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M Crux Alexander Apr 2015
Touch your blade
   then touch me
past my defenses
   you're all I can't see
filling my mind until this void collapses upon itself
and you become the reality

I'm not aware of the bleeding
   unless this infinite screaming inside my skin
is not the world trying to reach in
   and steal your touch

Kiss your razor
   across my soul
Please ~ drag it  s l o w l y
                        let me savor
                              the sting.

Come, now, kiss the tears
I've bled for years in silence
pools just under the surface
lying dormant within the violence
   of being too far away.
M Crux Alexander Apr 2015
Burns inside like I'm alive
I'm not afraid to die ~ not afraid to try
afraid of leaving this place tonight
afraid of ripping my soul in two
~half to keep my body alive
~half that stays here with you
An infected touch
   that brings addiction
a neverending hunger for
   just one more touch
a never-bending desire for
   what I need so much
...torn between what was "right" and honorable and the pull of my emotions, body, heart, & soul. I am ashamed to say I was not honorable, I succombed to a pull so strong that it transcended many years and hundreds of miles...and eventually led to my true love.
M Crux Alexander Apr 2015
I'm dreaming
visions surround me
your arms around me
once again
   and until the end
let us be friends
until the Earth burns
   around us
   and within us
Let the sun consume
   our promised flesh
and allow the moon
to marry the rest
within a night of screaming souls
our world is old
so starts anew
our scorched supernova
revolves around you.
Realizing that I'm not with the one whom I'm destined. I'm dreaming of my true love...and wishing it were real. (years later, we are finally together.)
M Crux Alexander Apr 2015
where angels lie
I touched your skin
I tried
I cried
I believed in trust
I believed in us
but your shoving away
hurts too much
to believe that we
were meant to be
the sky clears
storms recede
Yet, thunder looms
beyond the seas.
If it's not meant to be, it's only gonna get worse. Stop fighting fate & go find your true love
M Crux Alexander Apr 2015
in the breath of Mother, I pace
I wait.
I know of her coming;
it is inside me.
She is inside me.
Yet, I have never smelled her scent,
nor drank of her life.
I know of her like I know of the moon.
     I am pulled
into her path.
Years of flesh
could never wash away my hunger for her.
Even the sweetest cries of fallen prey
do not take
my mind from the moment
when we will finally meet.
It is my destiny.
My desire.

I lay here on the earth,
my body hidden.
My breathing shallow.
I can feel her near.
Years of waiting,
of feeling the slightest bit closer,
every moment has come to this.
I will be patient, still.

Faint sounds perk my ears,
drawing my attention to the distance.
My mind smells fear,
though I am nowhere near.
I am invisible.
The unseen.

Leaves rustle and my dark beauty emerges.
My heart slows,
for my instincts say NOW
But, I have waited so long,
I will relish this torture.

She is cautious and wary.
Eyes darting, knowing,
yet not seeing.
I am here, my love
Yet, silence is my steed.
I will be upon her before dawn.
Slowly, she creeps away.
Even slower, I follow.
She is never from my sight.
Never again
will her scent be an unknown memory.

Moment by moment
I feel her heartbeat stronger.
Am I getting closer?
No...I am further away.
I can hear her heart beat within my own.
Flutters within me
I have never known
tell me...tell me this is not my pulse.
It is hers, becoming mine.
As her blood will soon flow through me.
She shall strengthen me like no other.
She will complete me.

The forest grows thin
as we move towards light.
This is not my home.
Here, I do not feel right.
I feel like an intruder, a beast.
But, I cannot stop.
I am committed to this.
My life will continue
with her a part of me
or it will remain here and die.
So, I pursue.
       I hunt.
Closer I stalk,
narrowing the distance between my meal and I.
My hunger growls,
yet my throat does not.
The time nears that will join us into one.
Closer...              closer...            closer....
She stops and freezes.
She knows I am near.
Can she feel me as I do her?
Has her life been foreshadowed with my coming?
Does her body ache
or does it tremble in fear?
All that I am wishes to be nearer.

She moves...I take the moment to narrow the gap.
We are closer now than ever before.
I am the demon who shall devour this lamb.
I am the wolf,
I will consume her forever.

I smell her fear through my skin.
She calls to me...
to sink my teeth within
her voluptuous hide.
She freezes and turns my way.
How could she see me?
No, her gaze passes over me.
She just knows I am here.
As she turns away,
I spring from the ground.
I hear her cries as I fly through the air.

Finally, I am upon her!
Her cries muffled by my weight.
My teeth sinking into her neck.
Sweet, warm life
flowing down my throat
as I pin her harder to the ground.
She struggles violently.
Desperate for freedom
that she will never taste again.
She is mine!
Completely and irrevocably mine.
The more she struggles,
the deeper my bite sinks inside her.
Her passion flows hot into my throat.
Her body convulses as imminent death dawns.
Her heart synchs stronger with mine
as they pulse violently to Death's cadence.
Slowly, yielding, she gives herself to me.
Her body, her breath, her mind, her ***.
I drain them all and take her in.
I tear her skin, rip her flesh coming in.
I devour her life and her heart I win.

This is about raw, consensual emotional pursuit expressed in an allegory of a wolf hunting a lamb. Some is very raw, very primal, horrific..and that's how nature is. It is not intended to be direct correlations, but more the spirit of the pursuit from a hungry carnivore that knows only instincts. The woman is the love of my life, with whom I was in a LDR over the internet in the early 90's. We had limited contact and I drew upon this longing and desire to embody the wolf's hunger.
Whether you want to call this a poem or not is ok with me. Call it prose if you like. It was expressed from the same place that poetry flows within me.
M Crux Alexander Apr 2015
I can't remember a time
without your pull in my heart
nor a moment spent (without suffering)
while we were apart
An unconscious caress
like my hands up your dress
We were meant for thunderstorms
like we were meant to be wet.

Unconscious desires
still captivate and surprise
while subconscious fires
still burn each other's eyes
Your wrists call for my grasp
looming over you, breathing
treating each moment as though it were our last
Descending slowly
into your vibrating soul
drinking your life
consuming you whole
devouring flesh
sweet supplicating spirit
Praise me, dark rose
and I'll hold you close
with eternal arms
that never betray
and the love of vampires
til our last day
when it turns to hours
and my tears to blood
are shed on the angel
who takes my One. soon to follow
with Romeo's pace
lay I by your side
to share this place.
We come from one
and I long to unite
my soulful moons
to your **** night.
Our illuminate passion
shall call the tide
and flood our bodies
with passionate sunrise.

I need your worship
I can't resist your praise
I'd release my blood
to fill your grave
to swim with my beloved
and rest where she lay.

M Crux Alexander Apr 2015
Stealing songs
from right and wrong
enduring hunger
so I can be strong
enough to heal
enough to feel
my way around
this cavernous sound
an unhealthy pulse
driving me on
I'm so scared
can't see beyond
today's setting sun
It's over, isn't it?
I can't fix it
without breaking myself
Creating a hell
becoming a shell
Do I love enough of me
to give up the beauty
with whom I want to be?
This was about my internal struggle between my heart & my mind--emotions or intellect--to which do I be true? Which held the truth for me? My current relationship  was falling apart b/c I was in love with another woman...and I always was & would be. I chose security & comfort over passion, which felt freeing for a while. Then I realized I was a poet and ultimately, deeply, forever in love with another poet. I was living a lie.
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