I still see you in that piquant dress;
Still contemplating wonder, in excess.
I admit, 'You're my incarnated outguess
Spared for me, through God's ambience .
Have you dissected my mind before?
That you know the unmeasured chore,
Of love and care to burbly outpour;
Then, to hug and ideate kissing me 'Hello'?
I see you like a bloom, My Inevitable.
In that dress, pink in color, indescribable.
Like a sun, flaring love into a barbecue.
A beaming manse with no room for blue.
I see the shape of your pluperfect smile,
Holding my breath, and I am thinking senile.
Posing my dreams, once thought juvenile.
In my head, Love, shall I see you for a while.