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In that meadow
   we built a snowman
           summer couldn't melt
It's been a year
(and a half)

*where are you?
© 2012  J.J.W. Coyle
How can one express their heart
when words are not enough,
how can I even dream to start
when my tongue finds it so tough.

Let me try...

You are the graffitti
me as yours
you are the scent
of stale beer
in late night smokey bars
you are the
pain of paper cut
where lemon juice seeped in
and the bitter
taste of sugar
replaced by sacherin
you are the days
felt wasted
and night times thrown away
and the silence
found in laughter
just to keep the tears at bay
you are my anger
my sorrow
and my pain
and given
my time over
we would do it all again.

These are not insults
these are the depths of my heart.
 Apr 2012 Joseph the Dreamer
I watched the words tumble from your mouth,
Without a doubt they fell,
I watched them form a misty cloud,
Without a doubt you couldn’t tell.

I watched you stumble over yourself,
Recorrect your story,
Edit the missing parts,
Fill in all the dark and gory.

I watched you, oblivious and blind,
In a haze of dark smoke,
I watched you fluidly, lie after lie,
I hope you ******* choke.

I hope you ******* choke.

And if my hate 'aint clear enough
Heres another line or two
You really thought I meant it
When I said I love you too?
 Apr 2012 Joseph the Dreamer
If I had to write you something,
Knowing tommorow you will die,
Id write a life-long essay,
Just to ensure that you survive.

Or I'd put three simple words,
Right in the center of the page,
Because "I love you" can save a life,
Might cool down all your rage.

I'd scribble meaningless pictures,
Plead with you to stay,
Tell you it gets better,
But it never goes away.

And inside I might be angry,
Scream for you to "stick it out...."
Tell you to live with it,
Cuz thats what life's about.

I'd be crying cause I miss you,
I might die a little too,
But I'd be careful not to tell you,
Anything that isn't true.
if you were the moon,
i'd howl for an eternity
if you were a star,
i'd gaze at your beauty
if you were the night
i'd sleep peacefully
if you were mine,
i'd never let you go
this is what i truly feel inside
this is the loyalty of the wolf
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