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LJ Chaplin Jul 2013
A deer in the headlights,
As you come running towards me,
Arms spread wide,
Looking like you're glad to see me,
So I try,
To smile and look so happy,
But I cry,
To see you pretend like you still love me.

I'll testify,
In front of the world and say you're a liar,
I'll watch your world untie,
Into the chains you wore and watch you expire,
And if I have to die,
To see the crumbling of your empire,
I will smile,
Because I know I have a messiah,

And you have nothing left to hold,
I possess all of the gold,
You turn to dust and blow away,
While I cope with another day
**Without you.
LJ Chaplin Jul 2013
I see the road sign for Memory Lane,
I made myself promise I will
Never take that road again.
It's overgrown with thorns and hedges,
Filled with potholes and jagged edges
of the beer bottles I smashed last time I was here.
It's hardly paved with good intentions,
Now I'm stuck with interventions,
The indicators in my car

Do I go left? Down that lane and face destruction?
Or do I go right? And have new introduction
*to life?
LJ Chaplin Jul 2013
Don't stand within the shadows,
Step into the light,
I will drag you from the fire,
So you can open up your eyes.
The devil is in the detail,
Of the love you hold inside,
Just show some deep devotion,
Stop shrouding your emotions,

You're distant and you're lonely,
I know just how you feel,
But let me wrap my arms around you,
And let your heartbreak heal,
The devil is in the detail,
But it's me you can confide in,
Just set the wheel in motion,
Throw your doubts into the ocean.
LJ Chaplin Jul 2013
I'd trade a million tomorrow's
Just to have a shot
Of fixing yesterday.

The fighting,
Slamming doors,
Shattered glass,

None of it was worth the pain I have in my chest.
The handcuffs I wear around my wrists,
Is the intervention I've always needed,
But I wish it never had to reach this point,
The point of no return.

It's my fault you have that black eye,
Bruised ribs,
Fractured collarbone,
A broken and shattered heart

And although they heal,
The mental shock won't.
I deserve to be behind bars
While you live the life I never gave you,
A man who will love you,
And the only finger he will lay on you,
**Is to place that wedding ring on yours.
LJ Chaplin Jul 2013
Hey stranger,
Sitting at the bar alone,
Let's exchange our numbers,
Or get a taxi home.
You've got me on your mind,
You've caught me like a cold,
The gun is locked and loaded,
Let's pull the trigger and watch the night explode.

We'll lead a revolution once more,
Lying on the bedroom floor,
The white flag is buried beneath our piles of clothes,
We'll search it like it's treasured gold,
Just kiss me and surrender.

Throw our anchors out onto the shore,
The storm is raging,
But we're engaging
In an intimate warfare and we're breaking the law.

Wolf in sheep's clothing and the wool covers my eyes,
Held my heart in your hands and you're feasting
On the lies,
The love,
It's getting hot and we're playing with the fire.

Throw our anchors out onto the shore,
The storm is raging,
But we're engaging
In an intimate warfare and we're breaking the law.
You know,
I know,
One of us will win,
But for now we'll dance in the dark and do everything.
LJ Chaplin Jul 2013
I want to cry.
I want to cry,
And hope that the tears are the 500 calories I didn't want.

Nobody is listening,
I beg them to stop giving me unhealthy food,
I'm trying to cut down
But they continue to give it to me.

Wow you've put on weight, getting a bit porky aren't you?

The cycle starts again.
Wallow in self pity,
Feel so much shame because of the ice cream someone made me even though I said no,
Then they wonder why I get so angry and frustrated,
Then tell me to stop being silly and that I need to eat.

Don't tell me one thing,
Then call me another.
It's hard to eat the food in front of me when I know that each bite equals to another unneeded remark about the shame that hangs from my bones that I am desperately trying to shift.
LJ Chaplin Jul 2013
I made a scrapbook of all the things we did,
And distant laughs,
Yeah, we shared a few.
But now the film is running out,
There's one more I have to do,
One of you.

Walks on the beach,
Sitting on the roof of your house at night,
There is so much we need to teach the world,
How to love, and to do it right.

This scrapbook still lives here,
Withered and collecting dust,
But it will live to be older than this lifetime,
It will live beyond us.
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