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I wonder where my mind has gone
out in the walks along the gravestones
sunken 6 feet deep
and pushing up daisies

I like to think (and I bet they are happy they don't)
that one day I'll meet the man of my dreams
and we will sit 6 feet underneath with
words saying "together since..."

I hope that I'm too picky for this,
or not picky enough
I like too many boys and non of them stick
because i'm afraid that no one could love me

for who I am and will stay.
So, i'll just hope that I can sink
and push up daisies for
all the other couples still living,
the great great great great great granddaughters and sons
to admire on their walks through nature's vast landscape.

And GOD I hope you're up there,
because this existential dilemma will bring me to my grave
and I just hope you'll meet me there
because you're the only one I would really need anyways.
When you soar,
Others are up there too.
When you fall,
You fall on someone.
When you stand,
You don't wait alone.
When you dream
Of having wings,
Or being chased, tripping
And falling before the beast,
When you dream
Of being naked in the crowd,
Laugh out loud,
You're still not alone.
There's a few billion doing the same.
Living where my mother be
inside america the land of infinite discovery
shaken by words the prez is uttering
Bludgeoning the labeled "foreigners" for their said struggling..
i see your ways
Its usually quit disgusting
Grab em by the twuat you will get got and thats for sure
I hope that soon we get see some gore
i prey that you decay your toupee through the air will soar
Unsure ;
are yall the people which i should be blaming
You asked for this destruction now you ******* and complaining
god ;
How many claim to see through the facade
yet sit and watch their brothers getting buttered by the odds..
#america #fed #sad #life
Eu sou o vazio
As estrelas e o fim do mundo
Eu sou o nada
Que engole o nada
Eu sou o vazio
Que não tem início nem fim
Eu sou o nada
O nada absoluto
Eu sou o vazio
A escuridão mais escura
Eu sou o nada
A parte mais vazia de mim
Eu sou o vazio
Meu corpo inteiro é nada
Eu sou o nada
Minha vida é toda de vidro
Eu sou o vazio
O universo saiu de mim (me abandonou)
Eu sou o nada
E agora estou sozinho.
 Jan 2017 Joshua Dougan
I did not wish to know you as my enemy
To see across the thin line of time and space
And find eyes of my eyes bleeding in another brother
Son of a different mother born of the same stardust
Child of the cosmos, a miracle of consciousness
I know those veins that cut and curve across your wrist
Bluish green swerving things
I know those marks on your palms
The ones once read as life lines
The ones that are the same as mine, to short
The grief-stricken child missing mother or father
The lonely sister hugging her struggling brother
The sand, stone, water, and white heat
The wind rain and dirt that bore this body home
And me sitting stupidly silent in shame
Dumbfounded by your beauty and your strength
Not some stranger narrating with my voice
Nor ghostly metaphor concealing my choices
This is the purest form of a broken heart that I can present
These syllables are my lifetime investment
Spent in pain to plead for love
I love you and you and you and you
 Jan 2017 Joshua Dougan
Father creator artist of my birth
I have seen the dragons that you sketch
Their skin scaly and dry
Their breath like orange exploding flowers
Your power exist within my hands as well
To dream and to shape I am the maker as well
You sketched death in all of its skeletal grace
Woman with strong features and amazing beauty
With your course and worn hands you molded reality
A gift which I am grateful to have
With a word I can bring light to a void
Reason to confusion and humor to sadness
For that I must express my gratitude
And let all know that as a dreamer
The only way I can fall and fail
Is to give up these rapturous visions
TO sacrifice my passion and settle for scraps
This I cannot do I will not do
I will paint the world with my strange sanity
In my arrogance I will demand much
Bullet for Brushes knives for pen
Peace through aesthetic and verbosity
The words may rip and tare at my gut
Force their way from my throat till they are expunged from my body
But they will always be mine
So I must Thank you thank you a thousand times and more
 Jan 2017 Joshua Dougan
Hear me now for I am bound to offend
True poets and artist should not have to amend
For telling the truth is a painful burden
They poisoned Socrates in Athens
But in Salem the Protestants would have burned him
If history serves as witness
To the actions of the witless
I think I recall
Some of the greatest crimes of all
Were perpetrated by the men of cloth
From fascist to capitalist
Faithful extremist to creationist
Men betrayed the word
Or they misinterpreted what they heard
We know that Zeus and Hercules were merely tales of fiction
And that the stories Thor and Odin were of similar tradition
So tell me in this moment of musing
Why does the ark seem so confusing
How many animals can you fit on a boat
Before the predator is at your throat
How big would the fish story have to be
Before you realize you have been deceived
One woman and man are fore bearers of all
With only two sons they must have been an incestuous cabal
Then there is free will or so I recall
But that can’t be the case if God knows it all
In my confusion I must be mistaken
For the Ten Commandments can’t be literally taken
Thou shalt not covet **** or steal
So I wonder how you would feel
If the people who say that these are their rules
Surveyed your land, said it was okay
To pick and choose which laws they would obey
Then they proceeded to **** and to maim
Anyone who got in they way of their claim
How many lies can you find in a book that man has wrote
This will not win me any friends
But by challenging old ideals the search for truth begins
And for that I will never apologize
But when they come to burn me at the stake I will probably run and
The present is still,
But the mountainous rage against
Thoughts and realities collide and I
Realise they have been there since
The beginning:

Look at her,
Ageless in my memory
As the light and the dust settle
In a dance,
     A windmill of her love,
The walk of her figure under said
Oh the anger entangled because she
Isn't here anymore,
     The present is still:
The floodgates of bullets whipping by,
     The nightmares flashing,
A fallen angel before my eyes,
The child cries God!!!!
And to a child mother is God,
    Gone with the waters,
I drown in a tortured river.

     Between what I see and what
I know now I become a dazzled
Flame dancing in a spherical nature,
     A battalion of storms
And the rage within me marches on.

The present is motionless,
But the rage of regret
Is a fountain of reality floating
On a cloud of reflections,
      Where has my lover gone?
She left and it was the best for
Both of us,right?
I agreed to disagree with myself,
       Under grey skies
A flock of crows dispersed
Just before the thunder.....
     In thoughts I chew my nails
Down to my wrist,
The fire burns inside and charrs my heart,
My black jewel
Asleep between her *******,
How I miss you woman!

The present is still:
My daughters cry Daddy!
Echoes of they who are not there,
The transparent moment  is a petrified
The sky becomes a deep abyss,
Black clouds over black days,
Daddy isn't there.
Fist strikes the flesh,
     The storm is human
And it rages on inside me,
The precipitation is a drop
Of solitude for every deep thought,,
    My eyes open and close,
Phosphorus regret with downed eyelid.

The moment is still,
But the storm rages on.......
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