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277 · Jan 2019
warm life
Mya Jan 2019
I dream of the things I want to happen
but I wake up in my own bed with my dog at my side
with her warmth
the cold air in my room does not stand a chance
I wish I could take her with me everywhere
she makes me smile and laugh

outside it is cold and there are high drifts of snow
but she playfully runs around and through them
if I slip and fall on the ice she won't laugh at me but she would look at me then continue doing her own thing
even though she may not know my bottom hurts
she definitely knows that her being there makes it feel like the world loves me more than anyone

she makes the cold feel warm
I dont want her to leave me
and if she does
I'll have to live like she is still there
266 · Jan 2019
Then to Now
Mya Jan 2019
Back then, in the sunlight,
your face is bright with joy
as you smile and laugh with your daughter

But now, in the dark room,
your face is filled with violence and hate
as you stare at the killers face
This just popped in my head while I was watching a show when a guy was smiling in a bright room with his daughter. Then in another scene, he is in a dark room and he looked mad and his hair was messy.

— The End —