You are up to something eternal while I dream of getting wasted every time I see you in my peripheral.
You shake lives by following God's call. Me? A day at work occupies my soul.
You are loved by everybody.
Even my friends hate me.
I see you and I can tell your future is set. I worry everyday for what tomorrow may bring ahead.
Everyday I wish for a chance to see you.
Every night I pray that my dreams will be filled of you.
Am I too crazy for looking at you that much?
On the inside I just want to get to know you and feel your touch.
But no matter how I try to look at it, we will never fit.
The world has judged and so did you.
And the truth is, I will never be good enough for you.
I know I said I'd move on. I know I said it already. ****, just give me time.