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Louise Oct 2013
I want to be
a child again
no one would blame you
for any wrong you did
they'll pass it off
'oh, she's a kid'

I want to be
a child again
where fairy tales
and lies of reality
implanted in me
was my source of glee

I want to be
a child again
when I had big dreams
and was unafraid of them
being shattered and scattered
causing my mind, mayhem
Louise Jun 2016
I wonder what addiction feels like again

The feeling that

I actually had an aim
A goal

Something I could
Look forward to
Something that
Let me escape

Maybe I did not have a life

But that addiction was my life

Come to think of it


You're my new addiction

Louise Jun 2016
I see my dreams in pictures
I feel the ache of reality
My mind wonders a little too often
Can I get to where I'd like to be?
Are the dreams I dreamt still valid at all?
And most of all, last but not least,
What am I supposed to do when I'm bluer than blue?
Louise Oct 2013
Every waking moment
a painful reminder
of the distance
keeping us separate

It's as though
my hands are reaching
for something
I can't touch

Time and space
between us both
only serves to cause
another heartache
another teardrop
another painful flashback

It's almost surreal
whenever our paths

She makes me whole
filling empty spaces
in my heart
like elixer
my parched soul

She plants roses
in my veins
and paint colours
in my mind
She makes reality
a little more tolerable

Her voice
a cheerful ******
resonates throughout
my entire being
undulating even
the dustiest chords
in my soul

Her eyes
those soulful windows
searches the recesses
of my soul
helping me
find myself

Her scent
a lingering fragrance
that never seems
to dissipate
from my mind

She's the reason
I remain awake at night
She has turned reality
into a sweet dream

And every night
I pray for her
I slip into slumber
to dream of her
Louise Oct 2013
Leaves the shade of jade
morphed into ochre to fall.
Your love for me fades
Louise Jun 2016
Is it quite alright

To live between the lines

Of reality and the mind?

Some days I just cannot tell

If I'm treading on sand or water or air

And most times I believe I live

In between the lines of reality and

The mind
Louise Jun 2016
Now and then I catch glimpses
Of maybe how I'd feel when I was young,
Of innocence and freedom and pure joy
Oh how I wish to feel them again
Louise Oct 2013
Let me tell you
about myself.
At first glance
you can tell
that I am quite a timid one.

A subtle nod
and perpetual smiles,
you'd think
a girl like me
is incapable
of thoughts as dark
as the ebony night.

But look again,
look into my eyes,
you'll find that they
are stained with pain.

At times you'll notice
my eyes may glimmer
but it is in fact,
a layer of water.

It's a layer of sorrow,
a layer of confusion.
A layer of words
that cannot be spoken.

Look deeper into
the windows of my soul.
You'll see a flash
of colours and lights.

A rose red teddy,
a puppy companion.
Those were the days
my toys came alive.

Then as quickly
as the flash had appeared
it disappears into
a monochrome soul.

It's as old
as the trees,
as wise
as the sky.

It knows everything
just by looking and seeing.

Now what's that pulse,
you may ask.
It's my heart,
it beats for freedom.

It beats to be free
like the doves above.
To taste the stars
and fill vacant spaces.

It yearns to be
a cloud in the sky,
a droplet in the ocean,
a grain of sand
belonging to the land,
and one with the world.

But then again,
there are others
my heart beats for
whose expectations
cannot go unmet.

Once in a while,
there comes along
a throbbing ache.

Though a fleeting one,
it's mark remains.
At times I can
almost hear it go
snap snap crack.

But it always
leaves me bemused.
The thought of something
oh so fragile
yet so tough.

Now that you've
flipped through pages
of myself,
and you're just about
to close the book,
I wonder if
you still think of
me as the girl
whom you judged
by her cover.
Louise Jun 2016
Pen on paper, pen on paper
Mouths speak words and words meet ears
All you do is sit and learn, sit and learn
And watch and learn, and emulate
Emulate, immitate, impersonate
And ditto ditto ditto
What difference are you from the rest
When we all aim to be the best
As we play this infinite game
Of question and answer, question and answer
Louise Oct 2013
Days like these
her mouth cannot
form the words that
her heart screams.
A tangled mess,
an emotional wreck.
All she can do
is gaze at you
with sad, very sad
Louise Oct 2013
It will be
to arise
at the break of dawn
to watch the sunrise
in the nick of time

It will be
reading a novel
with a cup
on the table
holding hot rose tea

It will be
watching the waves
crashing and retreating
creating caves
under its sheer force

It will be
creating art
with words or pictures
from the heart
from the soul within

It will be
taking long strolls
with mother nature
to cajole
our untamed minds

It will be
watching the sun dip
beyond the horizon
before we slip
into slumber

It will be
star gazing
in the dead of night
as we try making
sense of them

It will be
listening to your heart beat
the only sound audible
as our consciousness depletes
and we fall asleep
Louise Jun 2016
I'm treading through thin air
It's almost like I can't breathe
Almost floating
My head heavy with ideas
A galaxy within my head
People don't think I'm normal
Though I try so hard to
My thoughts cloud my head
My body
Am I afloat? It's suffocating me
Maybe we all live alone
But maybe if I try hard enough
I will become just as normal
Maybe if I just watch and learn
Watch and learn
Louise Jun 2016
I realise I’m still a child

I thought I grew

Through disappointments and frustrations

I thought I became stronger

Betrayal after betrayal

I thought I became cold

Hurt after hurt

Who knew

This side of me

Still existed

The soft side

Still naive and trusting

Still innocent and child-like

Still accepting and forgiving

Believed in an ideal world

Fool, haven’t you realised

That we all

Live life alone?
Louise Jun 2016
Like the waves that keep returning to the shore
I will always come home to you
Like the stars that accompany the moon in the dark
I will never leave your side especially in your darkest moments
Like the trees that live for a thousand years
My love for you will live forever

So much has passed and happened and occured
But I'm surprised yet elated that there's still so much ahead of us
Of more memories made and of stronger bonds to forge
I guess some things just never change
And I'm glad for that constant which is you
Louise Jun 2016
The ebb and flow
And breakers crash
It steals not one but many grains
And sand and shale and soul alike
The waves they rob a part of me

— The End —