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Mar 2014 · 941
for Travis
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Like warm water from a soothing shower
Running down my skin
Like the pollen of a flower into the belly
Of the bee
You are everything to me
You are the sweetest sin
My love
Where do I begin
Becoming one is my favorite part
We make love with our hearts
You bite my shoulder
I move over
You pull me close
Don't let me go
Like sunsets on gleaming oceans
our toes sink into sand
My cheeks burn red
When you kiss my hand
Lead me not into temptation
But to the sweetest land
Where forever does exist
And roses never die
Where losers always win
And mothers never cry
Where I am you
And you are me
Where two bound souls
Are finally free

My love
Don't you know what you mean to me?

My love for you is undying
My love for you is true
My love for you will never fade
But it will always remain
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 385
can't never sleep
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Scarred for life
That's what they call it
You know, when you can't sleep at night
And you wake up to the sound of your heart
Boom. Boom. Boom.
In your ears
In your soul
You have no choice but to go back
To the time that made you feel just as
Boom. Boom. Boom.
There it is again. Now your mind is awake.
And you're  thinking of every bad thing
You have ever gone through,
And you're thinking of every bad thing you have yet to go through
That you could go through
That you should go through;
You see how the mind works?
Now it's all your own fault.
Boom. Boom. Boom.
No wonder you're scarred for life.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 595
Sneaking In
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I love you
We're bonded
We're sisters
the end.

you are
no friend.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 703
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I could rip out my ovaries
Toss them to the wolves
They don't work anyway
**** what a waste
Then torture each doctor
That gave me false hope
A sense of revenge
I do taste


I could hand you my ******
Just pull it right out
The **** can't make babies
or at least so I thought
Go ahead *** inside me
Nothing will happen
That part of my life
It seems God forgot


The pain is ******* UNREAL
Can I take a knife
And just end it all now
While I still have my head?
****** up my spine
****** on my liver
Well I'll be ******
I'm already dead

(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 784
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
One day
The pain just might take me
And the sun won't wake me
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 185
Haiku #3
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
The blade is so sharp
Her cup has runneth over
Blood is beautiful
(c) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 334
Haiku Number Two
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Look up to the sky
Sun rays of beaming glory
You will find me there
(c) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 291
the secret of secrets
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
The delicacy of a daisy
The innocence of
Evening rain
Washed away in a sea of
Because he took it all away
It became elements of
The ghosts of past obscenities
Never disappeared
Haunted dreams
Daylight becomes the night
There is no sun for flowers
Not even water from the skies
Could cleanse away
(c) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 222
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
the long pause on the monitor
tells me I couldn't save you
the bells have stopped
the IV's come out
the blood is settling
the room is quiet
the family has left
the shroud is stiff
the cart is cold
zip up and close
how sorry
that I couldn't save you
(c) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 180
My First Haiku
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Death is coming close
I cannot avoid the dark
My soul seeks refuge
(c) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 5.3k
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
You gave me your heart first
And then the ***
It was the best

Now you're gone
And I'm left pondering
What went wrong

Thanks anyway
It was the best
Just the ***
(c) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 352
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Life is so hard.
Like really hard.
Like so hard if I knew then what I know now
If I could turn back the hands
If I could turn around
It would be different, yes
It just might be
Just slightly
They told me to hold on tightly
That the devil spits his **** like lightening
And even though God is there
It seems He don't care
On my knees begging please please please
In silent prayer
I pinch myself to awake from the dream
I've lost control
No intervene
This **** sure isn't what it seems

When I say life is hard
It's not the bills
The baby daddy the broken toilet
The running water the standing still
It's the battle of our minds
The tugging of our hearts searching
Searching for peace we'll never find
Then we become blind
And leave all sense of reality behind
Still searching for the ****** up fairytale
Buried deep beneath our eyes

Life is hard
Life is hard
Life is hard
There is no easy way out if you think along those lines
Go ahead and **** yourself
Your soul may still decline
Because you didn't leave any of your baggage behind
And then you're left in immortal death
Saying to yourself
Life is hard.
(c) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 501
As I Lay Dying
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
As I lay dying
Won't you be my prince charming
Kiss me and tell me you can give me the world
That you'll steal the universe
And chase the stars
With me in your arms

As I lay dying
Won't you hold my hand
Touch my lifeless head and tell me it will be
That you'll find a way to steal my soul
And keep me alive forever

As I lay dying
As I take my last breath
Won't you find it in you to let me go
and that you can say goodbye and know
It isn't the end
Hold me in your arms dear friend

As I lay dying
This poem can be taken in a literal sense or a spiritual one. It was inspired by the relationship I have with my best friend, who just so happens to be a guy (hence the Prince charming) as I am currently battling a chronic illness. His love for me is undying and I wanted to represent that.

(c) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 170
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
the horizon once was promising
the skies once were bright
now a raging sea of pain
i see
a dark and stormy night
(c) Maxwell 2013
Mar 2014 · 258
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
If there's anything I've learned
from being burned
Those feelings of hope are very real
so the feelings of reason are concealed
and you're back in the hole
you just climed out
Let me tell you,
I know what I'm talking about
If there's anything I've learned
from being burned
If there's anything I can teach you
so that reality may reach you
Don't become soft; don't fall for love or
become so transparent you're easy to see
Because pain is required for all things earned
If there's anything I've learned
from being burned
Let me tell you,
I know what I'm talking about
(c) Maxwell 2013
Mar 2014 · 697
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
My greatest ally
My worst enemy
My broken heart
My healing soul
Without you I am nothing
With you I may not have anything
I love you
I hate you
For making feel so strong
What I don't want to
So hard to love
More hard to let go
(C) Maxwell 2014
Mar 2014 · 201
The Act
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
If at any time you see me smiling
Know deep down inside I'm crying
I'm good at acting
Don't you see?
This is all a game to me
(C) Maxwell 2014

— The End —