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Jan 2019 · 234
The times with you
Those times with you were fun, they are memorable. But now you stand there and you watch me as you kiss some guy trying to make me jealous, always standing in the way. But guess what, I. DON'T. CARE. your a ***, i ask for a day away from you and you turn to another dude, so this is my message to you, i don't care for you anymore, never talk to me again, or ill have to block you again
welp, this is a message and i don't care
Oct 2018 · 203
good times bring weak men
weak men bring bad times
Bad times make strong men
strongmen make good times

Is it a good time or a bad time for you. Lets figure this out
Oct 2018 · 195
Days roll by
When the days roll by you think nothing of it
But in reality every second you use is one you'll never get back
Most look at it as in its only a second but there's ONLY 3600 seconds in an hour.
and there's ONLY 86400 seconds in the time of 24 hours

Guess a times tickin
One day there wont be a clock
Oct 2018 · 193
Smile from a mile
When you smile just think of the miles.
Not the miles you look on to
but the miles you are done through.
The miles that may come with the power of that smile
The smile may travel to other lanes in the race of time.
It may just others smile which will go on.
So together you can move on

Oct 2018 · 212
The people inside your head
We all have those voices, the people inside your head.
All you can hear is them even when you go to bed.
When they talk some say just don't quit.
While others say others say you can't do it.

These voice strike when you don't need them.
When you can see the gem.
Right outta your reach.
But they'll just use a leech.

They get on you when you need to do good.
And all they'll do is ht you with some plywood.
The try to break you and burn you
They'll try to use your feelings in a stew.

But if you don't acknowledge and you push.
You'll make them all want to hide in a bush.
For if you can say no more outta you all.
They will look at you appalled
Man, people let stuff in their head so much they don't believe in themselves or they don't try anymore.
i only say this because we dont know, for all i know my neighbor could **** me, or my friend hit by a car. You never know what'll happen so lets have fun till we make hell give up and tell us to go to heaven
**** hell and **** boring days
Oct 2018 · 194
Pay no attention
when people wish to talk about you after your falling out saying fake stuff stings
But i will take that in mind, show you up, And make you scarf your words down.
Because i have people who care about me more than you ever did
you wont see this but thanks to you, I'm stronger and better cause you don't like me and talk crap
and thank you to all yall who support me in even a small way
man, people talk crap but lets get over it together and shove their own words down their throat
Oct 2018 · 150
The tough road
the tough road no one can pave
the tough road where you have to pay
No one is gonna hold your hand
No one cares if you trip and fall

all you can do is try to save
but people look on from the side and have nothing to say
all you can do is look out on the sand
to take your mind off it all
Oct 2018 · 267
Only way I can vent
The only way I can vent
is the way where I give my consent

I like to write
because everyone else thinks their right

I get that you may look down on me
but please don't look at my friends and frown

People talk crap but am not about that
except it feels like a nat

I've learned you can trust none
But one...

but when that one betrays
all you can do is say it didn't phase

So the only way i can vent... well you read it
cause all of you who read this feel like you wanna sit

but i write so y'all can be right
Its a tough road but i say lets pave it
May 2018 · 452
The titans
the titan that make the world a nuisance
the titan the poses a threat to all
the titan
the titan no one wants to face
this titan we've all seen at least once
but this titan lays in wait
for the right time
when your weak
               is your

but this titan you can defeat with
                       loved ones

Feb 2018 · 281
The drama
All of this drama, and for what.
to feel better
to make ourselves better people
or is it because we can't live without
most people say drama's bad
but good god it isn't
it makes us strong,
it makes us believe that we are little
even though we're bigger than titans
we make the heavens look down
and wish they were as strong as us
but why drama...... why the drama
Jan 2018 · 193
pain #1
PAIN: Pain is like a bee, it stings when provoked. Pain is like a alligator, lying in wait until you aren't ready. It's like your hand falling asleep, you wont know its there until you try to move. You can't escape, pain will always be there and striking over and over like a cobra
this was my first poem i wrote
Jan 2018 · 208
pain #2
That’s just who she is

She looks like she’s been broken.
She looks like the sorrow is in the epicenter of her.
I remember holding her hand that now is frail.


I remember her cold determination.
Her pride is shredded now.
There’s not an inch of her body full of

The purple scar over my heart is unmistakable.
The black ooze that only she can use to hurt me.
It spreads across the floor searching me out.

The pain blows away like the ash off the end of a cigarette.
A trail of sooty substance left behind.
I swallow back my hatred.
Only so she can't
this is a redraft of the one from before

— The End —