I live every day and night in constant fear
Not knowing if my death date is coming near
You can die at any given moment
You may not even know your opponent
Cancer, a knife, a bullet, or even a fire truck
You never know when you’re all out of luck
Knowing that anything can happen scares me
Don’t get mad because you and I disagree
We’re allowed to look at things differently
It’s a shame we can’t live coherently
I wish that we’d treat one another equally
Doesn’t matter if you’re gay or lesbian
Religious or atheist, black white or Asian
Race, gender, religion, thoughts and belief
The day we all love each other I can get relief
Im like all those superheroes without powers
Because I’ll try to help you for hours and hours
My problem is I care about things too much
It’s caused me to toss my feelings into a bunch
One second I’m happy then I’m sad or tired
Trying to make the world perfect isn’t required
My days of helping aren’t over I haven’t retired
The point of this is to help get you inspired
Make some new friends, or smile and say hi
A little extra kindness just to help make it by
Check on your old friends ask if they’re okay
Get out there, spread some positivity today
The truth is no one in this world is perfect
But that makes us human last time I checked