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Jan 2021 · 8.8k
Human Being
Lisa Jan 2021
I am you, you are me
There is no difference inside to see
The color of your skin, hair or eyes
Does not represent what’s inside.
Physical traits come from the family tree
They give roots, history and a sense of identity
But inside we have the same blood, the same heart
So when does prejudice begin to take part?
Babies are born without preconception
They feel love and comfort from their caregiver’s affection
Their new eyes are blind to ignorance
They see through a clear lense and don’t see difference
As they develop, society gives them glasses,
Their vision gets clouded by the opinions of the masses
The lenses get darker as they grow
They filter the world to see only colors they know
Differences become obstacles, not celebrated.
Leaders tell them who to respect and who should be hated.
These biased views could remain for a lifetime
And then they’re passed down to the next one in line.
Opinions are essential, shared thoughts educate.
But when they’re bigoted and hateful we cannot tolerate.
Take those blinders off, take a look around.
There’s so much joy in diversity to be found
Don’t let the blindfold give such a narrow view
Don’t be complacent and take what is given to you
Rip off the filter, open your eyes
Find connection, common experience, destroy the lies
Revel in these connections, learn from one another
We’re all trying to get through from one day to the other
See through the skin, the hair, the accent
To the core of the HUMAN BEING with love and respect.
Jan 2021 · 816
The Wrong Side of History
Lisa Jan 2021
Each day we’d tell ourselves, it can’t get any worse.
But we’d wake up to the next bombshell from the Donald Trump curse.
His rhetoric and false promises stirred something in millions.
He was going to “drain the swamp” be the man of the people to his minions.
He brought out the worst of us, appealed to their deepest fears
Convinced them they could stop hiding, gave them a voice for four years.
He treated our country as the setting for his next reality show.
Each day a new episode, with fake news and Democrats the greatest foe.
He’d tweet unintelligible nonsense in the middle of the night,
Encouraging racists to come out from under their rocks and be ready for a fight.
Four years of bigotry, vitriol, and insulting nicknames,
crimes, pardons, and everyone else always to blame.
He bullied and intimidated, to keep his allies securely in his pocket.
And if you veered off his path, he’d add you to his docket.
These spineless Republicans who went along with this charade,
They were the most pathetic, doing his bidding as they were played.
The Trumper fanatics seem to have short term memory loss.
“Mexico will pay for the wall!” he said.
Now they’re paying for its cost.
Putting children in cages, separating them from their parents at the border.
300 children still missing, reuniting families, a useless order.
There were “good people on both sides” when white supremacists came to ****.
“Stand down and stand by”, he told the Proud Boys when asked to rebuke their will.
Each day we listened, watched, and read things we just couldn’t believe.
No one thanked him for McCain’s funeral, he told “the squad” to go back to where they came from and leave.
He insulted the city of Baltimore and labeled poorer countries as “**** holes”.
He alienated us from allies, and continuously used erroneous numbers in the polls.
The problem is, this is REALITY, not a show, and people’s lives were in his little hands.
He has no concept of consequence, having everything handed to him from his dad.
The list of his transgressions is long, but there’s one that will follow him to hell.
He knew how dangerous Covid 19 was, and decided not to tell.
He said it was not a big deal, not to worry, that they were prepared.
Looks like by April, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away,” he declared.
This is the flu, it’s just a flu. Don’t wear a mask, everything’s fine, was his call.
We’re doing a “tremendous job” he said, he’s not concerned at all.
Well now we see the result of his inaction and he said he takes no responsibility.
Thousands are dead and dying, NO LEADERSHIP was the key.
A sigh of relief when he wasn’t reelected, but he refuses to concede.
The election was rigged, the Democrats cheated, although there was no evidence to see.
His “alternative facts” were denied by the courts time and time again.
So what does he do, he turns to the underbelly, his faithful, deplorable friends.
As a result we saw something on Jan 5th that we’ve NEVER seen before.
These “protesters” stormed the capitol building, bashed in windows and broke down doors.
All the while, they were chanting their mantra to their king.
Replacing the American flag with a Trump flag, destroying everything.
These weren’t protesters, these were terrorists, leaving the chambers a wreck.
No respect for the ceremonies from the Constitution they say they vow to protect.
If that was a mob of black Americans, do you think they would have made it to the front door?
They would have been showered with tear gas, and shot dead, racial injustice to the core.
Trump loved every minute of it, held off the National Guard as pandemonium reeled.
Then he tweeted a loving video telling the thugs they were special and he knows just how they feel.
If there is a bright side to this attack on democracy,
it’s that it clearly exposed the ****** representatives for everyone to see.
It’s been interesting to see his greatest supporters jump like rats from the ship.
The biggest *** kissers in his club now want no association with him.
****** too, had dedicated followers who believed themselves to be good people.
And then they paid the price when the term **** became synonymous with evil.
To me, those who have sided with Trump will always be a mystery.
But one thing I do know is all of their names will go down on
the wrong side of history.

— The End —