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Apr 2021 · 335
mey Apr 2021
If anything, just notice me.
Sympathise with me.
But never, ever see me cry.
Apr 2021 · 186
mey Apr 2021
I gaze into your eyes,
you look just like him..
I can't forget you,
nor will I forget him.
I sink into your arms,
the only person I forget



Apr 2021 · 152
mey Apr 2021
look into their eyes
wave selectively and see
the sparks illuminate
just like me
Apr 2021 · 369
haiku 1
mey Apr 2021
a silent pin drop
vast into the ocean blue
injustice no more
Apr 2021 · 7.5k
mey Apr 2021
I know you probably won’t be able to read this bit of my soul, but I just wanted to say that up until now, I’ve crossed an uncountable number of lines. To other people, it may seem like I make a big deal out of minuscule things, but as a human, I’ve made many, many mistakes..but, I’m not one to forgive myself. I’m the kind who fits herself into the stereotypes ones boxed into.
       I’m the “nerd”, “the mute”; “quiet kid”, “the hopeless romantic”, and every other category they box me into. I don’t fight back. I don’t look them in the eye. I just sit there with my head drooped, silently wishing to go by unnoticed, because the truth is..I’m afraid. I’m afraid of what they might say back. I’m afraid of messing up, I’m afraid, I’m afraid, I’m afraid. But most of all..I’m afraid of their words. I’m afraid of their words because what they might say back is unknown. By the time I wait, the words just melt underneath my tongue, and all that’s left is the uncertainty.
       Through my experiences, I learned that I don’t need to be afraid. I learned that people can be harsh sometimes, but it’s not my fault. There’s nothing wrong with me. The only person who was wrong, was the person who thought they had power over me. The power to change my mind, to make me think that I’m not worth it. That I’m not worth it..?

Then came these seven angels..
           They taught me to love myself, little by little, everyday. My world turned right side up, and there was nothing left to lose. Back before then, I remember not bothering to look both ways before crossing the street, because I thought, there was no good reason to live. I was wrong. I slowly started to realize my worth, I wasn’t what people said I was, because the only definition they were giving, was a reflection of themselves. I mean sure not everything was perfect from then on since, but I still continued to love myself because of these seven men from South Korea who had such an impact on me, that I could never forget.
            From then on, I was the girl who didn’t let labels stop her from being her own self, I was the girl who kicked open the box of stereotypes she was stuck in for a long time. I was the girl who stopped apologizing for the things she did right. I was the girl who never stopped dreaming. But most of all..I am now the girl who’s not alone. I have these seven brave handsome looking knights and an entire “ARMY” after all.
It may seem like I was pretty subtle about these “seven angels” I was talking about, but a true ARMY would know exactly who I’m talking about. 💜
Apr 2021 · 4.4k
mey Apr 2021
ㅡ 💜] In all shades of purple; my violet crayons. The ones I never have enough of. The ones I use to colour the evening sky. Rare, but beautiful.
Apr 2021 · 153
speech hook
mey Apr 2021
A tiny face, hiding in the corner, regretting everything they have done..unaccepting, unforgiving, unloving. Guilt creeping up to something they haven’t even done, what’s worse is the aftertaste. Feeling, but not thinking. Knowing, but not understanding. Falling into the hands of the devil.
Apr 2021 · 133
mey Apr 2021
That little brown face you see
In the suburbs,
Sitting in the corner, in plain sight, yet unseen..
You glance towards her, that frail shabby outline,
“Oh, poor thing”, you say..
And get on with your day.
You don’t let your mind flicker, despite the horrors of that sight.
‘Cause you know, it was a fright..
mey Apr 2021
Like her heart, the ocean deep, but will she ever see?
Oh, the things she heard, the waves that crashed, the ocean’s breeze...
Gleaming was the sun, like her smile, but did she know how bright?
Was she feeling all locked up?
Without anything to seek?
With no real reason but to weep?
Just the thoughts are what made her sad.
Will she ever be glad?
Battling her thoughts to know what’s right...
Waiting for her chance to come in sight?
Calm was she, like the breeze,
But will she ever stop to breathe?
The loss, the grief, taking her down, could she keep her secret the entire round?
When a precious something gone all she can do is be calm?
BE CALM!? I’ll tell you how to do that..
I’ll give you a piece of my mind
Don’t you get it?
She lost her sight..
Apr 2021 · 186
mey Apr 2021
i stood on the sidelines
as i watched everything
      the monster in me,
Apr 2021 · 139
incandescent light bulbs
mey Apr 2021
flicker the moment i see you,
they burn;
just like the fire inside your eyes,
my love.
Apr 2021 · 210
worn out
mey Apr 2021
when my grandma calls me a diamond,
i don’t think she means i’m bright and shiny anymore..
a diamond; uncuttable yet utterly gleaming.
mey Apr 2021
thinking back to the past, words never hurt me,
they just left me bruised.
old bandaids cover the scars, no room to have some more.
falling apart, they see me; uncovered.
the bandaids were my only good attire..

— The End —