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LJ Chaplin Jul 2013
Too many bad notes are playing in this chorus,
Too many chords are out of key,
Too many crescendos waiting for us,
But I'll find the tune for you and me.

Black and ivory angels beneath my fingers,
Golden strings are strummed on the harp,
Gentle sounds of the orchestra lingers,
Let me orchestrate the love we need to start.

Fractured notes upon a composition,
Shattered bangs of the tambourine,
Music aids such a haunting disposition,
It's not pure and our love will never be clean.

I've conducted the staccato heartbeat,
Written songs that cure the soul,
As the curtain falls so heavy like concrete,
The masterpiece we made will be whole.
LJ Chaplin Jul 2013
You lose your mind,
You lose all function of your body
To the point where
A little bit of ***
Your mind is well and truly ******,
Like, hard.
You're shaking,
Practically electrified,
The world seems meaningless
Until you experience
The one thing you have
Been waiting for
For so long.

I am fangirling like a school kid right now,
And the mess of a poem you have just read?

**That mess represents the state I am in right now.
LJ Chaplin Jul 2013
I'll tear you apart,
I'll rip you to shreds,
Without using violence,
I'll use words instead,
I don't give a ****,
If it was only a joke,
Stick your ego in your pipe,
And give that a smoke.

You can't tell me that it was a tease,
There are better ways of teasing,
Without being a ******,
Oh, I'm sorry, I reacted too quick?
I've put up with enough ****,
Stop being a ****.

I'm sick of your games,
You do make me laugh,
You first act like an angel,
Then break me in half.
Here's a quick reminder,
You're weaker than glass,
So don't give me crap,
**Because I'll be kicking your ***.
LJ Chaplin Jul 2013
The adrenaline courses through my veins,
The thrill of the fight
A storm in the night

My skin tingles with anticipation,
Free-falling from the sky
The echo of a wolf's cry

My heart pounds with excitement,
On the edge of Space
The end of a race

I've experienced so much
*But I have seen so little
LJ Chaplin Jul 2013
My heavy heart, it was meant to burst,
To whisper all the words that were left unheard,
Tell me please,
Tell me please if I'm alive,
I feel so empty and hollow inside,
Dreams have died.

My stone cold soul, it was meant to thaw,
To release the burdens that are so raw,
Help me please,
Help me please to collect the pieces,
Before they spread like diseases,
Before my happiness ceases.
LJ Chaplin Jul 2013
There comes a time in your life,
When you feel like you are being pulled in different directions,

So many choices that you have to make so quickly,
Like you have been thrown into the deep end without knowing how to swim,
Like pulling into the fast lane but not knowing how to drive.
We become a part of high expectations,
Rules that we force ourselves to abide by in order to succeed,
Failure is not an option.

People tell us to wake up and smell the coffee,
But how can we if we barely have time to even wake up?
As soon as we are conscious we are expected to work hard,
No pain, no gain
If you believe, you will achieve

That's all I ever hear.
LJ Chaplin Jul 2013
What are you doing? Stop, please just stop!

My conscience is screaming at me,
Throwing itself against the barricades of my mind,
Kicking and punching so violently that my skull throbs with the pain.

But another voice is telling me otherwise
Pull the trigger. Go on, it'll be fun!
I feel the guttural tremors of its laugh ripple through my bones.
Pull the trigger!
My hands start to tremble.
Pull the trigger!
My mouth becomes dry.
Pull the trigger!
Pull it!
Pull it!

A wave of pressure washes through me,
My ears are ringing,
Pulsing with the cries of a million particles of air hurtling through the sky,
All finding refuge deep in the crevice of my eardrums.
I see the crimson blood on the floor.
What have you done?
My conscience is sobbing.
What have you done? What have they done to deserve this?

But the voice silences it.
And now I can *really
I feel the muscles in my cheeks pull,
But it isn't me,
The voice is controlling the smile that I have on my face.
Well done.
**Now you're mine.
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