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If we are not breathing
so our dreams may live
then our dreams are dying
as they watch us
waste our breath
Chasing you through dreams
you slip through my fingers
turning to mist and smoke
leaving nothing
but the warmth of your breath
and the ghost of your kiss
on the surface of my neck
and it’s all
an illusion
by the lonely blood
seeping from the cracks
and scars
that decorate the skin
of my heart
and I can’t tell the difference
between desire
and desperation
as I tumble through
the longing to know
the scent of your skin
and the taste of your spit
and in the silence of stars
and the voiceless sky
I fumble and stutter
trying to call your name
and you pause long enough
for me to get lost
in the madness
and mischief
of your eyes
and I drown in the colors
of the charm of your lips
and I wander helpless
following the echo
of your ghost
changing shapes
and names
and houses
dream after dream
your hand close enough
to reach
but impossible to hold
as it turns from flesh
to smoke and mist
and you laugh
in small giggles
and leave a note
pinned to the pulse
beneath my ribs
letting me know
you’ll be back tomorrow
and tomorrow
as a dream walking
through forevers door
I would like to take a moment
and thank all my brothers
and sisters
that have died before me
those who died
sliding down my mothers throat
racing towards her gut
and their own deaths
those that went right
instead of left
and left instead of right
as we swam and raced
not knowing anything
of anything
to all those that died before me
and after me
And apologize to all the children
I will never see smile
those that died
in my teen angst tube socks
and crust stained sheets
those that died
wrapped in paper towels
and on tissue
and toilet paper
and tossed in trash bins
trapped in latex graves
and swirling and twirling
down the drain
May god forgive me
for living without
Republican wisdom
and law
and legislation
what unforgivably shame
to not make sure each
and every single one of you
did not go to waste
But not all hope is lost
Republicans are working hard
on new laws
and new legislation
and new prayers  
first they will secure you
a womb in women
willingly or unwillingly
teen or adult
consensual or ****
and then to be fair
(because we can always
trust a politician)
they'll be writing
and passing laws
to make sure
we don't casually enjoy our *****
without making sure
not one of you is wasted...
Let's lay down on a blanket
made of stars and the night
and will watch life pass
like clouds in a dream
made of me loving you
and you loving me
and we will collide and connect
and burst through
our sins and the sun
we will lay heaven to waste
and burn hell and its gates
to rubble and cinder and ash
and will make fools out
of desire and lust
and wear them like a second skin
and you'll be my moon
and my prayer
and my sleepy time song
and I'll be your pulse
and your rhythm
and your bedtime story lullaby
and we'll sleep
and we'll dream
and we'll love
on a blanket made of stars
and the night
He wanted to place his heart
in the tender grace of her hands
and let it speak to her of how
and when and why it had fallen
for her completely and madly
and he wished he could place his dreams under the soft smooth porcelain skin
of her belly and let it fill
with tiny hands and tiny feet
and the innocent laughter of children
and it was all of her that he
found wonder and awe in
from the perfect curves of her smile
and the iridescent deep blue pools
of her eyes
to her insecurities and flaws
that he wanted to comfort her against
and show her how beautiful
they helped to make her to him
there was something more
than the perfection of love
he saw and felt beating
and radiating  from her heart
and all he wanted was
to spend the rest of his days
and months and years
finding new ways to make her smile
and laugh
and to hold her through the cruelty
and storms that are unavoidable in life
and he couldn't remember
what it felt like to have a broken heart when lost under her gaze
full of magics beautiful perfection
and all he needed was a moment
of courage to place his heart
in her hands
before her hands vanished
and all his dreams
and hopes where lost along with
the courage he never found
I like pens that bleed
Ink that smears
Girls with scars
Broken parts
***** clothes
Stained sheets
The hint of blood
The taste of lust
The smells of love
Nights through morning
Mornings to night
Suns that sleep
Moons that dream
And all the pretty
You hide underneath
Those pretty
Pretty things
 Jul 2016 Laurel Leaves
I Don't Want to Fight Anymore

I don't want to fight with you

I am just projecting
the ugly tangled thoughts
that plague my mind.

It's easier to make you hurt
than to feel it myself.

It's easier to access the ugly
than embrace the beautiful.

Most of the time,
it's easier to just hate you
instead of give you the love
you so deserve.
Happy sun
Happy sun
  Your day is done
  Your day is done
Sleepy sun
Sleepy sun
When do you dream
  When do you dream
You've been up
All day long
All day long
How many days
Has it been
How many days
Since you last slept
Its been a
Life for you
   Never closed your eyes
  Never dreamt
Never asked a thing
  Poets always writing
To the moon
  About her shine
   About the man living
    With her
About her dark side
No one every
Stopping for you
To write about
Longing to walk
  On the sunny side
Of the sun
If you could sleep
Just one night
  Just one night
Where would you go
What would you do
  Would you sleep
    In an ocean deep
   Cool your temperament
  Relax your blazing heart
Watch mermaids swim between
  Your dancing flames
    Turned blue
   Collect coral reef
  And broken shells
And tooth and treasure
In lost green seas
Oh happy sun
   Happy sun
  Your day is done
Your day is done
  My sympathy
   For you
    For my
  Is always
And all
I do
  Is sleep
   And dream
    And dream
   I know
  I know
You love
  I know
My Paper Queen
My Paper Queen
Only dream
  Only dream
Out shine
My Paper
No other
    Rule my
For my
Paper Queen
And my
  My always
Its forever
In her soft
Kind hands
  Soft kind
  Where I only
   My Paper
My Paper
Been waiting  my whole life for this and I never knew
Been waiting my whole life to love like this and I never knew
Been waiting and waiting
And never knew I was waiting
To find someone who had to be perfectly imperfect perfectly
And now that i know what I was waiting for
And now that I know this new kind of love
This brand new love
This love I've never known like this before
No other love will you find me ever waiting for
This is my only love
My one and only true love
That I willl always be loving
And always be waiting for
Only you
Only you
For loving you
Is what I am suppose to do
And that is what I've been waiting for
I will always be yours
Although you may never be mine
But that will not **** my heart
Or chase my soul away
Your heart is numb towards love
I know
Your have days of darkness and  biting doubts
Whispers of failure and loathing echo through your ears
You can walk through a warm pleasent day
Yet your every breath fills your lungs with ice
And everything you do hurts
You could look straight to the sun
And your eyes would still only see clouds of misery
Somedays you have your reasons
And somedays this lifeless blanket just wraps itself around you
Tightly like it is your skin and your soul
Somedays are worse than others
Somedays are not so bad
Some even good
And maybe it wouldn't be so bad
If you just knew what each day would bring
Sunny tuesdays
Horrible saturdays
A black storm appointed
Every third thursday...
If it was predictable
Maybe... maybe it would be easier to bare...
Probably not...
But maybe if there was a why...
A why to the darkness
A why to the bricks in your hands
A why to the wall going up more often than down
A why to the whispers
A why to your lungs filled with ache
A why to the numb
A why to you crawling back into this pit
A why to the again and again
A why to you hurting
A why to you hurting yourself
A why for your loss of lust for life
A why to your reflection not being as beautiful as you actually are
A why to the silence breaking over the beat of your heart
A why to the whys...
But the days are unknown as to what you will wake to find
And the nights are unknown of when the monsters will whisper
Or the demons will be hiding under your sheets
Or what seeds of doubts the devil has placed under your pillow
To rot your dreams and your hopes
From within your sleep
And the whys only echo more whys and whys
And even the days you wake up to a smile
Or fall into pleasant dreaming at night
Not knowing how long it will last is the shadow stitched to your feet
The nagging question of how long before it hurts to breath again
The anxiety and fear of a bad day looming
Only brings the clouds more quickly
You have lost sight of yourself
And its hard to see yourself as anything
Anyone would be inspired by
Anyone would treasure
Anyone would call beautiful
Anyone would love
So you listen to the whispers and the doubts and the whys
And you brace yourself for a bad day
Instead of enjoying the good one you woke up too
And no matter how many times you hear it
Or are shown that
You are treasured
And beautiful
And inspiring
And that you are loved
You still find yourself crawling into your pit and your darkness
I don't have a cure
I don't have the answers to the whys
Because there is not always an answer
And there is no cure
Treatments works to a point
Pills often **** as many if not more than they help
But the greys of the unknown
Are darker than what little light is understood
What I do have...
Is my hand
And my hope
And my love
Every time you crawl into that hole
I will crawl down with you
I will burn my heart and soul
To keep your lungs warm
I will always be here
In the dark
In the hurt
In the doubts
I will always be yours
My heart will not die or break
My soul will stay by you
No matter the weather tomorrow
Or next week
Or at the end of time
I will love you endlessly
And expect nothing in return
My only purpose need be
To show you your light
And your heart
And your soul
To reveal your true teflection
Your true beauty
To show you
You are inspiring
You are treasured
Your are beautiful
And you are
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