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LJ Chaplin Aug 2013
These bones are so damp,
Not a million matches could
Dry out the years of decay
And despair that has grown
Like moss.
An ice cold heart freezes
The inferno
That burns in the furnace of my sorrow.

*And I am left to be cold and numb.
LJ Chaplin Aug 2013
Another night curled up in a ball,
Feeling broken, unfixable,
Thinking of ways to stop it all,
Behind a forced smile to stop the tears fall.

Feeling guilty and so ashamed,
I only have myself to blame,
But everyone else is the same,
Turn a blind eye and ignore my name.

A doctor's appointment is so last year,
Barely there to tame the fear,
Pushed those away who were always near,
Just so I know where I am going from here.
LJ Chaplin Aug 2013
My mind is darker than the deepest corners of the night,
Ready to shatter when a single beam of light slices through it.
I am not ready for that beam of light.
I am wandering blindly through the darkness,
No sense of direction,
Only the deep and quivering breaths from my chest
And the stinging tears that burn my face.

I have fought a battle
Between happiness and sadness
And it is clear that sadness prevails.
The blades are out
They slumber in the little white case in my top drawer.
I have tried and tried again to ignore its devious presence
But now I found myself falling for its painful intimacy once more.

My dark mind has been dormant for too long,
And I am left cold, naked and ashamed on the concrete floor of my innermost hatred.
I tried, I really did. I'm sorry.
LJ Chaplin Jul 2013
The next few days will be silent,
The articulation of sorrowful poetry
Will be yet another whisper carried by the wind.
My body will be missing,
My heart will be gone,
My soul will be waiting for them both to come back.

I won't be gone for long,
And soon they will all be united,
And together they will help me
Continue to articulate that sorrowful poetry.

But for now, I must take a journey back to the place where my inspiration is hanging by golden strings.
**I am returning home and not a single piece of poetry will escape my mind until I come back.
LJ Chaplin Jul 2013
Faith is but an interval,
A momentary interlude
During the tragic theatricals
Of life
While we don the mask
That conceals our sadness,
Wear the make-up
That hides our fatigue,
Dress up in our costumes
To cover what lies beneath,
We forget the inevitable
ending scene to this tragic tale.

So we bask in that small sliver of faith
Like the limelight,
and we shine until **the final curtain falls.
LJ Chaplin Jul 2013
I'm not here and you're not here,
I miss the thought of missing you,
We've faded from the light
And the darkness has made room for two more
broken hearts.

Take me back,
I'll scream at the top of my lungs
That I love you
Until you let me climb the ivory tower,
But I know you'll keep the shutters closed
And keep the pillow over your head
To drown out my cries.

The mourning gets better,
You'll learn not to say never,
I'm not OK but whatever.
LJ Chaplin Jul 2013
I'm sick of this place I call my nation

Held down by the Government in a state of oppression
While they squander in a financial depression
The greed they conceal in their castle's so high,
While we sit in the dungeons and watch our dreams die,
Eaten by poverty and stripped from our bones,
Are the last dreams of hope you so reluctantly bestowed,
Two men cannot marry
A whole religion is ******
We'll take all of your money
****** it from your hands

But I dream for a place where we are able,
As two married men or women to sit at the table,
And feast on their success with their own children,
Who will slay the dragon of the political institution,
Who'll wave the flag and say yes we have won
And rip down the boundaries and make us all one.
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