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Jen Jan 2019
You reflect inside,
Deep within.
You need subtle reminders
To look out.

You hear a person in the distance say out loud,
“This is my favorite place to watch the sunset in the city...”
Introspect, looks out.

It needs these subtle reminders sometimes.
Suddenly introspect leaves for a few minutes time;
And, it’s so sublime to be out of your mind.

To see the snow kissed mountain peaks in full clarity,
Back-lit by pale pink sky so serene.
For a moment, you forget what was going on inside.
The sunset so saturating,
Orange juice might easily be squeezed from its rays.
Then you eye the towering crystal-clear star on the hill,
And for a few more seconds you forget

This poem was inspired as I was walking along one day, lost in thought, in introspect.  All of a sudden I came out of my trance as I heard a man's voice loudly say in the distance, “This is my favorite place to watch the sunset in the city...” I looked behind me from where his voice was coming from to see the most beautiful sunset.  After that I noticed the beautiful mountain peaks that sometimes I don't take the time to admire... then the shining star on top of the towering building on the hill... Introspect is the main character here.  Happy New Year. :)
  Jan 2019 Jen
winter sakuras
There is such a place, you know--
one that transcends time and space
and visions of what you're supposed to resemble,
and the limits placed by the digits
of your mortal age.

I can feel the presence of it
in my bones,
where the sky is never ending and liberated
and the sun and moon
can openly converse and love and exist,
without the rules of superiors
who like tragic love stories and twisted histories.

Whatever you decide to do, whatever you decide to feel,
there are no restraints
to keep you from the prospects of flying,
or dreaming,
or embracing things that you had to
let go of in another existence.

There is no fear, confusion, or awkwardness,
no doubts of not belonging,
of not deserving to exist in such a place
where your soul can be pure,
and being able to thrive
without having to try so hard

You don't have to try anymore to
be a good person,
because you are one.
You don't have to struggle to hold on to yourself,
you don't have to feign ignorance
or enlightenment.

You can breathe and smile openly,
and every smile is so breathtakingly beautiful that
you glow and transcend above all heavens
and insecurities.

The ground is soft and supportive,
giving way to your feet, that no longer
feel so tired and heavy from having to labor to live,
or from constantly running away
from demons and voices
that tear at your conscience and soul.

No, you can now feel as light as air itself,
soft feet running on sunkissed clouds that
formed from tears of happiness.

When it rains,
you don't have to take cover
for it has already washed away all your sorrows and guilts,
guilts in the forms of hot, suppressed tears
in the failures of your lost ambitions
and stolen discoveries,
guilt from turning away, even when someone
asked you for help.

You can forever venture out here,
to unknown, misty, thriving islands and majestic palaces
far away,
you can do things you never got to do,
for you don't have to pretend
to be someone you aren't.

You don't have to live each day questioning
every single telltale of life.

You don't have to wonder anymore
about why the world can be
such a cruel place,
no matter how many rays of hope
reach into the darkness.

You don't have to wonder anymore,
because here
such misery does not exist,
and the ruins of a good soul
dance as a renewed, enlightened being again.

Above all,
you don't have to live someone else's life
because here, you find yourself
over and over
and over again.

The Green of this particular Nirvana is a component that allows you to love and live freely, with no restrictions or heaviness of people weighed down by the world, and themselves.

Here, you are liberated from the faults of others, and the faults of yourself in a time and place where you were ignorant and lost.

Here, there is no society to degrade you. You can exist solely in harmony with nature.

Edit: Wow, I can't believe this poem got chosen to be the Poem of the Day! I've never received so many likes, comments, and feedback on any of my poems, so I feel overwhelmed, but very happy. Thank you for taking the time to read my words; it really means alot to me <3 <3
Jen Jan 2019
Traveled through
The cursed forest
Bewitched under
Spells for miles
Swam across a
Quicksand tank
Filled with snakes
And then jumped in
The murkiest lake  
Found it a mistake
Only to be caught
Confused and dizzy
Inside a crystal ball
Until the glass
Cracked and I found
A way out and then I
Ventured through
The queen's castle walls
And it was off
With my head yet
Somehow I dodged
The ax and then
I was fighting off
The headless man
On his horse with
A mask and so I
Kept moving along
Until I ran away
To a better time
All in my mind
To let the good in
Let's pretend
This poem is more than it seems.  This piece basically turns my real life journey into a fictional tale.  It is difficult to explain to anyone, but have you ever felt like you have faced battle after battle in life to the point where it seems stranger than fiction?  For instance, I'm a cancer survivor, and when I was going through treatments it felt like swimming through the quicksand tank filled with snakes as in it being a tough battle and just as you are making progress a snake comes along like your blood cell count drops dangerously low.  I have always had a vivid imagination, and I've used it to get through the rough times.  I know we all have our battles, and everyone's is different.  Okay, enough rambling.  To health, to happiness, to many blessings in 2019. <3 Much love. <3
Jen Jan 2019
Puzzle of 12 different doors,
All put together
Minus one missing piece,
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