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LJ Chaplin Nov 2013
I'm lost,
There is no sense of direction in the mist,
Clouded judgement,
No compass to point me North,
Sweaty palms,
Blindly wandering through the forest,
I feel their eyes on me,
I can feel the growls tearing from their stomachs,
Teeth bared and poised to ****,
They stalk me in the shadows of the oak trees,
The predators follow their prey,
Ghosts in the dark,

And all they have to do is pounce

All I can do is wait until they catch me

All they will do is tear me apart

But I suppose it's better than to be left in the wilderness of my existence
LJ Chaplin Nov 2013
I'll take charge when I open my mouth,
Listen to my words as they all fall out,
Watch them take flight into the atmosphere,
They're better off in Space than being wasted down here,
I shout out loud until my lungs cave in,
You can hear my mind because the walls are too thin,
Screaming out my thoughts like a siren's cry,
Feast upon the verbal voices until my throat runs dry.
Silence ends in violence when you hold your tongue,
Battles aren't worth fighting if you're words aren't strong.
LJ Chaplin Nov 2013
Although the hate will still haunt,
I'll love who I want,
My heart only belongs to him,
Push me and try,
To change my mind,
But love was never a sin,
Push me and break me,
But you'll never take me,
I will never give in,
The gay guy will fight,
To have his own rights,
Equality will win.
I won't hide who I adore,
Or expect an applause,
I want to be with him,
So excuse me and be quiet,
Because I won't even deny it,
I'm just as gay on the outside as within.
LJ Chaplin Nov 2013
Mama I'm not coming home tonight,
Don't fret I promise I'll be alright,
I'm moving on to better things,
Left the nest and spread my wings,
And feel the sun on the back of my heart.
Father you never understood my plans,
Told me you'd take matters into your hands,
Kicked me to the ground and said,
Son you need to clear your head,
But I'm still waiting for life to start.
Hitch-hiker happiness and suitcase sorrows,
Feel the space between today and tomorrow,
Ride the winds of a thousand ambitions,
Set fire to your inner inhibitions,
Aeroplanes and cars and trains,
My future will never be the same,
I'm a travelling teen with a travelling mind,
So I'll start again and leave my insecurities behind.
LJ Chaplin Nov 2013
Closed doors never seemed so perfect to me,
To call her mine without the demonic
Stares of the public vultures,
Snapping their claws on the shutters of cameras
And plastering our love across the world.
It is nice to be able to talk to her,
To hide our deep conversations
Under the covers at night,
The luminescent glow
Of another incoming text,
The quiet throb of fingertips
Colliding with the screen,
Each letter creating another
Syllabic heartbeat
Of love and desire,
I just wish that one day
These words will become real,
They will evolve and grow to speak
Louder than the actions we describe to each other.
I want the hugs to be real.
I want the kisses to be real.
I want the inevitable yearning for passion to be real.
As long as at it can be between us and us only.
Written for one of my closest and most amazing friends. She deserves so much love <3
LJ Chaplin Nov 2013
Mary Jane please don't tell,
But I'm stuck under your spell,
Amsterdam secrets,
Promise me you will keep them,
Higher than the stars at night,
Don't let me fall 'cause  I'm as free as a kite.

The grass is always greener,
Between the cold tips of my fingers,
Spark the lighter and savour,
The smoke and the flavour,
Mary Jane won't deceive me,
In my mind where she calms me.

One last puff until I'm sober,
The come down won't mean it's over,
Come back tomorrow and I'll be fine,
When Mary Jane loves me from the inside.
Inspired by 'Mary Jane Holland' by Lady Gaga <3
LJ Chaplin Nov 2013
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