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Deep Ponderer Aug 2019
I am inspired by things unseen,
Like the air that helps me breathe
For without it we are mere dust.
So why then do you asked,
"How can you believe in a god
You cannot see?"
Do you believe?
Deep Ponderer Jul 2019
Is this the kind of love I deserve?
One weighs more than the other,
All I asked is "have I done you wrong?"
Your only reply, "I've learnt".
I'm worn out now
From all the unanswered queries.
I need to loosen this cord,
before the forbidden rage
Breaks free from its cage.
Have you experienced one sided love?
Deep Ponderer Apr 2019
Not being attractive outwardly opened my eyes
into seeing more than beautiful sights.
It delivered me from preconceptions
of perceiving the world through vanity lenses.
It tore down walls of misconceptions
that appearances are the only reflections.
Appearances aren't everything. Everyone has been created for more :)
Deep Ponderer Mar 2019
I hope that you stay
And wait till the end.
You don't look into my eyes
The way you did when it began.
Why do I still feel the same;
A feeling that remains,
Or  is it all just in my brain
This hope  untamed.
Do you feel like someone is about to leave you, But you keep crazy hoping that the person would stay? My current state:(
Deep Ponderer Mar 2019
I no longer mourn the dead
I mourn the living,
For they build thick walls
From their past hurting.
they say they deserve love
Yet feel they are never enough.
They put on a stoic face,
And freeze their veins
To avoid any kind of feelings.
'The walking dead' living as though
they have but one last breath.
It's ok to not be strong. There is someone out there who will care for you and love you the way you have always wanted. Believe :)
Deep Ponderer Jan 2019
How can it be a habit
For someone to be forgotten
Like a shadow who follows
And requires no attention.?
Unless, you were never in their hearts
To be reminisce about from the start.
You were just a moment's delight.
But never a keeper for long nights.
To some you may not be important. So stick to the few that knows your worth.
Deep Ponderer Nov 2018
Why is it so hard for you to break free?
Am I a friend or an enemy?
Your walls are not bricks but steel.
I can't stop but think I am at fault!
Would you lie to please?
I prefer you breaking me with honesty,
Waiting for you to express
sometimes leaves me lifeless.
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