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LJ Chaplin Aug 2013
I have often accepted the criticisms of others,
A self fulfilling prophecy
That has left me shaped and moulded
Into the grotesque mutation
From the blueprints crafted by society.

I seek validation,
Doors that are unlocked
So I can walk into a persons life
Without having to hide the possessions I have
Under dust covers and dragging them in the dark
When they are fast asleep and can't see.

I want to be able to re-ignite the glowing embers
In my soul
So that the flames burn away the cobwebs
And the neglect of my former self.
I made the  inevitable mistake of using petrol to accelerate the ignition
And now everything is falling apart,
**One little piece at a time.
LJ Chaplin Aug 2013
I was designed to have a broken perspective,
A fragile state and my emotions are selective,
I feel like a robot, a creation of steel,
But this machine has the capability to feel,
The cogs, they may turn,
The engines may burn,
But this hollow, metal collection,
Has reserved a special section,
To be able to love,
To be able to show affection,
LJ Chaplin Aug 2013
That stuff called alcohol,
Wow what a mess,
The healer of tension,
The reliever of stress.

Clouding the brain,
Intoxicate the senses,
Together they're deadly
As they both drop their defences.

Bottles on the bedside,
Cans on the floor,
Stella Artois is watching
In a bin by the door.

Have a shot of Russian water,
And see where you end up,
Either stumbling on the streets,
Or topping up another cup.

The controller of minds,
The master of confusion,
The leader of disaster,
The commander of delusion.

Oh sweet, sweet alcohol,
You cure me when I'm not sober,
But one more swig from a bottle of Jack,
And it's **game over.
LJ Chaplin Aug 2013
Her soul explodes into a million hands clapping,
Skin touching skin,
A sonic blast of euphoria.
They scream her name,
Lion hearts that are aflame like
The dormant phoenix that
Resided inside her for so long.

Too many times she has cried the tears of a clown,
But now the applause will be the one to calm her aching anguish.

Tear apart the ones who tried to shoot her down.
*Give her the round of applause that she lives for.
Inspired by Lady Gaga's new single 'Applause'. I am in love with it, it really is a piece of art and I am proud to be a Little Monster. Also check out this beautiful articulation by my amazing friend Sia Jane 'Pierrot', it is also inspired by Gaga's new single and artwork <3
LJ Chaplin Aug 2013
I don't know where to start my journey,
The start seems too obvious,
I'd rather start from the end and make my way back,
Collecting the debris of the mistakes I have made,
So when I reach the beginning I can retrace my steps
Once more and live a life without the missing pieces.
I'll be older and wiser
Stronger and braver
Have the courage to heal the scars.

I like to think that this dark patch
Is just a test,
A temporary phase that is testing my strength,
My power,
My will to live.
Although at the moment it seems like a war I will irrevocably lose,
That doesn't mean I should throw my guns into the sand
And let the white flag blow in the desert storm of my insecurities.

A little guidance goes a long way,
And soon I will have that guidance,
A hand to hold,
A shoulder to purge the rest of those unwanted tears
From my disorganised subconsciousness.

It is a frightening and truly fearful journey,
I cannot deny it,
But we all have to start somewhere
So that we can grasp onto that epiphany
That will light up the pavement to our final and hopeful destination.
A lot has been going on recently. The people I love the most have seen the darker side to me that I have tried so hard to hide from them. But now I couldn't be any more grateful. I'm getting help and I will mend in time. I have so much love for the people who have stuck by me through it all, and this poem is an ode to not only those who have supported me, but also to those who still have hope. Never give up, you're not unfixable!
LJ Chaplin Aug 2013
I love photographs,
They can capture what you were,
And lie to the world.
LJ Chaplin Aug 2013
I told the world I'll be alright,
The headlines bleed these lies tonight,
I'm putting up a pretty good fight,
Against another teenage controversy.

People don't need to know my name,
The life story or my desire to change,
Or why I feel so ashamed,
Of a broken mind and an urge to leave.

Mum had told me I'll be just fine,
But it is only a matter of time,
Before I step across the line,
And find my sanity behind prison bars.
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