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134 · Mar 2021
"Not All Men"
Athena Mar 2021
I try to be a positive person
I acknowledge my strengths, which are also my flaws
I am passionate, devoted, and I strive for self-growth
These are all great things
except for the times when they aren't;
the times when I see news articles about little girls
who were ***** and impregnated
and killed themselves rather than deliver the baby
that their ****** put inside them
I am passionate about this subject
I am devoted to working for a change
so that the next girl has the rights over
her own body;
so that the next girl has the right to choose her own life
over a life ruled by violation
and I strive for the self-growth to be patient
but I am angry
I am angry for that girl, yes
and also for myself
I, as a woman, do not have the rights to make decisions
for my own body
I cannot walk into the doctor's office and schedule
a procedure to stop me from
ever having children
without my husband's consent
without having already birthed children prior
and I am also not allowed to have an abortion in
nine states, even at the risk of my own life
and that's just in the United States
I am angry because it is legal
for doctors to stitch me up extra tight after giving birth
to please my husband
at the risk of my health and safety
and they don't even have to ask me about it
I am angry because I as a woman am treated
like I am a weaker, lesser person
for the simple crime of being born with a slit
instead of a *****
And I am angry because there are still those
who would deny the existence of unequal treatment
between the sexes
simply because they have never experienced it
I am angry because women before me
have fought for rights to their bodies
that women today are still having to fight
tooth and claw to keep
and men have the audacity to say that feminism
is an overreaction
"Not all men"
but enough that women are still oppressed
even in a society where it has been
scientifically proven
that we are capable of making equality and equity
a reality
and yet deny its necessity
Do not share this or copy and past it anywhere without my written consent and without crediting me. Doing so is plagiarism, which is punishable by law.
131 · Oct 2021
The Here and Now
Athena Oct 2021
I am among the Here and Now,
where I find myself standing on the sidewalk
in the middle of a town full of people
and I suddenly feel small;
a profound, reaching feeling
that is called 'alone',
a single word that means everything
I realize that though I know
where I am
and I know each stone by name
I feel out of place;
the sort of misplacement that
makes me feel like a stranger
to my own heart
My own hands begin to feel like
raw, new skin
And I do cherish the words on my tongue
because they are the only thing
that feels familiar and real
This may not be shared in any way without my written consent.
131 · Jan 2019
Athena Jan 2019
I walk around
nothing feels real
I wave my hand in front of my face
and it blurs
like I'm moving at the speed
of light
even though it looks so slow
My mind is blank
and all I can think about
is how empty
I feel
It's as though I am
someone else
130 · May 2018
Athena May 2018
You're a warm person
It's not just your body, either
Your very presence heats up a room
Your mind is well spoken and you mean what you say
Some of them are angry, but mostly we're smiling
because your very presence is a blessing
and we're wicked to the core
128 · Dec 2021
Eat Your Words
Athena Dec 2021
Once upon a night I wandered
Queried deeply, questioned, pondered
Lay awake in bed, not dreaming -
All the while, seeming, seeming
to hold this letter in my palm
A thorny tongue with many prongs
I ask myself what none had before
all the while staring at a closed, blackened door
I ask if life is a series of notes
left under the door, the blackened door
Oh, if it is, I crave, yearn, live for more
The door handle, burnt amber, twists and turns
I stare as it opens
and my bedroom burns
Leaving only my skeleton, crisp and hallow
with the note on my tongue, ready to swallow
the words that were written so sweetly, simply
Even as my heart beats not and my wrists hang limply
I spy through these eyes that aren't turning, turning
a man in the door that was burn, burn, burning
He is cloaked all in red, not black, nor white
And I do see his face - with my half-melted eye
He does not reassure me, he lures me in
and I follow, words eaten, and question again.
123 · Jan 2022
Swept Away.
Athena Jan 2022
I want to bathe in the feeling
I get when I read
a paragraph of raw description -
emotions laid out on paper,
the smell of ink wafting around me.
The choked-up sensation
that swells and dips
like life is tangible and textured
and delicious.
The written rain that runs down my skin
is somehow more tantalizing than the reality
I face when I open the door and see
true storms
with lightning that lives, breathes, and breaks.
I want to drink down the words
on this page
and live on blackberry ink and
anonymous thoughts.
Athena Jul 2022
I have this craving
for a calm I only get when I'm with you
I have this feeling of pure joy
I can't forget when I'm with you
But now you're gone
and I'm my own
and I feel alone; perhaps it's true
We painted all the pretty pictures
and art is dead without you

I have desires that come with aching
when I wait here for you
building up, becoming better
maybe hating you, too
I have this heartache that I carry
as I walk without you
Now you're gone
and I feel like a stranger; perhaps it's true
And when you left me behind
I didn't stray -  but I am new

Now with all this love
there's resentment - hot and blue
There's a chill in this room that I've become used to
Sometimes I think of what we were
when I was all in with you
Those times are passed, it's in the past
next to the grave I dug to tell this truth.
121 · Jan 2018
Athena Jan 2018
Anonymous, my person
invisible to the naked iris
but how my vision focuses in
on that singular word
at the bottom of the page
almost more bewildering
than the words at the beginning
how I long to know your name
that we could speak
and perhaps I would then understand
why these words were made
and just how much you meant them
and just how good it felt to make them
oh, Anonymous, my lover
I read your works with a passion
for while I may never know your name
I know these words by heart
121 · Nov 2021
SomeOne Is In The House
Athena Nov 2021
The Graveyard Closed some night
some time ago
SomeOne was Left - Behind
There is a knock upon the Door
SomeOne is let Inside
Inside - the house
it's quiet, warm
then Ice creeps across the floor
SomeOne is in the House
SomeOne who will ask for More
121 · Mar 2019
Athena Mar 2019
I want to
grab you from behind
and hold a blade
close to your throat
I want to rip out
your spine
and use the splintered bone
to sew your mouth
I want to stomp on your ribs
until they crack
like glow sticks
and make cake with your blood
It tastes sweeter than love
119 · Apr 2018
Behind the screen
Athena Apr 2018
I am happy
I am sad
I am angry
I am bad
I hate this
and I hate that
I am silent
I am crying
I am screaming
but I'm still smiling
117 · Aug 2019
Athena Aug 2019
I'm sure you thought
you were the only one
but amongst so many
we truly are amorphous
Faces differ and voices change
but who are we but repeats of an idealistic social standard?
There are so many standards, in fact
that we can't all possibly be the same one
or more than five
Good riddance to yesterday
when we were considered
Hello, today we are emotional
Hello, today we are confident
Hello, today we wear shorts and skimpy tops
Tomorrow is pajama day
Do you like my new shoes?
Sickening and so similar
to when we once stated that we would never be
116 · May 2022
Where They Do Not Breathe
Athena May 2022
Aghast, Agape, Aggrieved
The open mouth of the
Yawns at me (ME!)
Ice breath washes over my face
(It) smells like the sea
below where we know;
where creatures live
that do not
and never Grow
Athena Dec 2021
When do we get respect?
We're told from a young age
to respect our elders,
to obey - not just listen
We're told we don't know better
because we're kids
Then we become adults
and still, we're treated as less.
What is respect to the modern man?
Is it blind obedience
and a fear of arguments
in all forms,
or is it the sensation I get when I see women supporting women?
But you don't respect that.
Actually, the idea of respect that I've been taught versus
the reality I have experienced
is showing me more and more
that when older people
demand 'respect'
they usually mean fear
and complacency.
But I'm not afraid anymore.
I know what respect is.
You do, too, or else you wouldn't spend
so much time teaching us
that respect is synonymous with terror.
And I think that you spend so much time
demanding our fear
because you are afraid of us.
You are terrified of
the girl with colored hair,
the boy who wears a dress,
the woman who demands autonomy,
the man who stays home with his kids,
the artist who sings about the abuse you dished out,
the little babies sleeping in their gender-neutral rooms.
You are afraid, and we're not.
But it's basic respect, isn't it?
113 · Jan 2019
Natural Order
Athena Jan 2019
The light bends down
lending a willows reach
hold steady your
you have lessons yet to teach
Begin your travels
and pace easy through your trials
Fall into pools
swim endlessly
Flee quickly from their
pitying smiles
Follow the rabbit into the woodland
A gentle sloping waterfall
Let the water cleanse
what it has made
Lightly we trace the marks
and wonder how long
we will have to wait
to leave this
Sleep soundly while the children scream
And hollow out your ears
turn blinded eyes
to their little cries
and sleep, sleep, sleep
Wake into the dark and hold your breath
wait for sounds that
others can't hear
And when they come
please do not
there's no use hiding from your fears
dry your eyes and wipe your tears
Lean close and when
its claws dig in
and give thanks to your
Tuck into your dinner
there's worms in the pie
There are cups full of poison
we're all waiting to
Will it hurt when we slip away
into the night
when no one around is awake
Slip away
Fall deep into the dark
and stay
110 · Jan 2019
Athena Jan 2019
You remember dreams fondly
and wish they were reality
or you remember them
with the ice cold chill of death
creeping up your spine
They hold you captive
in your waking hours
and you plead with your mind
to remember them forever
or forget them in an instant
The terror may chase you
and the love of unreal connections
can wipe your tears
But all of this depends
on whether you are willing
to hold them and accept them
or let them go forever
You can do that
or you can let your dreams
hold you and accept you
You can allow them
to let you go.
109 · Dec 2021
Athena Dec 2021
It's nighttime in this new place
where everyone feels at home.
In the dark, the lights of the city prosper
and laughter fills the streets
as bars empty out
and their patrons go home
You follow her;
not for a particular reason
You don't know her
none of her features strike you as familiar
or interesting
She was just there, where you were
and now you're going
to where she will be
She goes into her home
Safe, supposedly
You enter after her
unseen, unheard
until you strike
You are killing her
and she begs you to stay
so that she doesn't die
You Leave
Athena Aug 2021
She fills her heart with paper
and she fills her lungs with words
and when she breathes
her blood is a song
that her body wrote
She drapes herself in colored ink
and dances in the rain
and the water pools below her
in swirls of inky stains
She fills her heart with paper
and she fills her lungs with paint
and when she breathes
her blood is a picture
that her eyes drew
She drapes herself in poetry
and dances in the rain
and the water pools below her
in swirls of written pain
She fills her heart with paper
and she fills her lungs with soot
and when she breathes
her blood is a fire
that her mind created
She drapes herself in ashes
and dances in the rain
and the water pools below her
her words, like dragons, slain
107 · Nov 2022
Athena Nov 2022
Something vile grew, at length,
upon the ending of his gaze
that landed on my mother's smile -
where I would pass my days
I'd walk along the wicked mile
that breached the stones below
I'd find myself upon the steps awhile,
hesitant to go.
105 · Jan 2022
Insufficient Funds
Athena Jan 2022
Your face is supposed to make me feel safe
Your smell is supposed to remind me of milk and warmth
Your voice is supposed to be soothing
But everything about your presence brings me anxiety
and it's your fault.
I can't sleep at night
because I toss and turn with memories
running through my head
like the methodical twisting and turning of
the French braids you used to put my hair into -
Memories of times when you failed to protect me
and when you helped hurt me
and denied I was ever hurt to begin with.
I see you attempting to atone, and I feel guilty for not
seeing things your way
I want to forgive you as easily as I forgive the cat
for watching me cry
The difference is that the cat is a cat,
blameless without morals or human sentience
and you were my mother.
103 · Mar 2018
Fifty Feet
Athena Mar 2018
I place one foot before the other
I whisper to myself
It's only fifty feet, but it feels likes fifty miles
With every gaze burning through the back of my neck like a heated pan of judgement
Every person is suddenly talking about me
Every one is suddenly watching
Eying me critically
I grab a tray, get my food
The walk back is much more difficult
The whispers seem like screams
The eyes are red and raw and malicious
And when I sit back down
Everything goes back to normal
And I let out a shuddering, icy breath
103 · Jan 2018
Athena Jan 2018
Hearts that ache and burn
Ashes falling to the Earth
Writhe and twist in pain
Hope that we can wake again
But do we arise
When we are bidden to wake
And do we smile bright
For a love that only hates
Are we wholesome now
In this fever that we made
Will we cry for death
When the time has come to leave
Hearts that ache and burn
Ashes falling to the Earth
Writhe and twist in pain
Hope that we can wake again
99 · Nov 2021
SomeOne Asked For More
Athena Nov 2021
The graveyard Closed
some night ago - some time ago
and Left SomeOne Behind
The Things who Fled
to Soot-Covered beds
would Know who More is
and why SomeOne asked for Her
More is a Beast
and a Sigh
but who she is, No One knows,
and most are too Scared
to ask WHY
99 · May 2018
Athena May 2018
Every touch is fire
and I'm sick of being burned
97 · May 2018
Athena May 2018
The world is so beautiful
The trees are green
the sunlight is bright and warm
and the air smells of fresh lilacs
and everyone around me is so very beautiful
Such a beautiful, beautiful place
And then I open my ******* eyes
and all I can see is black
and I'm choking on smoke
and shivering because of how ******* cold everything is
And everyone around me is a demon in disguise
The world is an ugly place
97 · Aug 2019
Athena Aug 2019
Nothing, No One, Nowhere, Nothing
What is it like
to believe in something?
Say something must be better than nothing
but I am not crying and you are not smiling
and both of us are
You are not perfect and I am not something
I am not one thing and you are not nothing
We are going nowhere on the road as no one
Nothing, No One, Nowhere, Nothing
What is is like
to believe you are something?
97 · Jan 2022
Something Wicked
Athena Jan 2022
You and I were twisted, once
upon the inward swirling trunk
of an outward blooming tree
that held some rotted flowers
with mangled, slimy leaves
We felt the cool wind cutting -
and the eaves dripped acid down
(onto our waiting tongues)
The scalding sensation leaves a scintillating
taste on my tongue
You and I were tortured, once
upon the sunken ship of sorrows
we called a rose bush
(but it was a tree, wasn't it?)
When I pointed out this hole in our life,  
you said a thorn is a thorn
and it hurts all the same
You and I were traitors, once
twining two upon two in the untamed rows
that grew with an abandon we craved.
If it were a tree or a bush or a flower
with mangled, slimy leaves
I wouldn't know, and couldn't say -
I'd never dare.
You and I are twisted, still
with acid-coated tongues
and thorny thrills shooting up our spines
that chill in the wind as it blows
about the slimy, slithering leaves
we call our souls.
You gave me something wicked -
Now it's up to me to decide what to do with it.
96 · May 2018
Athena May 2018
When I had nightmares,
my mother would shake me awake
because she couldn't bear to hear me cry
Now, today
She barely hears it
and I rarely ever wake up
95 · Mar 2022
Filler Title
Athena Mar 2022
A shattered wing (of glass)
that never flew
and does not whisper to (or in) the wind
The ice-touched bird lent snow to branches
which wept songs that sang their sorrows
across the promised land
We drank the truths none dared to tell
(We didn't understand)
and dared to breathe the midnight waters
(the well was cold, our senses left)
Not night, but death;
our dying
95 · May 2018
Pill Popper
Athena May 2018
I think back on every pill
and I am terrified
How high could I fly
if I could barely walk,
barely breathe?
How far could I swim,
when I was drinking down the sea
with every pill I tossed in?
The bland flavor and the eccentric,
electric aftertaste
The burst of color and movement
where none existed
made a dim room feel like a happy place
And the burning sensation in my gut,
wasn't butterflies anymore
Muscles torn apart, ravaged by the colors I consumed
Bleeding in every limb
I'm not hungry and I'm not tired
but you know that I'll still sleep
when I'm dead
I feel no cold, and I don't feel the blood pooling at the back of my head as I fall again
I pick myself up and my vision is blurry but I barely notice
because I still feel great
And then I'm laying on the ground and for the first time
I can't get back up
and I'm not scared because I see a light whispering my name
and I hear a voice telling me how slow my heart is
and another voice screaming into the phone
But I still feel great
I feel like I'm floating
I've finally learned how to fly, it feels like
And I close my eyes and the screaming gets louder until
it fades away
and I fade away
and everything around me fades away until I am
I feel nothing, I think nothing
I'm gone for a while
And when I come back I'm a child at the mercy
of multicolored scrubs and loud voices trying to talk to me
But I still feel great
94 · Jun 2020
Athena Jun 2020
Your paper smiles
drawn on with red and black and pink
do not lift your eyes or bare your teeth
Colorful; insecure, hidden
Where are your claws?
those that you flash to the sky and the dirt
dig into the earth
and uncover nothing
Where are your wings?
those wings without feathers, that do not touch the clouds
blackened as they graze the ground
and are useless but for show
Where is your voice?
those cries you silence, those screams you shush
broken and brittle and naked, exposed and bleeding
All original works on this page not shared or pasted from another (with sources noted) belong solely to me. Using them in any way shape or form without my written and verbal consent is a copyright violation and will result in legal action being taken.
94 · Mar 2020
A Great Pretense
Athena Mar 2020
A fidget did happen upon
a slighter hint of sense
and so did she conjoin
to fit a great pretense
Enter the grand old master
who plays his wicked lute
his armor is mistaken
for an Italian-made silk suit
They danced until the morning
and danced the more 'till noon
and that is when she realized
her heel would fail quite soon
A fidgets stride did falter
and the music it did stop
but not in time to alter;
just missed it by a drop
Fell down, the merry maiden
upon the merry steep
and like a candle, flickered
and faded off to sleep
94 · Jun 2020
When the Water Stills
Athena Jun 2020
There is a silence that hovers, lingers
it lurks in the ringing of my ears;
the violence of passivity
the broken remains of a living breath
crawl along the forest floor like a starved leech;
latching onto memories and learned behaviors
a puppeteered husk among the awake
trying to pretend that it's still alive
although it lacks the pulse to prove it
There is a sound that breaks, cuts
it hides in the crevice of my conscious mind;
the last beat of my own heart
although my lungs still breathe and my legs still walk
and my eyes still seek
for they have yet to find meaning in this charade
when behind them lies my brain
and ahead of my path, the water is still
93 · Aug 2019
Athena Aug 2019
You don't have to fight anymore
Your life has been a chore
but you'll be stronger all the more
Ultimately you've thrown away
essential needs and hospitality
but you will always see
the mask of immortality
You must take in insanity
and show your own vitality
against poverty and property and
the mockery of constancy
92 · Apr 2018
My whole world
Athena Apr 2018
I follow your eyes in the stars
and listen to your heartbeat in the wind
The leaves of trees brushing together is a song you whisper
and every wave lapping at the shore is the laughter of your heart
Each cloud moving across the sky is a happy thought
and every rainstorm a show of emotion
The movement of grass in a field is a thought you have
and a story that you tell is the tap of a branch on my window
The sun peeking behind a torrent of clouds is a smile
threatening to break across your face
And every time a bird sings, I listen, and I imagine you there
with me
You're my whole world
86 · Apr 2020
Athena Apr 2020
Written By Athena D. Bennett

This darkest night, she did go
Unto her love; moonlight, rain
Hidden warmth will melt the snow
Tomorrow, she will feel again
The branches of a pine bent down
The leaves white and gray with rot
Frostbitten, the birth of decay
Showing her all that she is not;
Begging her to stay
This is not goodbye; Hello
But now she leaves, and so you go
In the shadows of your light
She'll watch you grow
Learning and keeping to heart
All the words you didn't say and didn't know
86 · Dec 2020
Athena Dec 2020
Tomorrow is an abstract concept
Stagnant and tepid and hopeful
We wait, awake beneath our blankets
in pitch darkness
as the hour turns
and it is still Today
This work may not be used in any form without my written consent. Use of this work without my written consent will result in legal action being taken.
85 · Aug 2021
I Met Someone
Athena Aug 2021
I saw someone today
a flash of pretty brown hair
and honey-pools called eyes
We met in a tree hanging over the river
and sang songs that touched the skies

I saw someone today
silky skin giving way to calloused hands
and blood rushing thick and dark
We met in a cavern that led to a fire
of which we both had sparked

I saw someone today
with scraped knees
and a smile as bright as a star
We met in a field full of flowers
and held hands that were covered in tar

I saw someone today
with cold hands
and a feverish head
We met in a ditch at the side of the road
and I hoped that she wasn't dead

I saw someone today
with a pretty white dress
and stitched up heart
We met at a place where we all go
and I sang her to sleep at our part
Do not share anywhere without my written consent.
85 · Sep 2020
Life's Doors: Part 1
Athena Sep 2020
I stand in the hallway
just past sorrows door
I look over my shoulder disbelievingly
in awe of my own escape
that came upon me suddenly
One moment I was a ball of tears and single-minded self-pity
and in but a blink I am here now
something less than whole
but more than the empty vessel I once was
Now, forward
This work may not be reproduced without my written consent.
85 · Jan 2019
Athena Jan 2019
You asked to hold my heart
in the same manner
in which you queried
to hold my hand
84 · Apr 2020
I will love myself
Athena Apr 2020
If you do not love the way I talk
I will talk to the trees and stars
If you do not love the way in which I walk
I will walk by myself, but never alone;
My goddess is with me
If you do not love the way I see
I will watch the waters without you
If you do not love the way I am free
I will be free without you
If you do not love the way that I feel
I will still feel without you
If you do not love the way that I dance
I will dance with the waves I tread
If you do not love my feverish thoughts
I will think alone in my bed
If you do not love me
I will love myself instead
83 · Jun 2020
Athena Jun 2020
Throbbing veins
A fever brings unrest to my body
and desperation to my lungs
I cannot breathe; my great fear
And when I speak, my panic is mistaken for anger
And so I am away; now she takes my place
My emotions ebb, becoming her dispassion
and I am she
My lungs expand
But these are not my lungs
and this is not my name
I have no physical body of my own; only this, my sister-self
and a thriving consciousness
an infection in its own right
and a chill stillness within me
that marks me as less than human
80 · Mar 2020
Beautiful Things
Athena Mar 2020
I lacked the heart to tell you
I broke myself to think
perhaps it never mattered
whether I would float or sink
You held your tarnished ribbons
and braided them in my hair
and left me in the shadows
after kissing me on a dare
I thought maybe I misspoke
I thought perhaps you misheard
I was so very mistaken; every bit the brittle bird
I nested in the leaves and sticks
of what was once our love
and now I stare at old gray bricks
and crave a finer drug
80 · Jul 2021
Athena Jul 2021
A mother is a special thing
You only get one, after all
A mother tucks you in
and holds you when you have bad dreams
even if she hasn't slept a wink herself
A mother makes you your favorite food
even though she's tired from work
A mother tells you
that you're a handful
but really means her heart is full of you
79 · Sep 2021
A Harvest of Society
Athena Sep 2021
A sickness spreads among us
a chill that runs blood-deep
we kiss the fevered brow of love
and mother's all do weep
we raise the flags of plague-hood
and fall upon the steep
of churches bright and merry
and wish our souls to sleep
we plead with the forgotten
the **** of death will seep
we beg our hearts, remember;
we're given what we reap
Athena Nov 2021
The graveyard is Overturned
the gate left unLocked
the dirt is disturbed
They are disturbed - those Things
that live in death.
The grass at the church is dead - in spring
when new shoots should rise
something is about to be revealed
something not meant
for our Eyes
77 · Aug 2021
Divine Feminine
Athena Aug 2021
She dances in a field of tiger lilies
Orange and gold stripes reflect from dew
Prowling and powerful
lightfooted as a breeze
She wages quiet wars with Him
whose power comes from anger
while hers comes from passion
He seeks obedience
from his docile, dancing lily
She seeks the seafoam waves
that come with liberation
His garden is thorny
His roses are prideful
He holds bated breaths
What could stall her arrival?
He scoffs at her liberty
as she plucks a thorn from her feet
and shoves it down his throat
Do not use this without my written consent.
76 · Aug 2020
Breaking Relevance
Athena Aug 2020
I walk in places closer to the edge than the center
and I see beyond into places no one has ever told me of
Do you lie awake at night and see behind your eyes
the glimpses of dreams you have not yet had?
I lie awake and see nightmares alongside new beginnings
and tears in the seams of my past
I have not held flesh in the same regard as I have held
the intangible
but I have seen the stars even as they have turned away from my glare
and I have seen fortune in the graves of lesser men
with hollow eyes and empty heads
I go beyond the edge
to seek, and to find; or to die.
This is my own creative property. None may use these words without my written permission and proper credit given. Permission can be gained by messaging me on this account.
75 · Sep 2023
Treat Your Compost Well
Athena Sep 2023
Time keeps passing
I've heard it said that life goes on
Every year another change to the face
I spent my whole life growing
Each turn another phase
of the moon in my mind, glowing
This body no longer suits my discontent
This body didn't begin here; this is now

Fickle thing, the word we use
to tell our stories straight in order
A thing you touch on your skin
this line, wrinkle, spot
showing every smile you didn't hold within;
every joke not forgot
This body no longer suits my discontent
This body belongs to my story

Skin breaks down over time,
so why do we worship it?
The moon will fall in its time;
it still glows
Our stories will be lost in our time;
we still write them
Our bodies will turn into soil
Treat your compost well
It'll be time, soon
74 · Sep 2021
A Corpse
Athena Sep 2021
I am the corpse
that stares at the wall
with open eyes
I watch it fall
The dust rains down
a scattered heap
like snow
it falls
and I still sleep
I am the corpse
that stares at the wall
with glazed-over eyes
I see nothing at all
The rain comes down
like shattered glasses
like a clock
I measure the time as it passes
I am the corpse
that stares at the wall
with cataract eyes
I see it all
The fire dies down
like the crow
at church masses
like a feather
I drift in the wind as light flashes
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