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Mik May 2021
embrace me

drizzle syrupy whispers in my ear
press powdered lips to the back of my neck

your candy shell around my creamy center,
our licorice legs twirl together,

drift to sleep on egyptian cotton candy

I can't sleep

but I'm not sugar high
when we kiss I taste aspartame

sweet, but artificial
still, so close to the real thing

or maybe I just can’t tell the difference?
Mik Feb 2021
See me now,
So you can’t picture me later.
Let the blue light move across my vinyl skin.
Trace the slew of whispered pros down my spine,
too soft to hear.
Pull my hair until you tear out the pages that I won’t read you,
Because I won’t read you.

I’m fine with watching the movie and never reading the book.
Maybe skimming the first few pages, then leaving the rest to collect dust on the nightstand...
Without so much as a bookmark.

For now, our legs on cotton sheets are moving on the screen.
A flash of images refracts into our minds,
only to be lost by next week.
A predictable plot.
No suspense of a next chapter.
No rich velvet of ink on our eyes.
They say the written word is dead,
But I don’t know…
maybe someday I’ll try to read something…
But not tonight-

Hit Play.
Mik Jun 2024
I’ve been covering my feet  
In time’s dense clay,
Stuck to a mountain side.

I’ve been curing underground
Sitting on my knees,
Going dormant.

I’ve been hoping one day
I will dissolve into
The volatile components
That I’ve buried
And the eruption will
Disintegrate the covers from
The bedrock that I can’t seem to get out of
In the morning
Mik Feb 2023
I’ll pull dead things out from boxes in the ground,
I’ll let their rotting corpses be seen,
And churn them into compost with earthworms,

So I can grow.
I can grow.
Mik Nov 2023
The place where I live
Floats on a lake
Where wind feels the same
As an earthquake,
And the water never freezes
Only marries with the sky
As they drown in each other.
Mik Oct 2022
In that hot summer of sticky skin,
Pulp stuck in gums of our stifled grins,

You licked limeade from my citric lips,
Then went spelunking in pitchers of it

Maybe the fructose was high,
But the syrup felt simple,
So I drank my fix straight from your dimples

Then all at once - your sweetness drained-
All limey alchemy wrung from your brain-

...and so went my first name
(Why won’t you say my name?)

Acid corroded my skin, now blistered and sore,
But I’m still sweet for you at my core

Are you sour at your center?
Or just tough on the rind?
I hope sugar from limeade lingers in your mind
Mik Jun 2021
We trudged through steep snow as it melted,
And you caused avalanches with every step,
You teared apart entire forests,
While I was too busy walking to notice...

The water is smooth opaque turquoise,
Just like in the pictures you showed me,
As we stand on a rock at the water's edge,
You take my hand and ask me to jump;

Then wind rages through the valley of us,
And the ripples of clear remind me:

Smooth are waters with no depth-
Bellow is only a shiny surface,

Where nothing breathes.
I've walked through puddles deeper than you
Mik Feb 16
It was always about growing and now it’s
Keeping from dying-

It was always absorbing deep breaths and now it’s
Not letting the oxygen get to you. *

Name my blood and
Drink it, too.
Mixed with hot brine
Strain and Strangle
Bind and Condense
Congeal and Compress
Cook with pressure
And fasten the timer,

Talo lathered salted skin
But smelling like amber and sandalwood
And other impossible smells,

Or preserved in formaldehyde
Tan the hide-
However- you can-
Prevent the flesh from rotting.

I hike great lengths to evade the views-
To get into the dirt,
And away from all the selves in their self-ness,
To get close to the fungus and the worms,
And away from being a meal,
To be touched by the sun,
And nothing else,
But every time I look into a pool of
Mountain runoff I see
Every melted face-
Past & future
And I’m confronted-
Glaciers have thawed that will not freeze again.
Mik Feb 2021
I fear that inside
I’m made of silver halide
I can’t risk exposure,
so my pupils go wide

as they thirst for light
in this room sealed tight
while lusting and longing,
for my dark to turn white

and print on my brain
black and white frames
of a moment in time,
that will always remain.

But a moment of light
means I must let some in…

I'm sure my development
can never begin.
made possible by light
ruined by light

— The End —