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LJ Chaplin Nov 2013
Bad times, no fun,
I've missed that last kiss,
I cry each night,
There's no getting over this,
I know I started this mess,
It's my own fault and I'm useless,
But I will try my best,

Don't hate me I,
I'm trying to make this whole thing right.

Hold it together dear Lew,
I know you will try to get through,
Been writing as I'm living
So I could build myself up for you,
I'm not sorry for hurting,
But oh god my heart is bursting,
Been confessing my oppression,
Because I want to be free,
I want to be free.

Fixation's clear,
I want to go back home,
Why am I here?
'Cause there's no better place to go.
Feels like the passion has gone,
At least it's better to be wrong,
Everything is done.

Please love me I,
I'm ****** up but I know that it's right.

Hold it together dear Lew,
I know you will try to get through,
Been writing as I'm living
So I could build myself up for you,
I'm not sorry for hurting,
But oh god my heart is bursting,
Been confessing my oppression,
Because I want to be free,
I want to be free.
This poem was inspired by 'Dope' by the incredible Lady Gaga. This song is so full of pain and passion and she is so brave for writing this song.
LJ Chaplin Oct 2013
Falling out of the clouds
Like a shooting star
Sets the night on fire
As I cascade towards
The earth at a frightening speed
But I am not afraid
Because as I fall to my fate
I am granting millions of wishes
For those whose lives have
Not yet been fulfilled
And yearn for something
That will make them whole again,
I am ablaze,
A smouldering mass of beauty
That opens the eyes of so many people
Who are perched on top of a hill
Or by their bedroom windows,
Sitting in absolute silence,
The only sounds are their heartbeats
And their dreams singing in their heads
Like a magnificent symphony.
I am close to the ground now
And I am slowly burning out,
But it's OK,
I am willing to make this sacrifice
Because my beauty was amidst so many others
In the black canvas of Space,
Now I am spreading it across the World.
For the hungry eyes and the hungry minds
of humanity.
LJ Chaplin Oct 2013
Tossing and turning beneath the covers,
My head filled with empty words,
Deafening silence,
An engine at full speed,
I watch the night pass,
Each second dragging its chains
Through the dark,
Not even the stars can shine their light
And I lay here,
Tears rolling down my face
Because I want them to be free,
To transform the darkness
Into the sunlight,
Watch as the sky bleeds orange sunlight,
A lilac haze,
And although the heavy weight of fatigue
Is pressing down on me,
I feel proud to say that I saw something beautiful,
**I saw the birth of another tomorrow.
LJ Chaplin Oct 2013
When I write,
It is like I am on an adventure,
When I am happy I am drifting down a lazy river,
When I am full of anger I am raging down dangerous rapids,
Crashing into the jagged rocks of my anguish and anxiety
Until finally I reach the river bank and I can rest.

It is like I am scaling Mount Everest,
Each level of creativity is another 100 metres into the sky
Until finally my imagination is at the peak
And my freedom is limitless,
stretching across to the farthest reaches of the horizon

It is like skydiving,
A rush of adrenaline as I plummet towards the ground,
Completely weightless and my mind is racing
Like the air that brushes over my skin
Until I pull the cord and release the parachute,
Safely land on my feet
With a new idea.

It is like a drug,
I am on an all time high,
Hallucinations of what could be,
How something that is far from tangible
Becomes existential,
Then during the come down
I make that dream a reality.

When I write, I feel like myself,
There are too many possibilities
That are still left unmarked on the map of written art.
LJ Chaplin Oct 2013
There's electric in my soul,
A heart full of gold,
Butterflies in my stomach,
Waiting for the free fall,
Because the high is so unbearable,
The ecstasy is all I can think of.

You have to smile,
Like a child,
That's how you'll get through life,
Brush off from your shoulders,
All the debris, rocks and boulders,
Of the pain you have carried for so long,
We're slowly getting older,
And don't say I didn't tell ya,
We're getting wiser and stronger.

Live for the moment,
Keep your mind open,
Wake up and forget the coffee,
The energy you need,
Is nature's best caffeine,
Happiness that's sweeter than toffee.
LJ Chaplin Oct 2013
Monday morning,
The beginning of a new week,
A new life
I took the gigantic step
Of coming out,
I didn't feel the need to hide,
To pretend for the sake of society,
I am me,
That's all there is to it.

My family knows,
My friends know,
And I couldn't ask for better people in my life.
I feel like I don't deserve that.
I'm free,
Free to love who I want to love
And the best part is,
Everybody is OK with that.

But I wanted to be treated as I used to,
I still want to be 'just Lewis'
I don't want someone to be friends with me
For the sake of being a 'gay best friend'
I hate that label,
I'm a human, not a novelty
I want to be a best friend for what I do,
Not my sexuality.

The future will be difficult,
But I know I am happier now and will continue to be when tomorrow comes.
LJ Chaplin Oct 2013
The stars look bright tonight. The crisp summer breeze rolled across my bare skin as I lay shirtless beneath the dead oak tree near the lake.  The sky was clear, barely any obstruction from an innocent cloud that travelled down the vast black road that stretched on for eternity. I always loved coming here. So did my father.

It had been four years since he had died. The cause is still unknown. All I remember is the gaping hole in his chest as he... left. So many unanswered questions are lingering in the back of my mind. How did it happen? Who or what had done that to him? Why did it have to happen to him? Why not me? I feared that these questions hung inevitably in the unknown, locked away in a subconscious prison with no means of being bailed out.  Life had to continue though, no matter how unconditionally excruciating the pain may be in my chest when I miss him, no matter how many times I had cried myself to sleep because he wasn’t there to tell me that it will be OK whenever I had night terrors. They started soon after my mother died. I would wake up screaming and writhing in fear. My father would run into my room and bring me close to his chest. He would whisper in my ear “Shh son, it’s OK, nothing will get you. I am here now.  Calm down, you’re safe now.”

After the yelling had stopped he would carry me downstairs and into the garden. The cool air would cause the beads of sweat on my face to tingle. I always loved that feeling. It was the indication that I was back in reality. We would both sit on the grass. Dad would run inside and return carrying a large blanket. He would wrap it around the both of us. It always smelled just like my mother, a faint scent of lavender and honeysuckle. We would then peer into the sky, where dad would show me all of the constellations: Orion, Pegasus, Cetus, and other names that I couldn’t pronounce. “Each of these constellations tells a story, son” he would say to me as I tried to make sense of the jumble of stars that floated in the dark sky, “and one day, when the time comes, I will be up there. One day you will be able to tell your own children my story. All you have to do is simply look to the skies.”

I shook myself free from the painful reminiscence. I am eighteen, these things do not happen anymore. I stood up and stretched, feeling the muscles beneath my skin pull and uncoil. I strolled over to the lake. It was surrounded by thick forest, silhouetted against the black backdrop of the night’s horizon.  Ripples rolled over the surface of the silent lake. The crystal clear water reflected the night sky.  I took off my shoes and socks and dipped my foot into the water. The stars rippled around me. The water was lukewarm, refreshing after the scorching heat of another day that had passed me by. After testing the water I couldn’t resist. I took a few steps back, sprinted forwards and leaped into the air. I crashed into the water, fracturing the serene reflection of the night-time sky. The water cooled every fibre of my body. I let the water soak into my bare skin. I could feel my pores filling with the liquid, the bubbles brushing delicately over my legs and arms. I wanted to stay underwater forever.

I hit the surface, puncturing the barrier between tranquillity and realism. I ****** in the humid air and let it fill my lungs. I let myself float effortlessly onto my back and glided across the water. The stars sat there in the sky watching me. Up there somewhere, I knew there was somebody among them watching me too, smiling and waving as he saw this boy float upon a bed of water.

I wish he could be floating next to me this very moment and enjoy the placidity of the night.
OK, so this isn't a poem. It's a chapter of a story I started a while ago and never finished, but this is my favourite chapter. I've never put so much detail into my writing like this before, so I wanted to share it.
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