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LJ Chaplin Aug 2013
I smiled, you frowned,
Our hearts hit the ground,
And now we are far apart,
You cried, I sighed,
Our souls are tied,
But still we question why.

Never say
I let you stray,
That was your own choice,
Never tell
Me you fell,
It was all the lies from your voice.

I jumped, you screamed,
But you were mean,
And now I was falling fast,
You yelled, I cursed,
My heart has burst
And we knew it would never last.

Can't buy
All the lies,
You are trying to sell,
Can't escape,
When you're awake,
My wings are clipped and now I'm in Hell.

Never say this is goodbye,
Never ask me why I ran,
Never look for me when I hide,
Never stop me when I make a stand.
LJ Chaplin Aug 2013
The keyboard on my laptop has witnessed too many tear drops
Fall upon it's ebony skin as I type,
Each articulation of painful thoughts
And agonisingly catastrophic formation of words
Forcing another wave of grief to pour from these
empty blue eyes of mine.

I have tried to keep my head above the water,
To contain the wildfire in my head
That threatens to spread and burn under my veins,
Aflame in every single bone in this hollow body
But now it seems comforting to let myself slip
Beneath the surface,
To let the fire turn everything to ashes.

It feels better this way,
To be a chaotic mess.
**At least I know how beautiful I'll be when I open up my heart and mind to the possibility of destruction.
LJ Chaplin Aug 2013
I am cascading
I am letting myself fall,
I am losing it.
I thought I could cope and I can't. I can't do this anymore. I've let everyone down. I'm sorry
LJ Chaplin Aug 2013
I hear the rain outside,
A million tears splashing against concrete,
Transparent stains that bleed a spectrum
To wash out the grey scale world.

Footsteps tremble in the puddles,
Drops of ice caressing my skin,
The sunshine in my heart
As I dance to the music of nature
Like Gene Kelly

The dark clouds roll above my head,
But there's a smile on my face
And I imagine the clap of thunder
To encourage the crescendo
Of dance and music
As my clothes are soaked
And my bones quiver.

But nothing matters
*I'm dancing and singing in the rain.
LJ Chaplin Aug 2013
The things we imagined have been lost
On the way to discovering
The reality of who we really are,
Reminiscence is deadly,
It will drive us both insane
As we try to drag up the past,
Recapturing our youth,
Trying to fit together
The jagged puzzle pieces
Of how we went wrong.

Before we lost our path,
Before we crumbled into ashes,
Before we pressed the gun against our lips
And spat bullets into the sky at night,
Remember the pact we made,

If we have nothing now, just promise me in the future we will still have nothing.
I promise.

Do you understand?
I let the memories erode,
The sickening feel of nostalgia fade,
The glowing embers of what we had extinguish
**Into wisps of smoke.
LJ Chaplin Aug 2013
My house is made from silver linings,
All intertwined by my faith,
Hopes and dreams all woven in,
So that they remain intact and safe.

The gale force winds,
The echoes of my sins,
All threaten to burn it all down,
The spark of the lightning,
Is more than enticing,
To let it all burn to the ground.

But I've built it from nothing,
The foundation of hope,
And crafted skyscrapers,
Of ways I could cope.

The raging volcano,
The roaring tornado,
Tears apart the bricks and the plaster,
The foundations are shaken,
And now I've awakened,
My own version of a natural disaster.
LJ Chaplin Aug 2013
How is it possible for someone to contain so much hatred?
To be able to haul his heavy load around on his shoulders
Yet manage to make himself appear weightless and untouched?

Why does he find it necessary to drag others down into the Earth
And attempt to suffocate them until they are a distant memory?
Place them in a noose and playfully wrap his fingers around the lever that equals
Life or death?

Did he sell his soul to the devil just so that he could have the unfathomable power
To search and destroy a person multiple times until they are less than dust?

Your desperate attempt to cause utter destruction,
To tear down every last brick that holds her heart together
Right down to the foundation of her love and compassion
Is causing a revolution.

**Remember how many soldiers stand against her while you are left to cower in the tallest tower, crafted by the loathsome and insidious hate that you have let consume you.
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