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Luna Aug 2019
try as i may i can
never forget the way your
eyes look when the sun
makes them glimmer like
silver fish in a pond
Luna Aug 2019
Blue jean sky
hangs over the park
The one i love next to me her
Arm resting behind me my
Head on her chest our
Legs tangled together like
Knotted strings
Blue jean grows darker
Our love grows brighter
She’s wrapped around me
Swaying to the beat of the music
My jacket around her shoulders
Red looks good on her
She sings along
I close my eyes
Is this bliss?
Luna Aug 2019
i accept chaos
whirling swirling chaos
all around us
we live in constant
the world is uncontrollable
so im content letting it happen
Luna Aug 2019
everything is beautiful
through the lens of love
but take off those glasses
for nothing is what you make it
when you’re in love
One guy i used to have a crush on was a **** and i didnt realize it until i fell out of love ****
Luna Aug 2019
I grieve
For the girl lost
I celebrate
the girl found.
Luna Aug 2019
The look in your eyes
hurts more
than the blade
on my hip
Luna Aug 2019
Existing is just
prolonging my

so why keep
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