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  Jan 2019 Jen
A Cup Of Sunbeams
My love, remember
when we first met so long ago
in your favourite bookstore.
Can you still see me,
with my messy black hair and way too big glasses
carrying way too many and way too heavy science books
on my clumsy arms?
I still can see you,
with your beautiful brown hair ******* in a ponytail
running your fingers along the spines
of books filled with adventure,
for a world to enter next.
Oh and do you still remember,
the furious voice of the old storekeeper lady
as she flung up her arms and ran to her precious books
that I had dropped?
I still remember,
how you softly shook your head, chuckling
"You're so clumsy..."
while you helped me
to pick up all those books.

My love, but most important of all,
do you still remember the moment, when our eyes met?
How you
how I
how we,
finally knew wich world
to enter next?
Writing prompt: "Write a poem that explores a relationship that takes place in a bookstore." - taken from the book: "The Daily Poet"
My first story poem :)
  Jan 2019 Jen
Dr Peter Lim
If you do well
      don't you boast
      they would give you hell
      not the toast
Jen Jan 2019
Fog dissipated to the sheen and splendor of
Bursts that broke through twilight’s embrace
Released from their cages by night’s keeper
Right before daybreak, awakened the sleeper.
Jen Jan 2019
Through fingers.
It wasn’t
And lingered
All over,
To return to the
We can live forever,
In another world.
Jen Jan 2019
Traveled through the channels, as we all do.
All best wishes & raincoats, turned around before
The tunnel started, just made it on the metro line
Before the doors shut tight, right as I was inside,
Held the railing and stared out to what fell behind—
Empty lifeless passage where none are meant
To remain, among the chill and lack of heat & laughter.
Darkened skids and tracks left & said goodbye.
Poem 140... Goal : 1,000 poems.
  Jan 2019 Jen
Samantha Cunha
who you
have been
whom you are
an unknown
to change
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