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3.1k · May 2016
Flora Diaspora
Kush May 2016
A little guilt goes a long way
Even the sturdiest oak can be made to sway
Figments of people duped by atavistic views
Waking up from bouts of fervor
A most sadistic snooze
They repose like overgrown fountains of youth
Their dreams rusted, forgotten and that’s the truth

In a lonely forest, oaks fall with the loudest screams
A somberness aided by clouds and defective sun beams

My soul has finally given in to moralistic cracks
For now it’s about as clean as mud pies and tire tracks
I’m wobbling down my lifetime from crutch to crutch
Wondering when to finally whisper “****, I’ve seen too much”
So please, return me home, send my spirit way down below
To lands of rusted dreams and toss-turned pillows
1.6k · Sep 2017
Faceless Man
Kush Sep 2017
Faceless Man
Faceless Man
Smile for us
Faceless Man

We’ve come to see
Faceless Man
Jumping with glee
Faceless Man

Give us a show
Faceless Man
Grin through the sorrow
Faceless Man

Forget the hurt
Faceless Man
Let the red spurt
Faceless Man

You cannot hide
Faceless Man
We draw near with every stride
Faceless Man
1.6k · Nov 2015
Kush Nov 2015
The Stag trots across a bleached horizon
Howling into the wind with echoes that curdle blood
Its form is liquid nightmare, drenching snow in ebony flood

Wispy vapor flares around antlers of pure, lucid black
Moonbeams shimmer off plumage fraught with drear
Violet feathers assure that bizarreness the Ravenstag does not lack
Dark fangs ravage human flesh, infecting tissue with fear

The Wendigo glides past fallen pine and split oak
Its viscous hooves leave tracks of unearthly essence
Through white deserts flecked with red and bodies left to soak
Based on the Stag from Hannibal-I can't recommend the show enough
1.3k · Sep 2015
It's A Practiced Apathy
Kush Sep 2015
A cozy blanket of numbness is what I seek
Far away from people and their faux complexities
Their insistence on infecting you with vile opinions
I need to distance myself away from the poison that is humanity
To have the ability of seeing their petty emotions
Through a pair of binoculars
I tire from episodes consisting of synaptic overloads
Decompress, readdress, and be free of stress
I desire the chance to finally say that
I just don't give a ****!
1.3k · May 2016
Kush May 2016
I never see your face anymore

The only image in my mind is your lovely, raven-colored hair
I once had a dream about you
You were facing away from me and woefully crying

I never figured out why

Around us, a pond of pallor was dotted with ghostly remnants of trees
While I crossed the liquid fright, your cries grew in timbre
No matter how close I was to your voice, it never seemed close enough
I stopped and quickly glanced above because the Moon was crying too

I never figured out why

The wind’s touch gently blew your night-like hair against my closed eyes
I confidently summoned all octaves residing within my soul
But before I could call your name, they caught me
Hands that sprung up from the sickness, eager to ****** my ankles
My heartbroken whisper finally stopped the weeping

I finally figured out why*

A dainty little head slowly turned so I could gaze at the jewels on its face
Two rubies cascaded, their scarlet streams plummeting off pale cheeks
While you returned to looking forwards, sobbing droplets of agony
I felt unforgiving murkiness drag me down below
1.2k · Oct 2016
Lucky 13
Kush Oct 2016
It was affection at first sight but I was blind
A little Persian cat with too much on my mind
You give me chills in the sunshine
You hold me tight until everything turns out fine

Your UFO voice abducts all scorn I hold dear
It ices down my raging jealousy and familiar fears
I’m enchanted by your majesty, full-blown smitten
under the mercy of a fuzz-fanged kitten

You and I, kid, we’re one and the same
wondering out loud “who’s to blame?”
I bet if I put my ear to your lips I’d hear the ocean
Keep it coming, you’ve set my heart in perpetual motion

Your rock bottom still soars above everyone else’s clouds
The hushed utterance of your name summons crowds
After breakdowns and a mental mother,
I’ve certainly found myself a permanent lover

Much beyond any gemstone could hope to muster,
your smiles gleam with infinite luster
You’re moonlight dripping at a cemetery
Fearsome waves propelling my life’s ferry

I’ll be your constant, your Northern Star
A comforting presence to be found regardless of where you are
You’re my #1 gal, the only one I need
The lone rebel who’d make my soul kneel and plead

Phantom felines and dancing shadows everywhere
but at the end of the day, I really don’t care
Inside every atom of hate, my baby implanted kisses
I’m **** well going to make her my Mrs.

She’s beauty and rage, nothing in-between
She’s thunder and lightning, just not as mean
She’s carefully hidden, yet demands to be seen
She’s my best friend, ride or die
eternal lover on the sly

**A lucky thirteen
Dedicated to my girlfriend, Azka
1.1k · Feb 2016
Cemetery Sweethearts
Kush Feb 2016
On that lovely day, I tiptoed into a cobbled courtyard of death

The air was fresh and heavy with scents of hog-tied fear

My darling friends struggled to get free: Mary, Susan, and dear Annabel Lee

Among the tombstones I strode and, past the drear, wasted lives were what I saw so clear

Suddenly, putrid hands reached from beneath and began to sporadically spasm

They gripped my sweet friends by the neck, dragging them into an unearthly phantasm

On that lovely day, I tiptoed back from a cobbled courtyard of death

For my pretty little friends had just surrendered their last mortal breath
A nod to Poe
1.1k · Sep 2015
Your Villain
Kush Sep 2015
Can I be your antagonist?
I promise you’ll hate me
For I am a cheeky little monster
An arch-nemesis lurking in the recess
Of your mind
I confess to being obsessed
With earning your contempt
Would a lovely sight it would be
If your gorgeous grin became a symbol of sin
Snatching you from the sky up so high
A pure angel whose wings started to darken
A heroine who suddenly lived on the edge
The rush! The explosion!
To know that I made your good character decay
That my touch lead to your corrosion
How beautiful that look on your face will be
As it fills with the realization
That you’re no embodiment of nobility
Simply a villain
Just like me!
1.1k · May 2016
An Age of Understatement
Kush May 2016
I remember a time long ago
When each person carried emotional baggage in tow
We held friend and family member equally dear
Kissed every cheek and wiped away every tear
Now we lie cruel and rotting under the sun
Devoid of any sparks or pangs of fun
We’ve forgotten our righteous ways
Seek therapy from bad decisions and ashtrays
All sense of the common good is delivered through slow reactions
Overshadowed by emerald greed and ***-soaked distractions
I’ve tried to convince my children of the change
They just look at me as an old dog ripe with mange
To all my loved ones who have died
I can at least mutter "I tried"
I suppose it’s about time to scrape hope up and wash it down the drain
Sit out on my porch, feet propped up, watching society fall like rain
1.1k · Apr 2016
You Look Quite
1.0k · Sep 2015
Scarlet Snowfall
Kush Sep 2015
In this sea of white, I carve my path of crimson
The heavy flakes fall in droves
Landing themselves onto my love's lashes
She seems to be fearful of my smile
Her beautiful face accentuated by the ruby stream
Running neatly down her lips
I try to reassure her with my gentle touch
And while her bones snap in my hands
I give her a sweet kiss
and whisper
I assure you, I am not completely crazy
1.0k · Jul 2016
Asphalt Neverland
Kush Jul 2016
Sitting in my red Lambo
the wind breathing down our backs like a perve
I look to my right after working up the nerve
She's sipping that malt like nobody's business
Her hellcat smile barely containing a playful tongue
Funny, I never thought I'd be jealous of a straw

My Ray Bans refract the setting Sun's spit onto her shades
We play tag with it before tossing the light through the windshield
Doctor Dusk gave us the full dosage
The tires grind on the gravel of our asphalt Neverland
I Peter Panic when she sheds her masquerade
She's got stunning mocha eyes frosted with truthful lies
I see her spirit phasing into my chest
A pair of luscious lips giving my heart a crimson kiss

She tells me I carry the scent of leather and sorrow on my sin
On hers, I discern daddy issues and untapped sin

The girl's as broken as I am

Sure, I might occasionally be smarmy and sick
by no means, though, a consistent ****
Her giggles wash all the bad days away
so my Lucifer impressions melts her ears with a

*"Baby, wanna play?"
941 · Jun 2016
The Despot of Dreams
Kush Jun 2016
I would crush the guilty like ants under my boot
I would build monuments of their sins and watch evil legacies tailspin
I have had enough of their moral muddling and murderous marauding
No more innocent blood will be shed, not on my world
War will be a fable told to children before bedtime
Those with hate in their hearts would have them forcefully removed
Those that have worked and toiled in pain will be given rest and reparation
Empathy will be the currency most desired and dispensed

I would seat the deserving upon crystal thrones and indulge their hope
I would slit the throats of those that speak violence and scatter their flesh
I have no desire for solace until all have received their karmic doses
Fear is an instrument of weakness, a **** fit for vermin, not my society
I'll make a great scale within my mind and weigh deeds done
Good people deserve more than the flimsy vestiges of past charity
They will see my face and recognize that swift justice is the only solution
They will see an acceptance of death if corruption overtakes my spirit

I would raise the slaves and groom them into kings
I would turn their ancestors’ sweat into red wine and diamond rings
I would lift their chins up to the limitless sky
To infinite empires waiting to be built
This world?
This galaxy?
The entire universe will be a reflection of my design
923 · Oct 2015
Au Revoir Humanity
Kush Oct 2015
I have experienced a schism from mankind
Alone and adrift in the cosmos of my mind
My acension from life has made me anew
False happiness no longer leads me askew
Rage-filled memories are held with great retention
For this rupture has led to a dark dessension
With glorious hate, I take my last mortal breath
I am a soulless and vengeful shadow
Something akin to Death
922 · Apr 2016
Alter Ego
Kush Apr 2016
I am not your savior and sure as hell not your friend
I’m the cleanup crew-your life’s dead end
I am not one to be toyed with, not one to be trifled
I’m the clearest voice you’ll ever hear with no way to be stifled
I am not prone to begging so watch me smirk at your prayer
I’m a lie concocted in style, a silver-tongued soothsayer
I am not a guy who feels very much, whose heart can ever cease to darken
I’m a product of reality’s riptides, the thing your nightmares harken
905 · Sep 2015
Emotional Vampire
Kush Sep 2015
I feel your agony and make it my own
I see your smile and mirror the expression
It’s almost impossible for me to stop
To cease draining the emotions of others
Simply because I am numb
Unfeeling towards my own existence
I am an empath with fangs shining
Feasting to restore my humanity
In tune with everyone’s mind
Unsure of my own
I am a reservoir of emptiness
A connoisseur of consuming souls
An emotional vampire
892 · Apr 2016
The Glutton
Kush Apr 2016
Specimens of long pig struggle from their mound
Sky-splitting screams starkly resound
My veins circulate a steady stream of spite
For their mewling humbug has turned quite trite

It wasn’t too pleasant when the taunts started to singe
When **** forced me into a balancing act across society’s fringe

One by one, I separate my courses from the flock
Store their tender bits inside of Ma’s favored crock
I then engage in a vigorous process of toil
Lower frantic faces into water made to boil
Skin hastily detaches, tongues flop lopsided
Scalded fists clench and eyes bulge cross-sighted

I scurry on webs of scorn
Maim my prey with marks of malice
Eat torn hearts with mine retaining its layer of callous
These lesser swine are absorbed into my design
Their bodies gorged on with generous gouts of fine wine
“Oh, I do hope not to get too drunk”
-I think while chewing on an especially splendid chunk
890 · May 2016
Kush May 2016
The night casts its long shadow over my flesh and blood
Yet, my body chooses not to fall into the natural rhythms of slumber
My eyelids are made of stone and are locked securely in place
My imagination runs amok and dreams fill up my void
The song of crickets punctuates the conversation with myself
Days long since past are still fresh in my memory
I feel like ideas are surging through my head ready to burst through my eardrums
But my arms and legs do not match my metaphysical wishes
They are numb and useless
Like a slow river, the bed seems to carry me to eternity
Gently taking me to a place far away
I need to rest so badly
The pangs of responsibility echo through my being
I have things to do; I have people to meet
It’s a curse
To never be able to match the cycle of the light
To bear witness to the passing of time
Locked in a coffin of consciousness
Ah, the sun is back; time to drag this empty husk out of bed
Light pours through the blinds, in an endless stream
No, arouse yourself from this folly
The shadow still remains
You were always wide awake
Hopelessly thinking of tomorrow
Pondering this night until daybreak
890 · Oct 2015
The Emerald Virus
Kush Oct 2015
It initiates its attack with a fiery assault to the chest
Showering the heart with acidic downpour
The disease spreads slowly into the victim’s bloodstream
Making it boil with envious hatred
The eyes become a permanent squint of mistrust and hostility
Skin begins to change with a bright, green spectacle
Canines are bared in horrible snarls
The person’s speech becomes bitter and low
Consisting mostly of cusses and speeches of negativity
Infectious jealousy runs rampant
And in no small part to that horrid sickness
The Emerald Virus
877 · Apr 2021
Stars & Scars
Kush Apr 2021
Every table turns, every turn twists
the truths began to shatter
truths on which I would subsist

The truths I knew changed like the tide,
weighing down heavily in my gut,
they lie inside, mummified

Now I live, free as the flock
I swing through the stars, honor my scars
learning about myself and taking stock
875 · Sep 2016
Kush Sep 2016
I see a sheet of moonlight shine on the drops of water
It looks as if streams of longs diamonds are piercing me

The entire sky resembles my skin
Everything feels familiarly cold
Plants wither and animals flee with every step taken

I lost my true love long ago

Unabashedly innocent, she bore the same scars as I
Unequivocally forgiving, she took my dark origins in stride

For her existence, I would battle both the blessed and the ******
For her soul, I would fight until my last breath
and then eternity afterwards

Devotion has no jurisdiction
Having scoured the heavens,
my search takes me to the pit

I dip my toe into the abyss as it shifts
Hell drags me into the fray
Her sweet eyes on my mind,
I dive into the fiery bays
867 · Mar 2016
Kush Mar 2016
See the hollow ruins lying on my face
They are constructs of guilt, masks of disavowed grace
Listen to my heart and the tones of its moans
It shifts back and forth like the saddest metronome

She looked like the product of a naughty night’s vice
Hung out in the crooked parts of town and bedded men not too nice
My hands raised her from squalor and carried her home
Whereas I was made of flesh bindings, she was chrome

Over love, the decadence took precedence
Her lavish comforts enclosed by a white picket fence
As my walls broke down, hers added cement
I gave her mansions of love and she gifted me a poorly pitched tent

My breath was choked, my mind confused
Twilights strung together and morosely fused
On a particular night, she marched towards, I, a speck
Dug her claws into my back and whispered poison towards my neck

“How does it feel kissing paranoia’s twitchy lips?”
“To look out from such a height and spit on all the tiny blips?”
She banished me from riches and abode
Stole my smile and had my chariot towed
Like Lucifer, my angelic wings had been clipped
On my soul’s sanctity, a golden Goddess sipped
862 · Mar 2016
Dumpster Dove
Kush Mar 2016
With my friends, I goose-stepped down a dingy street, us all chomping down on pigs’ feet meat

My wet ears, inexperience glistening, opened up to the city eagerly listening

Heard orders for ****** and boy toys which, essentially, created walls of white noise

Found my way onto a queen-sized lump of trash and determined it a quality place to crash

Woke up suddenly to find the third eye of my mind permanently blind

Watched my body plunge into the absolute abysmal solely due to a habit of feeling terribly dismal

Started painting an accurate portrait of daily life using the ornate hues of continuous strife

Made a recipe for misery with some sassafras and a dab of the other side’s greener grass

It wasn’t until I chomped down on a half-finished Baby Ruth that my noggin’ tuned into the truth

Turns out, birds of a feather are held together by the absolute weakest of tethers
857 · May 2017
Kush May 2017
Our brave new world has turned remarkably cold
There is no place for inefficiency among the looming towers
Religions have been replaced with the worship of screens
Charms have been supplanted by tungsten and lithium

One by one, metropolises fell to “necessary” modernization
I consider a certain member of these abaddons as my unfortunate home
The city’s structures stand like monoliths, without luster or familiar name
A place surely dredged from the deepest hell of mankind’s achievements

Mechanical arachnids skitter across streets on continuous patrol
their silver claws and whirring sensors passively click and scan
We’ve no longer needed any member of sentient life to protect us
Apparently, that was a task more suited for our heartless creations

Any soul residing in the world has become artificial
emotions, dreams, and identities discarded and digitized
Former humans are now composed of more metal than meat
They tread with measured steps and a uniform lack of expression

I breathe the heavy clots of air through my visor and flip a few pages
Long ago, this ancient relic came to my unsuspecting attention
It held secrets of organisms that ran rampantly among landscapes
Old Terra’s fertility sprang out from yellowed paper

There is one creature that I found especially endearing
It endured the harshest of the world's conditions, as I do in mine
It was the deadliest of its kind, as I am among peers
I bestowed my home with the creature’s striking moniker

Now and forever, I live in the city of Taipan
the perspective of a cyborg; A taipan is a species of highly venomous snake
840 · Nov 2015
Oh, Madame Heartbreak...
Kush Nov 2015
She had a gleaming knack for rejection
Her trails were wrought with misery and tearful eyes
They always tried for a touchdown to her interception
Babe just loved staring suitors into a despised demise
Break-ups over texts, phone calls, shakes and French fries
Nail polish streaked on cheeks from vicious backhands
They were markings of a fool leaning on wobbly one-night stands
Left happily bowing to Madame Heartbreak’s demands
820 · Apr 2016
Kush Apr 2016
Every single day, I struggle for my own existence
I shift into imaginary realities without a hint of resistance
“I wonder if that eerie feeling will come back today?”
Of course, it does-in dreadful ferocity and without delay
There’s no use in logic anymore; I do believe my brain’s flown the coop
It’s hard to be stable, to be strong
Especially when your mind’s turned into soup
803 · Sep 2015
Kush Sep 2015
He walked slowly and deliberately
Each step had a purpose
Each step brought him closer to the means to an end
His eyes were dark and serious
People looked into them and only saw a chilling layer of ice
His mouth was formed into a tight and grim expression
He didn’t like to waste words
People called him angry and aloof but it wasn’t his fault he was like that
He used to care too much about the world around him
That same world made him like this
Over and over again he was subjected to pain and disappointment
Finally, it got to him and he changed
His smile ceased to have its day
His blood begin to freeze
His steps became precise
His eyes now shot a menacing glare
He became cold-hearted
776 · Jun 2017
Kush Jun 2017
"That is not dead which can eternal lie,
and with strange aeons even death may die."*
-Abdul Alhazred

Piercing light digs itself into my eyes
A spread of bird calls funnel past open windows
I lift my throbbing head off the splayed pages
It seems that morning breeze has been perusing my book
The Necronomicon

With groggy effort, I go about my daily routine
Brushing leads to breakfast which leads to brooding
Today is Saturday and I am beyond unimpressed
Not many activities catch my eye like they used to
I think I’ll go for a swim

Thankfully, the empty lap pool provides a haven
Loneliness was never an outstanding issue among our family
That pervasive sense of dull dread invades my heart, yet
There is a thin verisimilitude between loneliness and contentment
I muse upon the power of individuality while submerging

Half-past 11, I notice some peculiar glow spreading in the lanes
Emerald ooze steadily overtakes a pair of arms and legs
It is not long before this strange goo overtakes my skull as well
Instantaneously, terror plunges deep into my amygdala
I assume sounds of thrashing water and stifled screams

How does my body drift deeper than physically possible?
When does my mind disconnect from our tangible world?
Just why are suction-cupped serpents binding me?
Questions spill over the brim and are not met with any answers
Nonetheless, I embrace impending death

Visions assault a cloud of sensory panic
The chlorine chaos takes on saltier flavoring
I see images of cyclopean kingdoms draped in sea growth
Stupendous beings lumber with apocryphal disregard
To these incomprehensible entities, I am dust

They relinquish me back to my microscopic world
I do not know why the cosmic horrors revealed themselves
All I am aware of is that this was a mere glimpse at true evil
One born millennia before the most ancient of stars
One that will persist millennia after such bodies have extinguished
I sink back into the water, exhausted

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."
-H.P. Lovecraft
753 · Apr 2016
The Woman With Edges
Kush Apr 2016
I am quite the vivacious, little serial killer
A mentally unaligned, malign blood spiller
I am a stringent supporter of firearm regulation
Explaining a proclivity for machete fueled decapitation
I’ll grant you a deathly diagnosis
Feed off your breath in twisted symbiosis
I’ll calculate the perfect blade length to flay
Find the best ways for you to squirm in honor of payback day
It’s very sharp of you to worry
For I certainly don’t **** in a hurry
Oh darlings, do the math
Two bodies and a laugh equal one psychopath
719 · Mar 2016
The Angelmaker
Kush Mar 2016
I lift the bound man and promptly drop his filthy flesh into my cleansing chamber
My blade traces from his eyes downward, slicing tear ducts from their seams
This arena of porcelain will be a virtuous site for his rebirth, his Becoming
The vermin prays with thick streams of ruby repentance running down his face
There is no forgiveness to be sought, no heart to be bought

I turn the **** towards the Devil’s direction
Jets of scalding blood coat the man like scarlet skin
He is barely able to protest and, at best, manages to writhe
I look upon this majestic transformation; my expression held blithe
As the gore mounts in height, the man’s screams begin to muffle
Relentless wriggling recedes rapidly into barely a shuffle

He is submerged in the depths of horror, drowned from my design
I drag the newly created spirit from its resting place and into the light
Its splendor is truly divine; unfit for any eye but mine
I hang its body alongside beings of fellow weeping demeanor
A cadre of crimson angels
712 · Mar 2017
Dead Man Walking
Kush Mar 2017
I caught you walking down the street
summer hair and red capris
asked why you did me wrong
Why did you throw me down?

I look up with blurry eyes
to mountains and foamy skies
The tip of my tongues tasting dour
Why’d you toss me off the tower?

You said love was all for fools
hot blood and lusting drool
maybe I’m just a tool
discarded by the Putrid Queen?

This cruel world always reaps
spilling darkness forever seeps
I can’t outrun the flow
Why did you leave me for dead?
706 · Sep 2019
Stuck to the Plan
Kush Sep 2019
In the whispers of earliest morning
and the scurrying tones of nightfall
my mind lies open, vulnerable
like dark flowers cusping spring

With probing eyes, full and brown
I see that which I can realize
yet not realizing what must be seen
that which lies beyond my ocular reach

And with utmost effort, sinking innards
I toil with feelings buried inwards
dissected and magnified
preserved and studied under the light
685 · Nov 2016
Rictus et Risisti
Kush Nov 2016

All you have to do is smile
So simple
So easy
When you feel sorrow
Grin away the pain
When the world seems like it’s ending
Let out a bitter chuckle
Just allow that smile to shine
It doesn’t have to be real
Let out a fake smile if that’s what you want
Smirk at the bad things in life
Sneer at the people who try to bring you down
Beam at the ones who make you feel loved
Laugh even if it doesn’t make sense
Laugh because that’s what you want to do
Laugh because you just don’t give a ****
"Grin and laugh"
666 · Feb 2017
The Woods
Kush Feb 2017
Out, out in a world of pine
lay a land unmolested by time
Through and through, free of grime
was this land made, made to shine

Soon enough, decay had its day
crestfallen trees cracked and broke
ash took over roots with a sooty choke
Oh yes, Mother Nature was made to pay

Waves of denizens took to town-square
They discussed, raved, and cried out like thunder
Far too late had they realized their blunder
Mother Nature, meanwhile, had taken her fair share

The ground convulsed with violent rage
Thorny vines rapidly sunk into skin
each and every neck separated from a chin
accompanied by inhumane shrieks and the scent of sage

Out, out in a world of crimson pine
lay a land briefly ravaged by time
Through and through, now free of grime
was this land made, made to shine
Inspired by Annabel Lee
665 · Feb 2016
Honey Suckle
Kush Feb 2016
I’m a drunkard for your intoxicating love
I suppose, darling, you have the sweetest lips
Your addicting forms fit me just like a glove
Guises like smoke clouds with catty eyes or hourglass-shaped acid trips

You taste like freshly picked honey suckle
For that, I’ll forgive the tooth marks left on my heart
The pain even makes me laugh, makes me chuckle
Feels like a belt buckle striking the bony tips of a knuckle

Before you start sprinkling sugar atop these ****** wounds
I should start confessing
Darling, I know it’s depressing, but please don’t stop your discipline
I’ve been acting like a naughty boy who’s always breaking his toys

I need to learn my lesson
My take on an abusive relationship
650 · Apr 2016
The Cobras and I
Kush Apr 2016
I’m staring down eternity in a hearse, waiting for the traffic of demons to disperse

I’m lounging on the constellation of a large spoon

Curled up, catching some Z’s by the Moon

They sling “psychopath” as an insult
Bitter chuckles are the result

I’m a countenance of compunction

Feeling my bruised soul twang with pain at every immoral junction

I’m stuck in a reality that calls me the menace

Like Rikki Tikki in cobra infested jungles

I play the Gothic tune of death in my mind

I sever the glue of innocence and ties that bind

They chant my name with nursed hate
They throw blows in a ferocious spate

All I need to escape is an utterance of confession

It’s the sole solution to dig out of such deep a depression

Yet, I contort out of the grip of these vicious cohorts

For a question pierces my psyche like bullets in the brain

Why should I denounce myself as a monster to condemn
**When they fail to see the ones growing inside of them?
645 · May 2016
The Hallway of Tears
Kush May 2016
You go to sleep
A loud cry causes your eyes to open
Stumbling into the hallway, your vision seems changed
Everything is so clear and shiny
Like your eyes have been upgraded tenfold
The house is illuminated by some strange glow
A pulsating purple ebbs throughout
This **** hallway seems to be going to eternity
Your feet begin to feel wet
Puddles of water are forming everywhere, coming from above
The faces on the ceiling just keep weeping and weeping
Their mouths contorted by painful sobs
The end of the hallway seems to be close
Is the ground moving or is it just you?
The walls seem to be inching closer
Why is everything tilting?
You’re almost there, you can do it
Why are they still crying?
You begin to see an outline of a figure
The little girl is waiting
Why is her dress torn?
A ribbon slowly falls from her hand
You reach down to pick it up
The skin begins to fall of her face
It gathers in clumps near her feet
The skull begins to mouth out the words
You move in closer to listen
Why is she whispering?
Your body shifts closer to the little girl
The purple begins to get even more intense
Your ear rests against her teeth
She quietly repeats herself
“Please cry for me”
Two trails of water slowly roll down your cheeks
You awaken
634 · Nov 2016
Clementine's Reckoning
Kush Nov 2016
I know what it’s like when a soul dies
For a Sunday night surprise tainted my pair of heart eyes
On my bed sprawled a man and sweet Clementine
She met his lips with ones that were formerly known as mine

In shock, I hastily began a procedure vaguely resembling a seizure
My mind’s eye saw how I was confused and misused
So quickly came the chill, putting the warm parts of my heart to disuse
A darker side of psyche was ruefully deployed
I turned empty, a void, bona fide schizoid

My fingers now around their throats, I became Death’s harbinger
Love-borne vengeance made corporeal, a cheater’s swan singer
I caught their eyes with mine, bloodred from scornful blame
Turns out souls and bones break quite the same
633 · Nov 2016
Over My Dead Body
Kush Nov 2016
My darling once asked
“What'd happen to a guy if he made me cry?"
I wasn’t in any rush
so right then and there I started to gush:

I’d knock him onto the concrete
Introduce his skull to my feet

No one hurts my baby girl

I’d take a knife and puncture his lungs
Slice off the entirety of his rude tongue

No one hurts my baby girl

I’d shove my thumbs down his eyes
As he’d see the price of heavy lies

**Because no one ever hurts my baby girl
621 · Oct 2015
Kill Me Harder
Kush Oct 2015
Shards of jagged words remain in my heart
A serrated reminder of my former love
For you consider crushing souls an art
Deceit punctuated by how often you cheat
Let’s touch cheek to cheek like we used to do
Arm swaddled in a parasitic embrace
I missed the way your blade felt in my lungs
A pleasured look on that pretty face
Don’t stop the evisceration just yet
Go ahead darling, watch the scarlet river gush
There’s no reason for me to fret
I’ve already been slaughtered once
620 · Apr 2017
Kush Apr 2017
Did you know
the average person
spends only five seconds at a piece of art?

A mere glimpse of Albright’s Dorian Gray
his phantasmal and grotesque visage
silently screaming horror

Only a look at Litchenstein’s pulp women
straw-yellow hair and ivory word bubbles abound
their comic book stories told within one panel

A sighting of Breton’s Lark
a dying sun sinking into the horizon behind her
her tired, shadowy eyes awaiting the next one’s arrival

All these fleeting moments betray art
for they do not deserve seconds
they have earned centuries
inspired by works housed in the Chicago Art Institute
620 · May 2016
Stages of Suffering
Kush May 2016
I open Her stitches with the dullest screwdriver available in my horrid workshop
I ask her if she wants the agony to cease and she promptly responds “Stop!”

Her request is denied just as my affection was rejected through paper, red ink, and hollow apologies

I assail Him with with a hammer until bony shards protrude from skin
The boastful **** is still breathing when I contort the lumbars of his spine

This gory peacock’s skeletal feathers display my anger in all essences of its awe-inspiring glory

I dangle Her plump body over a chimney billowing greasy smoke
She attempts to strike deals for mercy and I respond with a choke

The bargaining persists all the way down until rollicking flames turn her mouth into silky ribbons of ash

The Next frequently indulges in unspeakably awful chipperness
So, naturally, I make him gulp down a week’s worth of happy meds

While his heart sputters, depression’s taste wipes away all traces of the a smile on his face

My work done, I casually stroll back home
I muse on all the wicked deeds finally expunged and take out a shining Magnum

The cold piece of steel turns around to face this peaceful victim, its trigger pulled in **acceptance
Based on the five stages of grief
613 · Jul 2016
Kush Jul 2016
I see into you
I see through you
I see your weaknesses
I see what made you

You are forgotten
You are a ghost
You are a dream
You are an illusory host

We play this little game
We hurt each other for fun
We put our heads real close together
**We fire the gun
610 · Oct 2015
The Deepest Blue
Kush Oct 2015
The waves move to and fro
Thunderous crashes boom in the dead of night
Inspiring legends and inciting fright

Tales echo of bravery and virtuous sacrifice
The water moves like me, swift and fierce
Slicing through the chilly air like the sharpest of shears

I can see the scarlet under the surface, hidden from view
I can see the secrets of death kept from me and you
Darkness lies in the deepest of blues
A surreptitious force leaving the smallest of clues

I fight the visions with all of my might
I can only glimpse it; oh, what a sight!
To be a guiding hand, a leading light

Alas, I must disappear now, my mind on my mission
The waves move to and fro
Here I come, here I go
One of favorite writes
596 · Oct 2015
Pretensious Emptiness
Kush Oct 2015
People label me a scathing sycophant
A skin-deep, sardonic serpent
They are quite correct
I blur into lives with bright eyes and dispassionate sighs
Like a social chameleon stalking souls
Opportunistically sinking my fangs into hearts
An intraspecies predator reveling in blood
Unreservedly zooming past life’s tolls
Sticking my head out to spit in the faces of the meek
I’m an aberration of moral principles
Very twisted and assisted by inherent callousness
A backstabbing, two-timing, double-faced freak

The Pretender
582 · Feb 2016
The Great Red Dragon
Kush Feb 2016
I kick down their front door, feeling the hinges snap from under the weight of my heel
The air is light and cool on my igneous skin
These petty mortals will behold my visage and kneel
Weeks of preparation have lead to this one moment-the Dragon preys upon sin

I shoot the father in his throat, severing carotids and jugulars- I am precision made flesh
Mrs. Leed’s screams are cut the short by the bullet swiftly lodged in her lumbar spine
My delight knows no bounds at the spectacle of her struggling-the agony is sweet, the blood is fresh
I push aside the father and enter his sons’ room-the Leeds house, and their lives, are mine

The children are dragged from beneath their beds and killed-I am without quarter, a merciless presence
I insert shards of broken mirror into the family’s pupils-they are nothing but observers, silent reflections of my design
My crimson wings shimmer-a glorious, fiery husk of incandescence
My becoming and their deaths have now intertwined-their lifeblood is pure blackness in the moon’s light
I roar into the night sky with a fearsome flame bursting past my fangs
Look upon I, The Great Red Dragon, and righteously tremble with fright!
inspired by one of my favorite novels
578 · Jun 2016
Kush Jun 2016

It’s painfully silent in the speakeasy
And this newfound peace makes me queasy
I lug around a heavy suitcase of deceit
For hiding one’s damning devils is no simple feat


I stalk through and survey my domain
Hunting excellency among cheap cologne and horns of the midnight train
Right then, spotted her face and struck my most potent sneer
I could see past the plastic smiles in all their thin veneer


Wait until she leaves the bar to drag her back inside the killing fields
Quickly hush her chloroform cries and keep my eyes perpetually peeled
I kiss her nape and fly away from the world’s wears
Whisper “You’re a gorgeous doll neatly wrapped in silk and nightmares”


Safe within the grasp of thickets, I force her grin and lick the dimples
Get struck with horror when my vision spots one too many pimples
I cry with the straw-filled fiends illuminated by lantern light
Then embrace my honed craft, without delay, for all waking hours of the night


When all points of perfection fall out of quiver
When the sorrowful scarecrows look upon me and shiver
I’ll cut out my beauty’s flaws from largest lump to smallest sliver
576 · Feb 2017
Roses Have Thorns
Kush Feb 2017
The day that dirt becomes Earth’s sky
will be the day that I’ll let my darling cry
She is more tiger than fawn
She is darkest midnight rather than dawn
Her will is forged of cobalt steel
Her daily life is Hell’s highlight reel

Yet, I must treat this tough woman sweet and tender
I mark all inhibitions of love “return to sender”
For she is the graceful calm in my chaotic mind
The one that exalts whichever part of my heart is kind

Gentle is her smile, smooth and mellow
Tuned with majesty is her voice, a bona fide cello
I encase my feelings in poor meter and rhyme
because scarcely does this world hand us the time
to fully sing who we truly value far and near
and how we hold our lovers in our hearth
forever warm and devoid of fear
Even the strongest have a soft spot
563 · Feb 2016
Satan's Passenger
Kush Feb 2016
Baby, I’m a lightning blast living in a lane that’s blazing fast
I’m hotridin’ down the streets of greed, leaving a trail of pain and planting bad seeds
Better keep up ‘cause I’m burning through the *******, wanna start eating my dust?
My cold heart’s got no grasp of romance or love, it’s drowning in lust
I’ve got Hell’s gates to my left and the Devil’s whisper to my right
I’m a wicked ******* who’s got no **** redemption in sight
561 · Apr 2016
Kush Apr 2016
You’re struck by thoughts that zip like raging electricity
Charged wholesomely by the eye snatching power of curiousity
There’s that hefty knapsack of guilt constricting your back
A tear stained jacket olive green and not so fresh off the rack
Typical attire adorned by an untamed hellcat hellbent on the attack

You’re always eager for flimsy fellows with paper mache names
Too bad they catapult you back into prewritten tales of ill-ridden fame
You seem to entice the astral glare of scorching stars
To unwittingly interrupt Nature’s frolicking soundtrack at all the key bars

You’re Alice’s protégé adeptly meeting learning goals
Far surpassing her mentor at the art of slipping reality and falling down rabbit holes
A spirit shedding her blouse of light and taking a dip in the lake of souls
Writing new mythologies amidst the morbid company of witches and trolls

You’re burned letters and missed calls on the phone
A slowly sinking stone
Filled with grey from every ***** to bone
Wilting words spoken monotone
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