaller cage then before and we will eventually become robots forced to fit in today's Society

Drowning from the lack of passion and wonder we once felt about the world.

Now we are dull and blend hoping for a spark of excitement to refuel our passion so we can truly live once more free and no longer caged up. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 69
The Star's in Heaven
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I once was told that the night sky was a reflection of Heaven and all the stars were really Souls that shine bright and a shooting star is really a angel coming to Earth To save us from ourselves and the demons that lurk right around the corner ready to pounce at any given time

They're just looking for a weakness or a desire of something that we truly want.

So they can stab us in our backs or ****** us in the dead of night

But we won't fall for their tricks we will fight until the last of our light leaves our body and our soul returns to our true father who will Embrace us with open arms and show us we should never fear death because he will be waiting. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 106
Goodnight World
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I'll be going to bed early so I can get up bright-eyed and bushy tail

I'll be up by 6 and at work by 9 I can't wait this is going to be so divine.

So I think it's fate that gave me this job to lift my spirits up and to wash my Blues Away.

So goodnight World I'll see you after work.

Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 78
Starting Work
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I got butterflies in my stomach and they just don't wanna go away I'm excited, scared and thrilled at the same time

I hope I don't let anyone down

Because I will be starting work for the very first time in such a long time

So I can't wait to start so I can start making my own money and feel pride in my self and everything I do

Wish me good luck and a great day I hope things go my way. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 77
Love & Lost
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I loved and I lost but I do not regret the choices I made and the pain that they caused in me because they turned me into the woman I am today

Fearless, strong and more stubborn than a bull.

I am no longer a weak little push over that almost everybody walked all over.

I'm Like a Phoenix Rising From the Ashes stronger and better than ever before so watch out I'll come for you if you dare me to.

Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 103
The World On Fire
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
The world is on fire and is burning before your very eyes.

But you just sit there and do nothing like a lump on a log

If you continue to do nothing all that will be left is Ash at your feet and smoke in the air

So speak up one voice will turn into many and before you know it you're a symphony fighting for the future of this world and the souls who occupy it. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 153
Hallow be thy Name
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I come with a song in my heart just for my lord maybe your light can make my soul shine bright

And chase away the demons until they're out of sight

God is the Holy One Hallow be thy name

He is faithful and True he's always there when we need him and even when we think we don't

Never will he forsake us

He made us from his image, He saved us with his blood and he gave up his son who died on the cross to wash away our sins

For all who shall believe in him will have everlasting life in the Kingdom of Heaven

Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 187
Devilish charm
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I met a man in New Orleans with a devilish charm and when he spoke.

It was like a spell that takes control of my body, He is like a siren out on the sea

He likes to play with people's minds and mainly their hearts

With every command he said  I was compelled to do and i lost a part of myself

it wasn't until he pushed me to my limit That I finally said a enough is enough

Now his spell is broken and his hold over me is gone so he better watch his back because when he least expects it I'll come for him

Revenge is best served cold

Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 150
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Parenthood is a thankless job but definitely worth the time.

Your children can irritate you and drive you up the wall

You can go from calm and Collective to bat ****-crazy

But you Love them with everything you are

Raising a child is definitely a bumpy road but it's worth the ride

There's no greater love than a parent for their child

my love for my son is so strong it consumes my very soul how about you?

Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 199
Uncage the Caged
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Just because bird's have wings doesn't mean they're free lots of people like to keep them locked up in cages because how beautiful their feathers be

But if we truly loved them we would sit them free back to their home whence they came from

And then their Freedom would know no bounds. Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 248
To The Moon And Back
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I love you to the Moon and back my love for you is as vast as the universe and Just as endless.

So it never stops growing.

Just when I think I can't love you anymore something happens and more love flows out.

I love you even when you're angry at me or I'm angry at you because anger can never stop my love. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 201
Casualties of War
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
A man has committed sin but also committed good acts of kindness.

He is not evil or good he is both and just making mistakes along his way.

But most want to condemn him

They do not see the suffering in his eyes he knows he has done wrong in the world and he's paying the ultimate price

He has lost all hope in himself and in the world around him

You pass him on the street every day and ignore that he's there

He's a person with feelings and a heart that's quite bruised

He has been ostracized since he came back from the war with demons in his head

He once was a soldier who did his best fighting for his country because he wanted to protect us all but he came back with his mind not fully intact so he was thrown into the gutter to die.

Now all you have to do is give him a hand and the man he once was will start to show up once more. Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 531
Not So Perfect
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Some people in this world are Vain and shallow as a puddle.

All they care about is flaunting their feathers like a peacock

Trying to show the world that they are perfect all they care about is their outer beauty and not what's Within

But what's within is more important kindness, love and generosity makes for such a beautiful soul

“So if “you ever doubt yourself remember this it's not what on the outside that matters it's the inside

You can either have a beautiful garden on the inside or be completely rotten the choice is all yours

Please Choose Wisely. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 618
True Evil
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Why does mankind do such evil things?

Some are just evil and enjoys the pleasure that hurting others may bring them.

Some are forced into evil acts against their very will

Other's say they do it for God they say it is his will

Many do it out of desperation

But it does not matter if you have a good reason or not evil is evil

Have you ever heard that the pathway to hell is paved with good intentions.

“If “you think you're doing something good by hurting others you're really doing something evil you're just too blind to see it. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 229
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
One morning I got up as the sun was Rising a field of flowers was soaked in morning dew and they glistened in the Sun what beauty to behold.

It dazzled me and I became Breathless as I looked upon such a serene site it truly gave me peace of mind and now I am stress free because all my worries have melted away. Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 117
Fly on the wall
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
If I was a fly on the wall to observe your ***** secrets that you try to hide inside

The skeletons you keep in your closet we'll come stumbling out

And will be shown in the light of day then they won't be a secret anymore and you will no longer be a mystery that needs to be solved. Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 526
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
We are creatures of habit we tend to be this way without even realizing it.

Going about our days that seem to go almost the same way Going in circles repeating it

We like to stay in our comfort zone because we're comfortable in our skin that way.

But we should be more outgoing and adventurous because you only get to live once and when your life is over it's gone.

You'll never get it back so step out of your habit and live on the edge because if you're not you're taking up too much space. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 109
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Hate is such an ugly word but we use it every day.

I hate this and I hate that.

We say but yet we don't realize the damage we cause with the ugliness we speak.

We should be more loving and open because if we were this place would be less full of hate and a much better place for all of us to live together in harmony

there's truly no room in this world for hate so we should just eliminate it

Hate should never existed in the first place. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 225
Final Notice
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I work myself to the Bone and I don't even get your gratitude

You treat me like a servant with lousy pay so I am putting in my Final Notice and getting out of this ****** job

I'm going to become my own boss and build an Empire I don't need this crap Shack so peace out And sayonara. Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 246
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Some of us have never been lost before and for the lucky few whose compass always points to the right direction you are truly blessed.

Unlike most who spend most of their time lost in this crazy world wondering why the fates curse them

Just puzzled by their unfortunate luck maybe one day the wind will turn and good luck will finally be in your favor. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 637
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
They are beautiful but yet deadly as they fly overhead their even Majestic but don't forget a dragon can breathe fire and **** you in seconds. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 803
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Imagine a world that's all neat and tidy and has no color or wandering it

Where We are all puppets on a string doing what our Masters please

We do not feel we are nothing but Hollow shells

but that until one of us breaks free and chooses to defy the ones who Hold Us Down and paints the world with a Magic Brush now we're all free doing as we please and now there's Beauty everywhere

And we are whole once more living in this colorful world. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 188
Copper thorns
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I went to pick a glowing flower and got poked by a thorn then the vine started wrapping around me and  dragging me into it

I tried to break free but it's like they're made of steel and looks like copper

As I claw at the ground trying desperately to get out as the Thorns dig deeper into my skin

I do not know why this is happening but I do know I'm scared out of my mind

That's until a Knight came up and cuts me free so now I'm safe in his arms. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 200
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
“After” the ultimate fight the fight of survival the fight against death I am tenuous.

Just needing to rest and get my bearings together and when I'm done I will be better than ever and truly Victorious

Like the warrior I am. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 235
Olive Branch
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
You and I were once enemies but a greater evil came and tried to destroy us so I offered you an olive branch for a one-time peace agreement.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend

And together we banish the evil and once again became enemies to fight each other another day. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 195
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
You and I are star-crossed lovers we are ill-fated.

Our love is destined to fail and when were together we will flame out and end up destroying each other. Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 331
Emerald City
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I got swept up by a tornado and landed in the Land of Oz where I met the munchkins after accidentally killing the Wicked Witch of the East

Then Glinda Told me to go to Emerald City after giving me magical shoes so I can get home

And on the way I met a scarecrow who needed a brain and a tin man who needed a heart along with a cowardly lion who needed courage

And after meeting the wizard he sent us on a mission to steal The broom from the Wicked Witch of the West

And when we got in trouble I threw a bucket of water on her to save us from her wickedness and she begins to melt then we took the broom to The Wizard of Oz who happen to not be a wizard at all but really just a man with many tricks up his sleeves But he managed to keep his promises as I click my magic heels together I'm back in Kansas once more Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 131
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Lost and Stranded on an island hoping for a rescue ship that may never come.

Barely surviving day-by-day by all the knowledge and quick thinking I learned over the years

Holding on to a shred of Hope that I'll be rescued before I go insane

Maybe someone will see my SOS signal that I have drawn on the shore And Save me. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 158
Party fever
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I got this fever down in my soul this party fever and it's driving me insane.

I'm about to go buck wild and party till Dawn.

So I'm going to dance until my heart gives out and drink you under the table.

And when it's all said and done this party will go down in history as the craziest one of all and I'll become a legend. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 773
The beauty of the ball
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I went to the ball and met the prince we danced and dined and I had a grand old time.

That's until the clock hit 12 and I went running out and dropped My Shoe on the way

Now I'm locked in a tower waiting for him to rescue me hopefully he sees his princess underneath these rags

And when he did we lived happily ever after Sealed With a Kiss. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 216
May Flowers
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I whine and complain about the poison ivy growing in my beautiful garden like a **** that it is trying to destroy what The April Showers did that brought my May flowers. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 225
Rotten poison ivy
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
I itch from head to toe it's from all the stress that consumes me

It is like I have poison ivy in my soul trying to destroy me

It's eats me up inside and like a fungus it's trying to turn me rotten. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
May 2017 · 180
Shelby Mccrary May 2017
Am I a monster and I just don't realize it.

Are all my problems in my head?

I try to stop the way I feel but I just can't help it.

And when I try to talk about it.

It never comes out right and I just end up making the matters worse.

I am a Walking Disaster?

Should I be medicated and locked away forever so I can no longer hurt the ones I love maybe they are better off without me.

I am like an earthquake All I do is cause disaster. Poem By Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
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