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The tears I cry are bitter and warm
Silent tears that fall from my sad sad eyes
My heart is torn, my life is twisted
You are 6 feet underground and I am so helpless...
I just stand there at your grave and weep
I do not know when i am going to sleep....

A thousand winds that blow today
Cant take away my feelings so deep
Seems that i can never stop to weep...
From autumn rains till the summers day..
Days, weeks, months and years go by..
But its hard for me to say GOOD BYE...

There I stand at your grave and cry..
My love for you will never die..
You told me not to stand and cry...
I tried to think You did not die ..
Ohh!! I did try...and try...

They said my hero died today
Its hard to believe, they told me lies
But you are gone, you are no longer here,
here on earth withdrawn.
I cry.. I cry... I am all alone now..
I cant let you go .. I wanna hug your soul
Dont go my love... let me love your soul...
 May 2013 Joshua Dougan
Mercy B
Walking along this winding path makes her  feels isolated and the absolute loneliness makes her more afraid.

Each move is made so carefully in the anticipation  that the pandemonium will surely invade.

When will she know which way  to go, when will it be clear to her which turn she must take to be  free.

The courage that will guide her home is there buried inside but sadly she just can't see.

A force much more powerful than she may ever realize is flowing thru her body now.

She struggles to be all that they expect her to be but her problem is she can't even begin to fathom how.
When words are the only thing
To describe yourself
When words is all you have
The dreaded feeling
The pleading to others
To see
To realize
Your not what you want to be..
 May 2013 Joshua Dougan
Lily Jean
i think sometimes,
nights spent alone listening to sad songs,
are one hundred times better,
than going out and getting drunk,
with silly adolescents,
high on life and other things.

when i told you this,
you just laughed,
and sprayed more colonge,
over your tanned wrists.

three hours later,
when you were locking lips with,
the blonde girl,
who was,
always first to like your facebook statuses,
the sad songs were on repeat in my head.

i hope in the morning you regret it.
It's not as easy as you think
It's really one big scare.
They'll tell you what you want to hear
In hopes that you don't care.
"We're not that dumb-
At least, I'm not.
Nice try, you get me here."
But listen, man, I understand
Sit down, let's share a beer.
Let me explain- I know it all
You can't hide from me anymore
And, actually, you know the truth
Their opinions make you sore.
Not only do they say it
They marinade it- give it a coat
They cook it up all nice and sweet
Before they shove it down your throat.
You have no thoughts
You're not you're own
You're the checker in their game
Let's show them who we really are
Let's show them why we came.
Secretly, they fight to lose
And they've never really won
But have you since been listening?
They don't talk just for fun.
See, they don't wrap it up
They strive to keep you waiting
Don't worry, son, it's not your fault
It's all part of their training.
Armies are built, families- lost
They've planned it all along
They know just what they're doing
And you must decide who's boss.
Which commander do you follow?
Is it freedom, is it lies?
Have you seen under that pretty mask?
Have you seen through their disguise?
It's time to fight- the war is on
The gear and armor ready
Pick your side, just take your time
We're here and holding steady.
So it's your choice,
You've got it all-
Fight or stay at home
Just remember what they've done to you
Let's make our presence known.
He was with her
when they came back
from the bar

the moon was out
but dark clouds
hid it now and then

and she walked
with a sway
singing bars
from some song
she liked

and he watched her
walking just behind
looking at her
looking about him
the streets
the street lights
yellow upon black
bright lights

and she said
this is it
this is what I like
being merry
being liberated
from my normal self

and he said
ok let’s get back home
take it easy
don’t what you falling
and breaking bones

she paused on the edge
of the kerb
and looked at the moon
look at that moon
I guess people in Russia
see the self same moon
as we do
looking up
and seeing the same
bright light
the same pits
on the moon’s skin

he said
come on Honey
lets’ get back
and he put his arm
through hers
and tried to move her on

hey hey
she said  
don’t pull me along
I want to see the moon

so he stopped pulling her
and walked on
and looked back
at her staring
at the moon
her voice singing
her body swaying

he walked on
hands in the pockets
of his coat
head down

she called
wait for me
I don’t want
to be swallowed
by the night

and he stopped
and she ran to him
and put her arms
around him
and kissed his lips
and he could taste
the *****
the cigarettes

and he said
come on Babe
let’s go

and so she walked on
beside him
her body leaning
against him
her voice humming
a melody
her feet picking
places to tread

his lips having
the taste of her
on them
the feel of her
on his arm

her voice
humming still
echoing into the night  
hoping she’d be good
once home
hoping she’d stay awake
not fall asleep
but if she did
he thought
the *** would keep.
 May 2013 Joshua Dougan
Hot water rushes
from spigot to head; All my
thoughts are washed away
 May 2013 Joshua Dougan
 May 2013 Joshua Dougan
I'm beginning to think I have a problem.
An obsession.

You see, I've fallen in love with an item,
an object.

I'm in love with
glow in the dark

You see,
I have bunkbeds
So I put them on the bottom of the top bunk
and I put them on the ceiling,
so that I always have something to look up to.

While I'm at it, I should probably tie a string to a stick
and hang it in front of me;
tie a star to the end of the string
so that I always have something to look forward to.
 May 2013 Joshua Dougan
Wait! Stop!
Don't let it slip from your fingers
because you have it,

you really do.

Close your eyes and don't forget,
let the memories wash over you like a hot shower;
feel clean.
Feel beautiful,
because that's what you are.

That's what we all are.

Never forget that you have ten fingers,
and ten toes,
and no one can take that away from you.

Stop being afraid of who is behind you,
because in front of you - there are birds.
There are layers,
and tree branches, begging to be climbed.
Don't stress out when your tea gets cold because you can always make more.

I'm allergic to cats but that won't stop me from touching noses with kittens,
I'm afraid of my past but that isn't going to hold me back anymore.
 May 2013 Joshua Dougan
You pull on my heartstrings
than little kids
pull on fraying string
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