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Katlynn Grilli May 2024
My eyes are tainted.
I’ve seen what people can do.
What can be destroyed
My eyes are tainted.
I’ve seen the things lurking around the corners
My eyes are tainted
I’ve stared the monster under my bed in the face
It stared back and spoke perfectly
“You’re so Beautiful”
My eyes are tainted
Ive seen the lies on their lips
My eyes are tainted
I’ve seen the fingerprints on my skin
Practically printed on my bones.
My eyes are tainted
I’ve seen the curse they placed on my body.
My eyes are tainted
I’ve seen the blood stain my face, my fingers, my thighs, my hair
I’ve seen what the mirrors seen.
My eyes are tainted
So I close them.
Sleep as many hours as I can
Praying I don’t see anymore evil on this body
My eyes are tainted
My eyes
Katlynn Grilli Nov 2023
There’s no calendar
To mark the date
For our last breath
Is simply fate.
Katlynn Grilli Nov 2023
I hope you hold the old her near
Because the new her is the one you don’t seem to like.
You seemed to like her when she coward down in the corner allowing you to talk and cut down everything she stood  and everything she loved.
You took her love for granted and you ran with it
You sure did like her when she allowed you to make a fool of her.
Now she stands by and watches the fool you’ve become.
The fool who’s preaching and swaying around the room as though their words carry no weight.
Don’t worry you’ll soon get tired of carrying those too.
Just as she got tired of carrying the hurt you’ve inflicted the drama you’ve presented and the distrust you’ve built.
When you speak to her she doesn’t put up the wall
She imagines a mirror because the hypocrite you’ve become has been seen by everyone except you.
So please go in to tell her you’ve missed the old her
The new her will continue to laugh and stand her ground.
Katlynn Grilli Aug 2023
Feels like my heads going to explode
My bodies a ticking time bomb
These fists hitting the ground wondering where each land mine is.
There’s a tank in my heart shooting these emotions everywhere.
I’m wondering where I’m going to land
If I’ll be in pieces in the end
Which explosive device is going to go off ?
My brain?
My heart?
My mouth?
These eyes ?
Wondering if my temper is going to get the better of me and click this button and end it all.
I’m clutching the gun closer to my chest
Where will I aim ?
Where will it land?
Katlynn Grilli Jul 2023
I like to disappear from time to time
Give my lungs a break
Before they crystalize in nicotine
Give my head a break
Before it explodes
Give my body a break
Before it crushes itself in
I like to check out
Because then everyone starts wondering?
“Is she dead?”
“It was the cigarettes”
“It was the mental health”
Then I pop back up like a spring
Blowing everyone’s minds making them wonder
“How is she still here?”
I just like to disappear.
Katlynn Grilli May 2023
For some people
The rain kisses their skin
For me
The rain deteriorates at my mind
For some people the thunder soothes
For me
It bangs across my head
For some people
The lightning is their spark to keep going
For me
The lightning is the fire burning down everything in my path
Stormy nights
Katlynn Grilli May 2023
It’s not real
Her smile
It’s not real

Someone once asked her what she was doing on the cliff
She said “ getting a better view “
“Of what ?”
She smiled
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