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Jan 2017 · 243
Lily Taylor Jan 2017
What do I do, self?
Do I continue to let a man rule me
A man with charm who gets to fool me
Do I stay and say I’m sorry
Or apologize for ever bothering
With you?
A man who often helps me,
Cares to protect me,
But then closes open doors?
He holds the strings
While he plays me like a puppet
I’m in love with this man
And I can’t even help it
He takes all my energy
And there no sense of

Jan 2017 · 379
A Relaxed Painter
Lily Taylor Jan 2017
An artist in theme,
A set artist indeed
To go rue the outside world
For its wall space and scene.
She will walk the land;
But, as it never goes as planned
She stops by for drinks at pubs
And sees some nice spots on the way.
Oh little Lily, you will rue the day.
Nov 2016 · 304
Lily Taylor Nov 2016
A massive convulsion has torn a rift
between two things,
but now one must give.
It's unfair how the stubborn won gets to win.
The one who can't change and wont
gets to get more than they give.
The unwillingness that created the rift
is what destroys this for what it is.
Nov 2016 · 259
Heartfelt Exhaust
Lily Taylor Nov 2016
I'm tired.
I'm feeling sad, lonely, and confused.
Some days I can pull of happy
When others, I can be in a mood.
I do what I can to groove.
Lately I've had an extreme case of the blues.
And it's sad to play happy,
When I actually feeling more alone even when I'm with you.
Oct 2016 · 297
Lily Taylor Oct 2016
A **** in the sea; what a life to lead.
Cackling fish are just an inch
away from a creeper with no eyes.
So they assume that he's blind
Blind in the way that he can't look
and blind in the way
other fish will think he won't know
and won't spread the truths he'll find.
Oct 2016 · 238
Lily Taylor Oct 2016
It's something in us all.
Some hide things well,
others afraid of being raw.
Some are enclosed
and can't reach within;
Some people are scared
and others win.
A careless madness
is for people with success
and a non-reasonable madness,
for those on the streets
who don't get to rest.
Lily Taylor Oct 2016
Today was a day with a slight mind adjustment.
A hint of intoxication really clouded my judgement.
I continued without a thought and did cause some ruckus
I've scarred a friend for life
and it gets harder to stomach.

Today was a scandal and now it's too late to go back.
I have done the wrong thing and I cannot believe in the lack
of judgement, in myself;
I don't think I can stand it.
A needle with ink against skin
cannot be fixed with a bandage.
It's the shame that will be the permanent damage.
And the longer he has it,
he will realize how he had once taken
that body for granted.
Oct 2016 · 212
Time to Exit
Lily Taylor Oct 2016
one thing I love to do.
I am someone who
lives life through
and adventure
is what I love best.
A change of scenery
to help me rest.
So I may be at a point where
I can't stand still.
But that's okay because,
I have no power of will.
Oct 2016 · 236
The End's Beginning
Lily Taylor Oct 2016
We sit across a table and join hand in hand
You look at me and smile
I say "Baby, you're a lovely man".
The hard times were over.
Or where they ever really?
I sit across from the one who
I love and call my baby.
I stare into your eyes and see
what I've since then always seen
I try to ignore a stream
of what I wanted us to be.
I shake my head and try to ignore.
But sometimes, I know
because you tell me that I didn't score.
My life without you will be totally corrupt.
And at times like this I think
at least it might be better then stuck.
It's hard when I love you so much.
I'll kiss you now and wish us good luck.
Oct 2016 · 247
Today I am Dead
Lily Taylor Oct 2016
Today I am dead and have no one to mourn me
Yet alive I know the world would not bore me.
If my father was with me I know he would scorn me.
And so, being alive has kind of torn me.
I could be in a court room...
and they would adjourn me.
But today I am dead, stupid, and lonely.
Oct 2016 · 207
Shut Me Up
Lily Taylor Oct 2016
Sometimes there is just nothing to say.
I give up
I have felt thrown away.
I've always fought hard
for what I believe in
but talking takes no action
and I am finally relieving
myself of the duties
of carrying on through
This time I give up
and it's not just for you.
I'm tired of the baggage
you have left me to sort through.
You leave me without help,
I don't know what to do.
I refuse to continue
and sort through
bad choices I haven't made.
And maybe someday,
You can come to realize
that you have made a mistake.
Oct 2016 · 237
These Days/ Bonnie
Lily Taylor Oct 2016
These days I walk by
I remain as kind as I
have ever intended or had in mind.
I do what is said to be right and aim for no less
but keep running through people
who are heartless and haven't felt stress.
I keep walking on through different people
and do my best to decide
who is best for my own interest
and who have bad traits to hide.
I depict my own path but can never see through it
and once it's too late
I wish to undo it, the friendship
that only burns on one side
and I always do my best and be kind
and although I continue to try and try
I let myself down more each and every time.

Every time I glide with the wrong Bonnie to my Clyde.
Oct 2016 · 639
A Poor High School Grad
Lily Taylor Oct 2016
I'm against the course of what is right
and what's wrong.
I see day by day
as something to ride along.
I know a future should be present
and a goal can be set,
but when I'm back into school
My mind just resets.
Every day with no cause
all information retrieved
I suddenly lost.
All the inspiration within
does come with a cost.
Another waitressing job
In a town that's forgot.
Sep 2016 · 323
Somethink Different
Lily Taylor Sep 2016
Originality over Success
I’ve only wanted what’s best
Success is in pride
But pride will not drive
Me. To win what is mine.
For that, you may not have to try.

For that, you may not have to think.
And for that, you must stop.
To get on top, you must rock.
The world inside you for what it’s got.
Why think, when you can do.
Overthinking can be the death of you.

The death of you. The death of you.
Overthinking can be the death of you.
Don’t think, just do.
And remember try not to lose
What is yours and what is mine,
What can be found inside the mind.
Don’t think, just do.
Overthinking WILL be the death of you.
Just start, then climb.
It’s the best way to keep what’s mine.

I’ll keep what’s mine until I scramble
From then on, it’s hard to find.
When you’re scrambled, you’re fried.
You have lost what drives the mind.

So don’t think, just do.
Utilize what is left of you.

— The End —