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943 · Feb 2017
Magical Canvas
Gazing up at the smorgasbord of stars
makes me all the more fonder
of the darkness,

Connecting light dots
above my head
on a magical canvas
which is never, ever, artless.

Vivid images
constantly taking form,
impeccable masterpieces floating
way up above me,

Heaven's art gallery
with such divine work on show;
hung--for all of us to see.

By Lady R.F ©2017
934 · Oct 2016
A Voice
To give my musings wings,
To set my poetry free,
Is more than enough for me.

To give a little honest piece of me
to thee, is the only way that I can truly be, the me, that I was born to be.

Through the written word,
I give my soul a voice,
I have to, I really have no choice,

My inner-light shines constantly,
daily, nightly, and uncontrollably.

My visions, in alphabetical form,
reside deep inside my mind,
this is where they are born,

They yearn for their release,
my soul is now free
to continue to breed
with my mind - together,
poems they conceive.
Found hidden,
or in plain-sight,
in my poetry,
is what I truly believe!

Soul expression is a must,
If I were held back
I would deteriorate - my soul
would simply combust;
in this, you can trust!

By Lady R.F ©@016
931 · Dec 2016
I'm Sorry (10w)
The only person
She's ever been unkind to,
Is herself.

By Lady R.F ©2016
930 · Feb 2018
⚘ Letting Go⚘
Burying Hope
Alongside Expectation...

Letting go -
This time,
Without a moment's hesitation.

Spent, are decades,
Looking into thine mirrors,
Which cast no reflection,

Letting go of all love,
Which comes without resiprocation.

Letting go of unrequited love--
Thy heart's greatest devastation,

Hast loved too much...!
Now, no more undeserving,
Complimentary love
And dedication!

Letting go
Of earthly needs and desires--
Substance, consistency and security
Are always lacking in thine direction,

Genuineness is most lacking--
More than just a fraction!

Left alone with empty words -
Words not followed by action!

To thine self I shall be true,
Hence, letting go...
Into thine Heavens
Thou shalt look and seek
Thy heart's and soul's
Only salvation.

~ I'm letting go.

By Lady R.F. (C)2018
A feeling most of us have experienced at some point in our lives.
And so,
That year,
The rain
Had forgotten to fall,

Winter slept-through its season,
It didn't hear Autumn's
Wake-up call.

Winter was oblivious
To the Earth's changing position
With regard to the sun,

This was made completely obvious
When the likes of Spring
Prematurely sprung.

Winter's time
Was well and truly
Over and done,

Was over
Before it had even begun.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
This piece is all that's left from my memory,
I accidentally deleted the original poem I had written.
I guess, the poem, as beautiful as it was,
was like that winter, it was over before it even begun!

I hate the feeling when I lose a poem - it's so sad.
922 · Feb 2017
Full Moon
She used to be
A full moon,
But now she's only half,

She used to be a bubbly little explosion,
But now she can barely laugh.

She used to be a bright, sparkly,
Shiny little star,
Hanging in a pitch-black sky,

But now she's but a shooting star
Falling from way up high.

She used to be on-top of the world,
Until it came crashing down,

The ground beneath her steardy feet
Was stolen by an evil clown.

She used to be a carefreee,
Lively girl -
Loving endlessly,

Now she's but a hopeless fool
Crying and dying
On the inside -
Daily and nightly.

By Lady R.F ©2017
Nothing stays the same!
We can only pray
And try to stay strong.

God bless anyone who is hurting -
Anyone feeling alone!
920 · Feb 2017
Rest in Peace
How many more times
must I break,
before I can no longer
feel my heart's painful ache?

How many more times
must I fall,
before I can no longer
get up and stand tall
anymore at all?

How many more times
must I try,
before I can no longer
find any tears to cry?

How many more times
must I care,
before I can no longer
inhale any oxygenated air?

How many more times
must I die,
before I can no longer
find the will to try?

By Lady R.F ©2017
916 · Dec 2016
If I Had A Dollar
If I had a dollar
For every opportunity I ever missed,
I would be in a position
To tell Donald Trump..."You're fired!"

By Lady R.F ©2016
{This is not a political crack at Donald Trump - Just some light humor! lol}
916 · Feb 2017
Red and Amber Sky
Red and amber sky
Tinges of blue

Fire blazing sun

Velvet clouds
Frozen in time
Like decorative lace

Holding their breath
Anticipating the illuminated moon
to take the restless sun's place.

By Lady R.F ©2017
Another beautiful sunset
Truly blessed
909 · Jan 2017
Natural Remedy (10w)
Remaining true to ourselves
Is vital for our souls health.

By Lady R.F ©2017
908 · Sep 2018
Death Of Flesh
A star
Is to be born,
From its conspicuous flesh,

Nonpareil soul--vibrant colours
That mesh.

Brilliant and unique
At core,

Eternal splendor--growing

A light so brilliantly bright,

An energy
So powerfully electric,
But ever so light.

Reborn into infinite life,

The sun and moon
Extend their immediate family,
Just, as husband and wife.

A star
Is to be born--metaphorically

Death of flesh...
A soul transitioning,
No longer in pain,
No longer seeking.

Immortal in God's domain...

Eternally free of pain.

By Lady R.F. (C)2018
905 · Oct 2016
Back To Shore
I will make it back
to shore...

and when i do,
i will continue to survive,
i will live
and love my life;
some more.

By Lady R.F ©2016
So glad to be back! You can't possibly begin to imagine how glad I am to be back!
Missed you all!
Please re-invite me to your collections!
He made me feel
Every moment - completely,

Making me want to live
Inside each one - infinitely.

By Lady R.F ©2017
20 Years
884 · May 2017
I can't hide my feelings,
I have to set them free,
Otherwise, they torture me,

By Lady R.F. (C) 2017
883 · Jan 2017
If And When
If the stars
Do not come out
At night,
Does it mean
That they are
No longer there?

If the sun
Cannot shine
Through the
Dark grey clouds,
Does it mean
That it vanished
Into thin air?

If the moon
Does not grace us
With its silvery light shadow,
On any given night,
Does it mean
That it will never
Be seen again?

If our hearts
Shatter and break,
If we go numb inside,
Does it mean
That we will never
Feel whole again?

These are questions
That no one can answer;
Only God knows
If and when,

All we can say is
"God willing!"
And If God wills it,
We will know,
Only then.

By Lady R.F ©2017
882 · Jun 2017
Beyond Grateful
Full of emptiness
Dry of tears,

Tired of not being able to sleep,
Wide-awake for so many years.

Spent, emotionally,
Too exhausted to know what to do,

Over-anxious, constantly,
Time ticking away;
Peace of mind is well overdue.

Struggling to keep her sanity,
She bears an overloaded mind,

Toxic vibes and verbal pollution
Is all that she is able to find.

Triggers all around her,
Purity, in her world, ceases to exist,

But still, with great effort,
Her aching soul continues to survive,
She tirelessly chooses to persist.

She loves life,
As painfully hard as it can be,

Of the constant battles,
She's beyond grateful to be alive -
To breathe, to feel, to hear, and to see.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
To me,
Is not a house
Made of bricks and mortar.
It is found
In certain people -
It is a body,
A mind,
And a soul
With a beating heart.

To me,
Is found
Within the serenity
And tranquility
Of solitude--with nature.
It is an overwhelming feeling
That from such a person or place,
I never want
To be torn apart.

~ Home is where the heart is. ❤

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
I would swim a never-ending ocean,
Climb a mountain
That reaches into the sky,

Hike through treacherous bushlands,
I would challenge any staircase, Regardless of how high!

I would inhale the Earths atmosphere,
I would pocket every galaxy and star,

I would drain every deep-sea,
Lake, lagoon and river,
Anything to keep them nearer,
Rather than far!

I would fly to the edge of reality,
I would hitchhike across the globe,

I would skydive from the heavens,
I would carry a mountainous load...

To be with my five precious daughters. .

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
Happy 15th Birthday Amanda F (A.F)
My Precious 1st Born ❤⚘

My precious 1st born, Amanda, was born 15 years ago today!
Wishing her everything that makes her heart smile and her soul shine brightly.
I will never forget the day she was placed into my embrace. The day she made me believe, more than ever before, that love could be unconditional and pure.
So proud of her and her sisters.
May she always live encompassed by light May she grow to be brave and strong. May she always know her worth and live bravely.
Happy 15th, my precious girl!
They're known
To share
Silent conversations,

A Pure love -
Without expectations.

An understanding,
With words unspoken -
Resonance felt
Through each other's eyes,

Their thoughts
Are in melodic unison -
Internal are their significant,
Soulful, muted cries.

Two hearts
That beat together,

Two minds
Beholding one vision -  
Come whatever.

One prayer  
Silently prayed together,

One soul
That was split in two
Upon creation;
Inseparable from day one,
And so, they shall remain
Until forever.

Their hearts beat
In rhythm,
As one;
They are two of one kind,

  By God,
Their souls
Were meshed together -
Born to be
Infinitely Intertwined.

By Lady R.F ©2016
Dedicated to my soulmate - my husband
873 · Feb 2017
Digging Deep
If I find the right words
after digging deep down,
exhuming them
from my deepest darkest corner,

Will the splinters and blisters
caused by my *****
bring some light
and make my life
any warmer?

If I find the right words
and the strength
to finally set them free,

Will there be an empty space left behind
where they once hid and resided,
or will you replace them
with reciprocal loving words
meant just for me?

By Lady R.F ©2017
870 · Dec 2016
Flocking Birds
It was written in the sky...
I read it!
It was a wish we had made,

It fell from the heavens,
It was a prayer we had prayed.

The flocking birds had saved them all
Beneath their wings,

It began raining our secrets
And all of our other precious things.

The promises of all our tomorrows,
And all of our wishes and dreams
That we had blown into the air,

The flocking birds caught them all,
They had been protecting them
Whilst they were up there.

By Lady R.F ©2016
861 · May 2017
❤ Her Love ❤
If you gathered every grain of sand
Off every seashore,
I assure you
That her big, beautiful heart's love
Is still more.

And if you gathered every single leaf
Off every giant tree,
I guarantee you
That within her soul
There is still more love
Than your eyes will ever see;
Her love is boundless, ever growing, Infinitely.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
859 · Feb 2018
❤ An Eclipse ❤
I feel the euphoric,
But bittersweet bliss,

Like a long, slow, soft kiss.

As i write the words
That cannot pass my lips.

I break free
My soul's silence,
Obscuring the light
From one celestial body
By the passage of another--
My written word is an eclipse.

Between my words and the observer,
I acknowledge pride in my muse--
The aiding source of illumination -
Until the light completely dips.

By Lady R.F. (C)2018
850 · Aug 2017
What Do You Want From Me?
Shall I stop writing
Because you do not read?

Shall I stop trying to get through life
Because you think
I will not succeed?

Shall I stop planting my thoughts -
Each poem a precious seed,

Shall I stop being myself
Because you do not see beauty
In self-expression,
Or because you see a wildflower
As a ****?

What do you want from me?

You be you!
Let me be!

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
Our individuality
Is what makes us special.
Stay true to yourself!
844 · Oct 2016
I almost remembered what it felt like to cover my heart and blanket my soul ~ Almost!

I almost fell back to sleep on catching my stars and achieving my goals ~ Almost!

I almost forgot how to practice what I preach, when I thought for too long ~ Almost!

I almost forgot all of the words I had written
to my daily song ~ Almost!

I felt sorrow, until I remembered that tomorrow was nearer than far ~ Almost!

I pray for a tomorrow, regardless of any sorrow, for this life is but a shooting star ~ Almost!

By Lady R.F ©2016
She has a real talent
for pushing her feelings aside,

She is truly skilled
in hiding her pain,
putting on a smile,
letting her raw emotions subside.

She mastered this technique
when she was a just a little child -
so innocent, so naive, so small,

Her happiness always depended
on seeing others smile -
hence, she laid down bricks
and built a tall,
load bearing wall.

Regardless of its rapid rising,
this wall still stands tall
till this very blessed day,

Each brick a touchy
raw emotion -
each one a traumatic problem
that was unresolved...
she only ever, just barely,
forced them to fade away.

She hides all of the darkness
within the mortar
that bonds these bricks,

She keeps it all buried
within this wall,  
which is so very high -
this is one of her famous tricks!

She Prays that this wall
will withstand more weight -
hold steady and stay strong,

If it ever were to collapse
and come tumbling down,
then God help anyone
who leaned upon it!
God help anyone
who did her wrong!

God help anyone
who contributed to it reaching
so far up into the sky!

And God help her...
There are more than enough bricks
in this wall to build
a city greater than any other on earth
~ just the thought of that
makes her want to cry!

By Lady R.F ©2016
840 · May 2017
By Design
By design, they were meant to be
Two birds flying together, but free,

Caged up, padlocked without a key,
The Universe's error;
A major atrocity!

By Lady R.F (C)2017
838 · Jun 2018
⚘ Somewhere ⚘
We don't always have to know whether we are coming or going.  
We end up where we are regardless. There's no such thing as nowhere.
Everywhere is somewhere,
and we are always there.

"Nowhere" doesn't exist.
The universe is full of "Somewheres"
-- Even amongst the spaces between the stars is a somewhere!
Lady R.F. (C2018)
837 · Apr 2017
She adores
Butterflies and ladybugs,
Lily pads carrying frogs,

Water dragons and other reptiles,
***** cats and all kinds of dogs.

Wild horses and elephants,
Monkeys in the wild,

White doves and eagles -
She has adored wolves
since she was a small child.

Alpacas and llamas,
Whales that grace the magestic seas,

Seals and dolphins
in the big blue oceans -
Whenever she's lucky enough
To see some...
She feels so alive and free.

She adores
Animals in nature,
Her heart is captured
by all of them,

She believes that they each have
A precious soul
And a beautiful nature,
Even her noisy rooster
And her big fat hen!

By Lady R.F ©2017
I love animals!
833 · Oct 2016
All Of You!
May the bright light

Which forms a shadow

Around the moon,

Shine its gentle glowing shadow


Around all of you!

By Lady R.F ©2016
832 · Dec 2016
Summer Resides Inside Her
She carries
A blazing fire,

It is hidden
Deep down inside her.

It keeps her warm
On long, chilly winter nights,
And endless icy-cold days,

Summer resides inside her,
An unconditional, empathetic love
Burns brightly - a raging fire ablaze.

The warmest of hearts
She carries,
Through winter's unbearably numbing
Harshness - when temperatures are
Beyond being stone-cold,

A fire deep down inside her -
A loving heart
Overflowing with the purest of gold.

This fire can melt your
Ice-cold tears,

It can craddle,
And rid you,
Of all your fears.

Summer resides inside her,
Throughout every season
Of the year,

If ever she were
To see you
Out in the cold,
She would surely bring you near.

By Lady R.F ©2016
828 · Jan 2017
You Know...
You know
that you are truly loved
and valued
when you are protected,
especially when you're not there
to defend yourself,

You know
that you are cherished
when your richness
is counted in reassurance,
not in tangible wealth.

You know
that you are truly needed
when loyalty is emotional,
as well as physical,

You know
that you are really wanted
when you are supported
and never ever made to feel mental.

You just know!

By Lady R.F ©2017
I truly, truly believe this
with all of my heart and soul.
You just know!
819 · Feb 2017
She's A Real Gem!
smoky quartz eyes
full of light,

A yellow
sapphire glow
brighter than the moon
on the most immaculate
of night.

A bright red
ruby smile
stretching from ear to ear,
which she generously shares
with everyone,

Her beautiful glowing aura,
so delicate and gentle,
as rare as an opal
sparkling in the most radiant
of sun.

She's a real gem
with a beautiful
kind heart
of gold,

So very precious
to the lucky ones
that have her sweet
priceless heart
to cherish
and to hold.

By Lady R.F ©2017
813 · Oct 2016
Stand The Test Of Time
With every blink of my eyes,
with every beat of my heart,
with every breath that I take
it is reaffirmed to me
that we shall never be apart.

With every step that we take,
with every mountain that we climb,
with every move that we make
we are blessed to stand the test of time.

By Lady R.F (C) 2016
813 · Apr 2018
⚘Butterfly Wings ⚘
Fine delicate wings
Of Organza,
Satin and Lace,

Flowing ever so gently -
A heavenly dance
Portraying such elegance
And grace.

Velvet hues
Of Crimson,
And Teal,

Breathtakingly exquisite,
Out of this world--

Magically enchanting--
Incredibly surreal.

An amazing spectacle
Of extraordinary--
A wondrous delight;
Uniquely rare
And very, very, real.

~Butterfly Wings.
By Lady R.F. (C)2018 ⚘
807 · May 2017
Highway "Peace of Mind"
Long drives, music, coffee and cigarettes,

Moving forward, not looking back to see any regrets.

Wind in my hair, horses in fields,

Traveling light, no need for weapons or sheilds.

Watching the sunset, love songs blaring
through the speakers, on full blast,

Inhaling nature, my mind is in slow motion, whilst my car is moving fast.

Driving down Highway "Peace of Mind,"

Final destination: Solitude!
This is where "Me" you will find!

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
806 · Dec 2016
On Demand
I've made mistakes,
More than I care to remember,

I'm the only one
That I can blame,
I began making them
The year that I was born--43 years ago
In December.

My intentions,
Where always, to do good,
But somehow it always backfired,

Someone always got hurt -
Usually me!
I think it's the way
That I was built and wired.

God knows how hard I always tried,
But I never could get it right,

Selfish people's darkness
would always drown my sunshine
and steal my daylight.

I never wanted to hurt a soul,
But I only had two choices:
Make someone else happy--and be miserable!


Make choices,
So that I may be happy--and become invisible!

I was never a bad person - On the contrary,
I was too good!

The biggest mistake I ever made,
Was not doing what I wanted -
What I knew, I should.

The moral of this little story
Is quite simple to understand...

Be a kind, good-natured human,
But don't live your life on demand!

I would love to say
That I have no regrets,

But I can't lie to anyone,
Or to myself;
You see, my heart...
It never, ever, forgets.

~ I'm slowly learning how to forgive myself
for not getting everything right,

I've had help from my precious children,
And from my man...
'Cause, having them, means...
That I got the most important part right!

By Lady R.F ©2016
802 · Dec 2016
I Have
Have you ever heard the sound
of someone's concealed, internal tears,
crying through the vibrations
of the still, dense silence?

A piercing,
screeching sound,
Whilst seeing invisible, warm blood
pouring from their eyes -
such horrific,
torturous violence.

Your soul feels
the shock
of the extreme pain--telepathically.
You feel helpless, to say the least...

A tainted soul,
truly horrified -
by their cruel,
dark, dark beast.

Have you? ... I have!

By Lady R.F ©2016
Dear innocent inner-child,
Still taking refuge,
In your adult body,

You've been hiding
For so long
In the darkness
Away from everybody.

Have passed away,

You've never been able
To come out and play.

Your sanity
Has always depended
On being,
Tucked away,

You've been all alone
Each and every single day.

I wonder...,
Will you ever be okay?

I take solace
In knowing
God's infinite love
And compassion,
For you,
Will never be taken away.

Dear innocent inner-child,
You found strength
In taking it day-by-day,

I know
It was the only way.

By Lady R.F. (C) 2017
790 · Feb 2018
A Sad Eulogy
Only very few people
Truly knew her -
Others never
Took the time.

If they would have been asked
To say something about her,
They wouldn't have been able
To write more than one line!

~ A sad eulogy.

Lady R.F. (C)2018
782 · Dec 2016
A Very Brief Hiatus
She needed to refrain
from spilling ink -
from voicing her soul,

So she placed her pen
into the draw -
mental exhaustion
had taken its toll.

This only ever happened
very rarely,
but when it did,
it made her feel
emotionally numb,

Her soul would refuse
to cooperate with her pen -  
her Muse would demand to take
a very brief hiatus;
she was forced
to be done.

She embraces
poet's pause,

It's all part of the deal -
her Muse's constitutional clause.

By Lady R.F ©2016
782 · May 2017
Sombre Shadow of Moonlight
Tainted night sky
Not a star in sight

No constellations
Not a glimmer of light

Clouds concealing the moonlight
Coveting the mystical display

I pray a shooting star
Would surface
So I could wish
These dark clouds away

Tainted night sky
Not a star in sight

No fireworks above me
No sombre shadow of moonlight

By Lady R.F. (C) 2017
Has to be taught,
Has to be sought.

By Lady R.F. (C)2018
768 · Jul 2017
❤ Precious Love ❤
He was nothing less
Than everything,

Her entire universe,
Not leaving out anything.

He was in
Her every thought,

In everything good
That she ever sought.

He was her every breath,

Connected to her heart and soul,
He would live-on to remain this way,
Beyond her death.

To be side-by-side,

Together, they signed-up
To take-on life's
Scary rollercoaster ride.


An endless love,
They both shared,
To eachother,
They never stopped showing.

They climbed mountains,
They enjoyed the views,

They walked through fires,
They shared
Both good and bad news.

They rode through storms,
They went on adventures,

They gazed at sunsets and sunrises,
They partook
Many daring ventures.

They were born to be together,
To be as one, connected,

An honest love without measure;
A rare, precious love
They both dearly protected.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
766 · Feb 2018
❤ Gift Of Kindness ❤
Be the kind of person who sympathises,
Help relieve stress - try to minimise it.

Lend an ear, say a kind word -
Regardless of what others say,
Or what you've heard.

Be "The Hope" on a cloudy day,
Be "The Light" - guide the way.

Be the kind of person who empathises,
Be all that "Peace" truly symbolises.

By Lady R.F. (C)2018
766 · Oct 2016
The One!
The right person
not only makes your dreams come to life,
moreover, the right person
makes your life come into your dreams;
because your life, with that person in it,
is that good!

By Lady R.F ©2016
765 · May 2017
❤ Love is Sweeter! ❤
And even if the sky
Were to fall flat
On my head,
I will never speak unkindly!

This is just who I am,
I feel too much,
My heart doesn't walk around

I've even sympathised
With those who are responsible
For my heart being broken,

I've blamed their bad behavior
On misguidance,
Or unresolved issues of their own,
Which they may have
That are yet to be awoken.

I over empathise and forgive -
I'm a softy, I can't help it!

I guess I know just how it feels
To be treated like a misfit.

Mamma always told me ...
"If you can't say something nice,
Then don't say anything at all!"

Unable to remain silent,
I chose to speak kindly,
Regardless of how often
I was repeatedly pushed to fall.

People don't always think
Before they act,
I've learnt this all too well!

The way I see it,
People's mistreatment of others
Is a reflection of their own time spent
In mental-hell!

I think I believe this,
It is all that keeps me sane,

At the end of the day,
If I let it get to me,
I only have myself to blame!

Life is too short
To be unkind,

Love is sweeter
And much more rewarding -
It nourishes the heart,
The body,
The soul
And the mind!

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
It really does!
765 · Jun 2017
Ashes Descending
Singed wings,
Ashes descending,

Gray smoke billowing outwards.
Thick clouds swelling through Autumn-air,

Heart and soul on fire,
Carriage scorched by the flames,

A flight for survival,
Thou shalt not carry any burdens
Or shames.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
762 · Jun 2018
Chemical Imbalance
I have always lived
Deep inside my head,
I have only ever been
A visitor in this reality,

My mind's eye resides
Within a multiverse--
Universes and Dimensions
That coexist separately
Alongside this numbing reality --
Through all of the beautiful,
Messy chaos, I see
With an extraordinary vision
And clarity.

I suffer with P.T.S.D,
O.C.D, Panic Disorder
And Depression;
A Chemical Imbalance
Causing Severe Anxiety.

This is my identity
In this, here, cold, numbing world;
These are the reasons
For my vulnerability.

A gift, or a curse...
To live inside my head?

To see beyond what my eyes see...
To be able to escape
Deep inside my mind,
Slowly stripping away reality....
Watching it slowly, but surely, shed?

In my head
My mind is entrenched,
Time is nonexistent
As is limitation...
I validate theories
Using frequencies,
Vibrations, colours, numbers
Intuition and telepathy.

Only whilst visiting reality
Do I ever feel detachment,
Disorientation, depersonalisation, Derealisation and dissociation --Otherwise known as
Debilitating Anxiety.

By Lady R.F. (C)2018
761 · Oct 2017
☞ Alien Invasion ☜
Who am I
When I'm not being myself?
More importantly,
Who am I
When I'm being me?

Feeling somewhat lost
Within myself,
Of late,
I feel I've become
A foreign stranger -
I don't resemble
Who I used to be!

Feeling awkward,
With the stranger
Within myself,
Am I her,
Or is she me?

Will I wake-up
From this nightmare--
This horrible bad dream -
Before this Alien
Completely takes over me?

By Lady R.F. (C) 2017
Life can be overwhelming.
We never have control over all aspects of our lives - sometimes we feel we have no control at all. Hence, we sometimes lose ourselves--sadly!
Losing ourselves, at times, can be scary.
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