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 Nov 2013 Lunarian
Maya Grace
My mind is my enemy
The power it holds
The inner darkness
That no one knows

I smile politely
I play the role
Nothing abnormal
Just a game

The mask is on
Glued so well
I question my sanity
But still live in hell

Always surrounded
But so alone
If only the was a pill
To numb this pain

I wonder if I'm broken
No hope for her
It's been so long
I question the blur

No one can see
The darkness within
The smiles are masking
A rage so grim

The confusion I have
About who I am
Tortures me daily
I never can win

The purging carries
A sense of calm
Forcing the food
To numb the din

My body is aching
My mind is cold
The reality of life
Hurts my heart

When will it end
When can I breathe
What am I holding
So tightly within

Only can I release this beast
Tearing my soul
Piece by piece

Food is my weapon
Again the fire
Soothing the flames
That rip through my mind

Burning so sharp
Do I even own
my heart

I need some peace
From this crazy life
That purges my thoughts
With every dart

Food is the bullet to my heart ...

 Nov 2013 Lunarian
I remember well the day you died
I saw my glimmer leave your eye
The room went cold
Your heart went dry
We waited years to say goodbye
 Nov 2013 Lunarian
I B Liviu
Velvet drops of smoky mirrors,
Soothing clouds in endless skies,
Fill my heart with warmth and shivers,
Joy and love like one it ties,

Sweet and sour, crisp or smooth,
Dropping by or running down,
Liquid safes that hold the truth,
As the walls surround the town,

Diamond curtains tie around,
See-through walls of melted mirrors,
Up side down I feel it bound,
To the sea and all its sailors,

Floating castles in the wind,
Ghostly dreams that come to be,
Huf and puf and they will swing,
Like the branches of a tree.
 Nov 2013 Lunarian
Anderson M
Ever felt the urge
To cry but the tears
Just won’t surge?
I am Her.
The embodiment of royalty
A physical manifestation of Her soul
A spiritual movement to Her drum.
I am the Epitome of Zion.

My golden Hide draped in Her pride

I am a Metaphysical Force
Changing form everyday
Becoming Her rivers
And Her Valleys alike.

I speak in Her infinite Tongue of Love
With Her voice
And Her spirit
We are forever.

The Land of the First Trumpet
Where the first Heartbeat was heard
Where the first Sun rose and birthed the first horizon

My Place.
Where the first Moon wedded the Starry African Night Sky.
Where the first mountains praised Her
Where the first Warrior fought
And conquered the darkness.

Her life was breathed into me and so I am abundant.
Every part of me was chosen for greatness.
Delicately, I was created
With perfection
And finesse.

My mind borne of consciousness
Blessed with her essence.
Given Her sight
Given Her touch
Given Her strength
Given Her.

She is the home of plenty
The plethora of Her soulful Aura
Natural wealth

She is what it means to be Human.
Her soul, Her roots, Her vessels, Her.
Africa is what it means to be Alive.

You are Me
And I am Her
We are African.
For Every person in every corner of the world.
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