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K B Feb 2
For the first time in a long time
The thought of you no longer summons heaving swells of emotion within me
I cannot no longer hear the ringing echoes of your laughter
I can no longer feel the warm glow of your smile
Can no longer see the bright joy for life in your eyes

For the first time in a long time
I think of you and my heart throbs in steady rhythm without skipping a beat
There is no desire or yearning for connection
There is no anticipation at the flood of memories of days shared
For the longest time, you were my muse
And now I can barely even remember your face

For the first time in a long time
I know that enough is enough
I know that I have broken free from my tortured existence of self reflection
For the first time in a long time, I feel like I can finally breathe
K B Jan 14
I feel like a man made of biscuit
I know it sounds absurd to hear
And while you chuckle with ridicule and scorn
Spare a thought for the fragile heart of a Gingerbread Man

We all know the story of the Gingerbread Man
A creature formed from humble flour and given life
Whose bones are not forged in steel, his skin of tough iron
But a delicate man shaped from powdery imagination
Spare a thought for a Gingerbread Man, whose life was shaped by hands not of his own
And whose life begun in a fiery blaze

I feel like a Gingerbread Man
A man trapped in a fragile form
Who crumbles and flakes under the weight of a world that demands too much
A man made of chocolate and icing so bright
Whose tears are more harmful than healing
Each drop a reminder of fragile mortality

I feel like a Gingerbread Man,
A man with a heart of cream, of sugar and spice
But a man whose façade hides a sorrowful core
Never reacting, always in control,
Lest my mind, body and hear shatter from all this inner turmoil
Spare a thought for a gingerbread man,
For whom pangs of despair, sadness and depression
Feel like bites taken out of his sugary form
leaving him hollow than ever

I feel like a Gingerbread Man
A man whose dreams are just crumbs scattered far behind
A man whose presence to others, is a fleeting delight
Whose life is nibbled away bit by bit, by the passage of time
Who is sweet but only for a short while
I know it sounds silly to feel this way
But I feel like a gingerbread man
Spare a thought for me as well
K B Jan 13
Life is strange
To some of us, it feels like a fleeting dream
A fuzzy eerie dream that is barely in focus
And I find myself every day in this liminal space
I exist in some half state of life,
Not in full relief nor fading into the background
And sometimes, I feel so strongly
That maybe I am not really meant to be here
Most times, I am certain that I am not really here at all.

I don’t mean “not here” as in
Being absent from the present
Not fitting into this tapestry of life and its moving pieces
Not finding joy in fleeting moments or the explosion of living
No, I strive to anchor myself
Lest I give in to the pull of the infinite void inside me
I try to live life the way people live theirs
Truly, I try and its never enough
My mind always tilts on its yoke,
My spirit yearns to drift away, like a forgotten whisper

Maybe I am not meant to be here
But while I am, trapped and present
I reach out to others, I bond, I weave connections,
I love, live, laugh and I breathe
I try vainly to mirror the rhythm of the vibrant lives around me
And it all feels like false mimicry, at best a shadow play
And no matter how much I perform, it will never be enough

Maybe I was never meant to be here
I find myself slipping away from who I want the world to see
The nebulous image of a person I feel others would like and love
Each day I grapple with the fragments of my being
Trying in futile desperation to thread the fraying edges of my identity
Am I only flesh?
Am I only blood and bone?
Am I spirit and soul, shaped by the weight of my experiences?
I hold all these pieces within me and yet their sum is now only a hollow echo
Of who I though the world wanted me to be

Maybe I am not meant to be here
But I linger, trapped in this masquerade of life,
Like a marionette guided by invisible strings
I yearn for release, to escape this fleeting dream
But I cannot sever the ties that bind me
I cannot unmoor from these anchors built into my flesh and soul
And so I dance, a shadow on this grand stage of life
Twisting and turning in a ghastly performance of life
Spinning and spinning and spinning till the final curtain falls
And fall it will, soon
And all will become still
And I will not be here anymore
Trying to capture this feeling of ennui
K B Apr 2024
I don't swear much
Its a vow solemn made, a rule to keep
No greater reason drives this oath
Not moral, not spiritual..nothing
Cussing seems so basic and ******
My language must be pristine
Swearing is so crass
An inadequate emotional response
I would rather be unfeeling,
But now
My world is upside down
Words bubble in my throat
Ready to burst out
I want to push the gates open
And revel in profanity unbound

Everything is ******
My whole world is upside down and it's rough
No one gives a ****
Life is so ******* hard.
Its an absolute shitfest
But I am a man
Men don't cry
Men don't ***** about our woes
Men must bear our suffering stoicly
Yet try and try as we do
The weight of the world crushes us
We're weary
I feel like ****
I ache so deeply in body and mind
I am a man
And i know
That men break quietly..on the inside
I feel like an absolute ******
A cockup
I bleed in silence

Everything is a big ******* mess
**** me, I can't catch a break
Even when I am **** drunk
This stinking shitpile of worries and sorrows never disappears

Pardon my French.
Sometime a cussing session is what you need when the world is ******* with you
K B Apr 2024
The slow inexorable press of time
The unrelenting caress of passing days
Grinds and grinds away at my soul
Everyday, every hour and every second
A never ending torture of existence, of living
Yet, there is no physical pain
No mental anguish nor emotional strife
There is only the cold seeping chill of an empty life,
In the yawning expanse of time, a bleak future beckons
Time grinds and grinds away at my soul

I have lost so much yet I remain whole
Only just
My emotions flicker in and out, barely felt
Blood rushes through my veins,
I can no longer hear its strains
The world, once vibrant has lost its color
Everything is now dull, drab and gray
Yet in fleeting moments everyday,
As I breathe in, the world resets
Everything seems right
I am still whole and thats okay
And time still grinds away at my soul.

"Everyday must feel like a Holiday"They say,
Around me, everyone laughs
And loves
And lives
At the stroke of the hour, I die alittle within
Bit and pieces of me fall into the abyss
Never to be seen, never to return
They don't see the parts that are gone
Neither do I
I know that I am whole but only in body
Time still grinds away at my soul

I feel the weight of time more keenly than ever
Jobless, hopeless, useless
In this valley of disappointment that I reside
Every moment is torment when hope has died
Time is not cruel but it is not kind
And time never stops
God, time just never stops
Not for them and not for me
Forward it marches on,
Pitiless and unyielding from dusk till dawn
Swept along in its stream, i have no choice
Caught in its relentless roll
I only wish it could be gentle with me
But time still grinds away at my weary soul
K B Jan 2024
When I was young, I used to think I was good
That I was smart, wise, moral
I used to think I knew the right answers
To all the right questions.
I used to think I was Invincible that I could do anything.
Be anything.
Worst of all, I used to think i could do no wrong.
Or hurt anybody I truly cared about
I was wrong.

When we're young,we're often praised for our fearlessness
We don't look before we leap.
We march into danger with smiles on our faces, steel in our bones and a song in our hearts.
And like Icarus, we see only the glory of our destination,
We feel only the wind in our sails spurring us forward, sending us soaring in open skies.
We burn our lives ferociously because we do not yet know the taste of tragedy.
And burn we did, you and I.

It begun not with a spark,  
but like a wildfire,
An all consuming blaze that swept through my life and cleansed the hollowed out and raw parts of my soul.
For days on end, your laugh, your mischievous smile, your soft yet attentive gaze filled my every thought
I yearned to bask in the light of your presence
At night, i yearned to hear the sound of your voice
I felt giddy at our awkward flirtations, our late night meetings under the moon, our dawn walks before the world awoke
I cherished our conversations about the travails of Harry Potter, the rap/pop genius of Post Malone, the heart wrenching yet upbeat melodies of one direction and all the nerdy little things that we never had the chance to fully express with anyone
In your eyes,
In your voice,
I felt no judgment for who or what i was
In your presence, I felt safe,
I felt like myself

When we're young, everything feels new, different.
I didn't know the extent of this feeling of wanting to be with you all the time
I never questioned nor guessed what it meant
I never understood the effort you took to spend time with me
I knew it took alot out of you
I knew it took time, money and you put yourself at risk
I should have known.....I should have
I was falling in love, but I never could admit that thought to myself.
That was my folly
That was my downfall.

When we're young, we're often blind to our faults
Caught between two impossible choices, I made a decision I hope only exist in this universe and not in any other parallel or alternate universes.
I have to hope that somewhere out there, someone did not commit the same folly I did
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
I thought I was doing the right thing in letting you go
But I only ended up causing you pain beyond what I could comprehend
I acted the fool and the coward and I shattered what we were building into pieces
Never to be rebuilt.
Too often we don't appreciate what we have until its gone
K B Dec 2023
You sit in your chair, calm and collected.
Betraying no emotion or nerves
You're a rock of composure
But i see the tell tale trembling in your hands
You clutch the threads of your worn pants in a vice grip
Trying to hold back the creeping tide of tremors
You lock your knees together in desperation
Grit your teeth and clench your jaw
But more and more, the cracks spread through your body
And once again, the demons of anxiety run amok in your body
Slamming the chambers of your heart with their thorny fists,
Freezing your lungs with their icy breath
Crowding out all lucid thoughts with their incoherent babble
"Not again, not again, not again"
"please stop, please"
You cry in the shadowed recesses of the your own mind over and over
Hiding from hounding demons
But like always, the demons of anxiety do not heed words
The silent battle is once again lost
Your shame, cowardice and weak spine is laid bare to the eyes and judgment of the world
I know the feeling
I know you
I am you
Anxiety is a curse
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