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I don't believe in God,
I believe in me.

the only thing
that scares me
more than a God
is myself.

I am
so many people
that I can't even
keep track of

I am
ideas, personas,
smiles, images;
fractions of a being.

Phantom in plain sight.

I am a joke.
I am *******.
I make you laugh,
so you can't hear me.
I sell you someone else
so you don't see me
as I stand before you.

I am the ghost.

So, so many
but none of them
are mine.

**** me
to pieces,
then gather
what fits.

It never does.
It never does.
For some reason honey
I'm reminded of a song
A song I hummed
as with my mouth I slid down your thong

Something about the weather outside
guided my mouth in between your luscious thighs
and though the snow shovels and returns just as quick
That song won't leave my head
as I gently nibble and **** on your ****

We won't be able to go anywhere
nowhere at all
that was evident to me
as I thrusted as deep as my *****

But since we're trapped indoors
I'll kiss on your neck as we make love like ******
our burning flesh could melt the cruel snow and ice

let it snow let it snow... now that'll be in my head all night ;)
 Feb 2015 Michelle Durkin
It was innate
My ability to resonate
Thoughts upon my birth

When I was a child
My mind ran wild
Over Heaven and Earth

As a teen
You best mind, I was mean
Not much, my thoughts were worth

As a married man
My mind did span
Until my first child's birth

Then it started to slip
My mind did rip
And began to spill upon the Earth

Now that I'm old
Thoughts I can't hold
What are memories worth

Where are my car keys?
I accepted the poetry challenge from ThePoet. It is something that's easy to lose but hard to gain.

— The End —