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 Apr 2018 Ksenia Tyltu
I remember a time,
Where I didn't know right from wrong.
Where I would wear an orange top with a bright green skirt, because I liked it.
Where I didn't know how much people would be worth to me.
A time when everything was simple.
A time when I didn't know of crime,
And I thought the entire world was the country I lived in.
The only people in the world were my family and my other little friends and teachers.
I had a cat,
And I loved her dearly,
I never knew that one day I wouldn't have her anymore.
I had a grandfather,
And I loved him dearly,
I never knew that one day I wouldn't have him anymore, either.
I would pick up dandelions,
And place them carefully in my hair, behind my ear.
Because they were pretty.
I remember a time when everything was sweet,
No tears, unless I fell off a swing and scraped my knee.
There was no sorrow.
No tomorrow.
Only today.
It was simple, it was sweet.
I was innocent.
I wish it was still the same now.

— The End —