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 Nov 2014 Josephine
Don't tell me your heart beats like a drum,
'cause while it beats so steadily for you;
I'm stuck here with a heart beating erratically,
like a struggling, frantic moth stuck in the window pane;
**one and two five seven and six and negative four triplet and
idk... weird counting beats lol :P
 Nov 2014 Josephine
Once upon a time, there was a
fat-***, rude, easily aggravated, and aggressive princess
who sat at the top of a tower,
waiting for a dreamy prince who would someday climb the tower
and rescue her
and not care that she was
ugly, loud, and half out of her mind.

One day, that day came,
and this boy of a man
climbed up the sides of the ****** tower
that contained the dreaming princess,
hoping to save her
and make her his.

Once he got to the top,
he tapped her window,
"My dear, I have come save you! Come out!"
She stirred out of another daydream of a
hunky, sweet guy coming to save her,
only to find that it had come true.
She dashed across the floor,
with her fat chubby legs, her heavy panting, her sloppy, ***** and tattered chiffon dress,
and burst open the french window.

"Oh hey yea, sorry I was kinda busy back there, so what's up? Why'd you come knocking? Hmmm..? Where are you?"
She looked around, but couldn't find the poor prince.
Turns out, the prince had clung on the the window,
but once she flung open the windows,
he lost his grip and fell back down,
all the way down to the bottom.
She stared down.

"****! Oh well. At least he gets that pretty ***** at the bottom,
who has yearned for his attention for so long. He'll be happy. They deserve each other."
She shrugs, closes the windows, and watches as
the fair maiden at the edge of the tower
mends his bones and his heart,
while stealing it along the way.

The fortunate prince fell in love with the dear maiden,
and it seems that she had always loved him from afar but never dared to say a word,
and they both lived happily ever after.
Of course, all while the princess stared down with a knowing smile on her face.
thought of this while brushing my teeth XD i kinda like this, tho i wish i can make the language more like a fairy tale, and the princess's slang even more slang and sarcastic... anyways, this was inspired by a real life story, in which a friend falls in love with a girl, but gets rejected unexpectedly by her, and realizes all along his best friend loves him and that he kinda loves her. :) -for you, jacques and aicha ;) may you last forever and get your happily ever after ;*
Seven Angels
Seven Sins
Seven Miracles
The 7-pointed star
7 heavens hells
7 pillars of wisdom
7 rays of the sun
7musical notes
7 ancient wonders of the world
7 circles of Universe
7 cosmic stages
7 days of the week

Seven nation Army could't Hold me Back!

To be Continued..
 Nov 2014 Josephine
Feeling it
 Nov 2014 Josephine
Stretching my fingers
to reach it
moving my hands
to feel it

it means:
the joy in your eyes
the love on your skin
the hope in your thoughts
the smile on your face
 Nov 2014 Josephine
So, there was this ant
who had a crush
on an elephant.

In an amazing stunt
the ant made a shunt
and grew a trunk

unaware that the elephant
in the love steam
shrank into elegant.

For ever happily
they would have lived
in halved size and size enhanced

if it wasn't for
the nosy omnivore
fond of trunk shanks.
 Nov 2014 Josephine
Ben Young
 Nov 2014 Josephine
Ben Young
Laugh your heart out
dance in the rain
cherish the moment
forget the pain
live laugh and love
forgive and forget
life is too short to be
Living with regret
I dance,
Because I have to.

For the love of dance?
Hell no.
For the love of the examiner.

My teacher's words,
Screaming constantly into my ears.
What I was doing was wrong,
I would never get points for that.

Smile, not for the audience,
But because the examiner doesn't like
Glum faces.

Oh whatever happened,
To the true meaning of Dance?

I don't know.
It's gone,
just like my happiness,
and hopes,
of being better.

My jumps are not filled with beauty,
but sweat.
My pointe work does not look amazing;
It looks tiresome.

Is there ever going to be a day,
When exams don't matter?
It will forever count
As my life.

People think I have a choice-
I don't.

I can't dance without being judged;
Heck, dancing is nothing without judgement.
Beg for mercy?
I'm not weak.

Yes, ballet, to me, is like war
Between me and my teacher,
or maybe me and everyone who thinks otherwise.

I'm nearing my Waterloo,
but I won't surrender yet.

But, maybe I have.

I have been brainwashed.
All I want now is good grades.
A distinction.

I don't love dance,
I do it for everyone else who does.

If you look closely,
You can see my tiresome face,
but soulless eyes.

No one understands,
what I’m trying to say,
so I stop trying.

Yes, I've given up.

I don't dance for myself,
I dance for the examiner.
so, to all those people to say i should dance because i love it: ***** you. this is why i dance.
I Love your poetry.

Your few words can portray emotions,
that take forever to get out into the open.

Every time I see,
your name in my notifications
I feel giddy
knowing a true poet has seen my poems,
out of all the better ones on this website.

First time I saw you,
you had talked about Hello Poetry,
and I thought of how wonderful,
you made it sound.

Because it is.

Every word you write,
has a heavy meaning.
And every punctuation you added,
carries a strong emotion.

Your simple wineglass,
seems to define so much,
yet nothing I could ever understand.

I just want you to know,
that your poetry is unique,
and if you are ever in need
of a helping hand,
I’ll be happy to give you my left.

So, keep this poem in mind,
because it took me so long to think of.
I couldn't digest the right words,
but they were there,
in the open air.

Your poems leave me speechless,
I guess.
Since I can't seem to compliment you,
that easily.

But if I were to just use words,
in no order,
they would be:

Spontaneous. Brilliant. Amazing. Magnificent.

To describe you through
your infinite poetry.
this is for the dear blank challenge, and took me forever to write. Born is an amazing poet and you should really check him out! He's l'incroyable!
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