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LJ Chaplin Jul 2013
The world is changing,
I know it is.
I can feel the shifting tide of change,
Pulling me further into the vast ocean
Of new laws,
And I am proud to be a part of that change.

But alas I fear the sinister forces of evil that lie beneath the tranquil surface of the water
We must be ready with our nets and our spears to capture and dispose of it
**Otherwise it will be an oil slick which will destroy everything we have slowly and painfully forged with our own two hands.
LJ Chaplin Jul 2013
I'm not letting you in,
Not a chance,
Out of luck
I've locked up the doors,
The windows are barred,
I'm sorry, but you're a little bit stuck.

Keep banging all you want,
I can't hear you at all,
I'm too busy living my life,
You won't be the one to make me fall.

Call the cops, that's fine,
But we'll see who gets arrested,
And who ends up in a darkened room,
Interrogated and continuously tested.
I'll be sat with the jury,
Smiling as you try to plead not guilty,
You cry and you beg like an idiot,
But we need people in the world less filthy.

I walk away,
You walk the line,
I'm sat at a bar,
You're behind prison bars,
I'm secure at home
While you're secured in handcuffs.
Yeah.. I don't know what happened. I literally just woke up and started writing haha!
LJ Chaplin Jul 2013
***** dreams from magazines,
Filthy ***** and no other rules,
A generation who are out of luck,
But we don't care, no we don't give a ****.
Concentrating on identity,
Make-up bags and vanity,
Liquor bottles on the floor,
But we'll do it again because we want more.

Drug scares, alcohol,
red lights, fancy cars,
Money, what's that for?
We are living a lie,
We are living a lie.

Cigarettes, twenty in a pack,
Jack Daniels cooling in a glass,
Bad behaviour, that's how we do,
Give us a warning, we'll be laughing at you.
Late night movies, Triple X,
Red lipstick smudges on the neck,
Fifty pound notes scattered on the floor,
But we won't pick them up because we don't want them no more.

ASBO's, misbehaved,
Cop cars, underaged,
Manners, what are they?
We're the bad teens in town,
We're the bad teens in town.
Sorry if it is a little intense. Inspired by the song Saturday Night by Natalia Kills :)
LJ Chaplin Jul 2013
Talking to the devil
On the edge of the Earth,
Watching as we  c r u m b l e
Because we're more than we're worth,
He says
I don't see the point of living in hell
When we're just as tormented so I might as well
Bring the pain and the terror up here
We can watch together as innocence disappears.

I shoot him a glare,
And draw in a breath,
And I sighed in fear
Like I awaited my death.
I said
Oh silly devil you can't be so quick
We do that already
Do you not get a kick?
Out of lies, war and drugs
Famine? Disease?
If so, I just have to say
You're sick in the head
I don't want you to stay.

My hands grab his neck and I throw him into space,
Writhing in agony and fear on his face,
I waved him goodbye and got to my feet,
Releasing my wings and my halo,
And savour the victory and conquered defeat,
This world can be saved,
But I'll teach it a lesson,
To show some compassion,
Like we do up in Heaven.
LJ Chaplin Jul 2013
I've always wanted to see what it is like to be me from an external perspective,
To separate from my body
Like a ghost
And watch myself as I go through the day.

I have some idea of how it would be:

He wakes up in the morning, stretching and feeling his muscles uncoil after hours of claustrophobic unrest,
After showering and getting ready he leaves the house and walks to college. It's healthier than taking a bus.
He walks past the crowds of school kids, sorting out his shirt and ******* in a little so people don't stare,
Sighing a breath of relief as they all float past, their eyes only fixated on their phones and friend's faces.
When he arrives at college he braves the main corridor where everybody sits, eyes on the floor but feeling hundreds of others scanning and mocking his image.
It has been a long day, and he finally gets to go home where he can feel free and let himself go a little.

And that's when I'd come back to myself.
I wish I could replay the whole day on a screen,
Analyse every moment of wrapping my arms lightly around my stomach when I sit down,
How I shrink into the background as friends start talking about their *** life and their partners,
When I walk with my gaze constantly skimming across the faded linoleum tiles on the floor,

**I wish I could watch myself from another person's perspective and be that one person who he knows won't judge him, or at least won't feel paranoid about being judged.
LJ Chaplin Jul 2013
We share the same
The same
The same
Of feeling alive,
We have a lot of
A lot of
A lot of
To give to one another.

I want you
You want me
That's OK
We're both free
To say I love you,
It's what we want,
It's what we want to do.
LJ Chaplin Jul 2013
I'm sorry I left you happiness,
You didn't deserve to be alone,
But they took me from you so quickly,
They dragged me from my home.

I was beaten and tormented,
From past fears and bad mistakes,
But believe me when I tell you,
My soul wasn't theirs to take.

Tortured and neglected,
Abandoned in a darkened room,
I miss you and I know you miss me,
I promise I'll be home soon.

I broke free from my captors,
Running with blood on my knees,
To meet you on the front porch,
Forgive me happiness,  **please.
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