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The book is closed, the end is writ
And here I am rereading it
The words unveil with every line
A placid state, collected mind
I spare the pen, its stain of red
Allow the ink to soak instead
Into my flesh and through my bones
My skeleton has always known
That what is done within this life
May come disguised, the form - a knife
And it will lay upon your back
You may not even feel attacked
But scars will form in every place
That you have ever tried to face
The end is writ, the book is closed
So rest your eyes, you've made it home
Intelligence has evadade you
As you allow what you think you want to slowly degrade your views,
Nothing that fades away can ever be true,
For even the old used to be new.

What do you look for in love: nice assets and a face you can trust,
Becuse anything sparkles when it's covered in rust.
Sentiment and intellect were devoured by lust,
And the only way to the top is made up of dust.

Social scenes and social queens
Require more costume than Halloween.
Who wants to be stuck at seventeen?
If you're not surrounded by faces, who will hear you scream?

You engrave your expectations on the palm of your hands,
Open them up to God, and plead for romance.
For prayers only function as a form of demands
That look no further than tomorrow nights plans.

Who you know and how you're perceived,
Cascades and tumbles down over your beliefs.
Temptation wasn't as easy for Adam and Eve;
Their apple held more than your money trees.

Now there's nothing left but a rotten core,
And casual small talk spilled out upon the floor,
Seeping in and out of the wooden pores,
Across scattered feet, too numb to implore.

Afraid of the concept of being alone,
You only accept what is already known,
Living for the weekend so your efforts are atoned,
Like David and Goliath, you have to stone or get ******.

Bloodshot eyes and vacant stares, too deliberate not to go anywhere,
Because sentiment means nothing to a generation who doesn't care
About anything that holds less weight than the air,
Unless it's about what you should wear.

So bottle up your empty dreams and aspirations,
Throw them to sea: an intellectual evacuation,
You'll see more like them under medication,
Because fitting in requires social sedation.
Let him wait,
she says,
drying under arms
after her bath,
the towel rubbing the skin,

talcum powder
on the side
ready to be applied,

he downstairs waiting,
impatient no doubt,
pacing up and down
or sitting smoking,
cursing under his breath.

A woman’s privilege
to take her time.
Beauty cannot be rushed.

She moves the towel
further down,
rubs between her thighs.  

Even as a child
she imagines
he was impatient,
unable to wait,
unwilling to be kept
against his will
until the time was right.

She smiles.
She senses
the towel’s roughness,
the rub of skin.

She recalls the wedding night,
the shyness *******,
she blushing,
he awkward all
fingers and thumbs,
she turning her back on him

to put on her night dress,
he looking away,
unwilling to view,
she in bed
covered to the neck,
he *******
bit by bit
avoiding her eyes,

she studying
the ceiling
the patch of grey,

he with night attire on
climbs into bed,
she feels him near,
his body nigh touching,
his hand out stretched.

In the dark,
she recalls,
they fumbled
and searched
and touched,
with grunts
and moans,
and woos
and ahs,
the night went on

until sleep
eased them
to a settled bliss,
ending with
that sticking kiss.
 May 2013 Joshua Dougan
Shit (5w)
 May 2013 Joshua Dougan
I'm sorry I
Talked ****.
 May 2013 Joshua Dougan
I've been stupid lately.
I do dumb things and I
Act dumb.
That's just me
But sometimes
It's uncontrollable and I
Feel bad.
You deserve to be treated better and
It's obvious that I need to work on
Sorry bubs,
I will try harder.
Dolls and Damns
Drunkards and Drifts
Dimples and Darkess
Dank and Dreamy

I am trying to set free
 May 2013 Joshua Dougan
i woke up to a text from my mom this morning,
saying that she wanted to see me for my birthday...
that all she wanted
was a chance.
it has been almost six months
since i have seen her
let alone
talked to her
and i have spent all that time
hating her
for everything...
but hating her
tires me out.
i cannot hate anyone
for long
even after all she's done
to deserve it.

is different.
i didn't smirk
at her text
brush it off
never reply
delete it
i actually responded.
told her
that'd be great
hell, i even
for missing her birthday
last month...

i can see her face
as she reads that text
i'm sure
she's crying
i know what the things i do and say
do to her
i lived with her
for eighteen years...
sixteen of which
were happy

i guess...
after all the unhappiness she has made
for herself
and for everyone around her
i can't deny her
one small shred of a smile
all of it
was her fault
but every bit of hatred
was MY fault.

i am
hatred does nothing but **** you. i am alive because someone loved me. i wish i could erase these last two years like i erase any mistake i make on a piece of paper...but i can't. i guess that's the part where you learn to live with them...and smile when you can.
 May 2013 Joshua Dougan
When will the world stop being so cold?
I fear for the people of our generation.
There is so much chaos,
And corruption.
We need to set the example,
Raise the bar a little higher.
Because we are getting nowhere with this mentality.
How are we ever going to move forward,
If we keep taking steps back?
How are we supposed to be happy,
When it seems like all the forces in the world are working against us.
In hindsight,
We are all just a speck on the windshield of life,
But we can make a difference.
If we work together,
Stand together,
And fight together,
We can reach something that seems so far away.
We can grasp a concept that once seemed impossible.
We can,
And we will
Achieve peace.
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