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Welcome to Wonderland!
Alice looks around and decides she wants to stay a while.
Inside her brain, she can be
whatever she wants.
Inside her brain, her pain no longer exists,
and she is no longer Alice, but someone
As she stares into space, she journeys deep inside her mind until she finds something new
and entirely perfect.
She found somewhere worth staying.
As she developed this new world
and her lovely characters,
she stayed for longer and longer
and was never bored again.
On the contrary, she was
Happier than she had ever been in reality.
So she wondered to herself,
But her Wonderland came at a price.
Dissociation was her plague as she fought to stay present
in what was once her reality.
As returning to her body became harder and harder,
Alice gave up trying
to fight the daydreams as they
leaving room for
But it didn't matter.
Because in Wonderland,
Alice was content
She belonged.
She accepted her insanity as
And chose Wonderland as her home.
Everyone warned her of its dangers.
Tried to keep her
in their nightmare
But Alice vowed to
as she embraced
her Wonderland
What do you do when you
How to write
When the words inside you
Deep in the deaths of your mind
When, no matter how long you swim
Until the sea is the color of ink,
The words still evade you.
The body is a cage
But the mind is
And has infinite places to hide
I wish I had as much control as those sneaky little words do
Wish I knew how to hide like them
Wish the uncharted territory of my amygdala was lit up with bioluminescence
Like other, safer parts of my brain
I wish I understood
Understood why I’ve
How to write.
What do I do now? I don't even want to think about it, think about
How my life is splitting apart at the seams and all of my panicked
Outcries are doing nothing to stop it.

Amazing, I think, that I've lasted as long as I have.
Maybe this is for the better?

I tell myself, but it tastes like a lie in my mouth.

If I cease to be Caligula, what do I have left
For myself. I am nothing, nothing!

Nobody truly understands that I am losing everything and am
Out of my mind with pain and fury. I can't stop
Thinking, why me? Why is it always me?

Can't I have good luck just one time? I'm not
Asking for much. I'm scared, no, terrified that my
Life is ending quicker than I ever anticipated. I wanted to die
Grandly, in a wild blaze of glory. Not with my whole life
Upturned, sinking slowly, suffering wildly,
Losing what I worked so hard to achieve,
And wishing I could go back and be great one more time.
Written by another para (who, obviously, goes by the name Caligula), in the future/ after I end his suffering and pack the daydream away to start over again
Why did we forget how to live?
Why did we forget how to love?
Why did we lose sight of what's important?

Why do we fear things we don't understand,
instead of learning how to understand them?

Why do we despise anyone "different"
and pretend to be a myth called "normal"?

Why do we mistreat God's beautiful creation,
and scorn and squirm and say it's gross?

Why do we get to decide who deserves respect, and why do we make those decisions on trivial things, like skin and age and money?

Why are we afraid to take risks, to get *****, to fall or fail?
Why do we hide from pain and blood and danger?

What is wrong with us?
What disease of human nature has cursed us so?

We go about the motions of survival without really living,
and wonder why we're depressed,
why we feel that life is meaningless.
We make it meaningless!

We need to shed the restraints of sanity!

We need to ask ourselves
Why are we partaking in this foolishness?
Why don't we seek out something better?
Why do we settle?
Why did we stop believing in magic?

Why did we forget how to live?

— The End —