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Justin Sep 2018
Today I am a Man,

Boots on and belt tight,
I button my shirt and act right,
The child in me has almost faded,
The mind of a man has invaded,

Today I am a Man.
Justin Sep 2018
what a world
horrific and grim
full of hate and full of sin

what a world
cheerful and sharing
open hands willing and caring

what a world
balanced yet unjust
when will enough be enough
Justin Sep 2018
At first it was subtle and although no one else cared, I felt your presence and knew you were there.

Sooner than later I found my mind impaired, looking for options that would hopefully repair.

My mistakes would soon pile up and an uneasy sense of guilt along with them.

Once lovable and full of tranquility, now unapproachable and lacking emotional stability.
Justin Sep 2018
The gaze of a mother seems distant but fierce,
the heart lies open, withered and pierced.
Our minds diverged, yet our eyes the same,
who else is there, but I to blame.
If only we could revert back to the light,
for that would be a wondrous sight.
Justin Sep 2018
It is when the river calls,
that the mountains crumble.
In the halls of the scattered mind,
the desolate man stumbles.
Through the doorway of shattered hopes,
the grim figure interlopes.
For not even time can tell,
when such a man will climb from hell.
Justin Sep 2018
Watch now as the clock finds its pace,
the creatures yearn to be laid to waste,
atop a leaf up so high,
we lurk where reapers lie,
for is it not who but why,
the truth of how brave men cry.

— The End —